No matter what I do, I cannot grasp starcraft.
I have been on and off for about 2.5 years (mostly off). I have played all 3 races. If I follow a build order, I lose anyway, I don't know what it is.
My APM is around 120, with average redundancy and null actions. But I still suck.
I cheesed my way up to D+ as zerg (4/5pool, 9pool speed, 1 base lurkers, 3hatch mass hydra). That's the best I can do.
Any legit strategy and I'm toast. If the game goes past 5 minutes I've probably lost. I'm so fucking frustrated.
Today, I was 12hatching versus protoss and he blocked my natural with a pylon. Alt+X+X. That's how pissed I was...
If a protoss 2gates I lose ever single time. I even read the topics on how to deal with it. The problem is, if I make sunkens he runs by them into my main.
I feel like what I am doing now is counterproductive. Is there any way for me to improve without so much frustration?
This rant is coming off this game,probably the most humiliating game I have ever played. (I am the zerg)
You are too concerned w/ the results of your matches. You don't get a cookie for winning, and in fact if you just sat down and played 500 matches, it doesn't matter if your winning or losing, your still going to be a much better player at the end.
watch some more pro games and watch what the pro's do. then just try to copy it
lol. i took the time to watch the replay. if that's the most humiliating game you've ever played then you haven't played many humiliating games =/=
When i was improving my friends frequently raped me with mass broodling/mass queens/mass das/mass nukes just to laugh at me. Now that i'm awesome and better at sc i can beat them 95% of the time
as for advice against 2gate..
it's ok if he attacks your buildings, you don't engage zealots with drones XD
you need to make 1/2 sunks if you just did something like letting your hatch go down to half hp while you get a bunch of zerglings. Or when he's not anywhere close to your base instead of getting a bunch of lings get like 4 to 8 sunkens( depending on when he's attacking) and block your ramp with lings
Another thing, when you've clearly lost the game and have no chance of coming back to win you should just gg and leave don't be stubborn like i was and try to win 1 base against 10.
the fact that Starcraft is the most competitive video game ever created could be escaping your attention. You have been on and off for about 2.5 years (mostly off). Maybe D/D+ players just practice more than you. D/D+ players are NOT necessarily horrible.. some of them are actually quite good...its just that C- users themselves are kinda good. Practice more. Play more. Win more. Talk less.
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -- M. Jordan.
Don't miss ovies, make that your number 1 priority. Figure out when you're supposed to make ovies beyond the 9/9 and 17/18 marks (in single player), try to have a number ready all the way up to the 60s. Build orders are completely useless if you miss more than one ovie. (e.g. 3 hatch muta against terran, if you miss 1 ovie your lings + sunken will be late and you might just die to 1 group of mnm, missing 2 basically means useless mutas that run head straight into turrets, late hydra den, and you get rolled by mid game push) Missing 1-2 ovie hurts, missing 3+ basically cripples your entire game and you'll get rolled like that replay and will never get past the win with cheese stage.
Oh, and don't 12 hatch on python.
This might sound stupid since you are playing for so long and I've only starting actually playing a month ago, but my mindset changed from win and be as competative, to more humble (d-/d atm);
- play to improve, not to win or get a certain rank - follow the one map, one strategy rule - chose a strategy that relies on a lategame - watch day9, there you'll understand that you should focus on establishing a midgame plan. If you have to deviate from your normal plan duo to proxy pylon, 2 gates or anything, just think to adjust and continue with your gameplan. No need for perfect counters just now.
If you can play a decent macro game, you'll be getting all the way to D+ reliably (keep in mind you only need 28% winrate to get to C- playing motw)
funsies : a hero http://www.iccup.com/starcraft/gamingprofile/dpakrhrh.html
Hong Kong4685 Posts
On January 08 2010 13:54 Count9 wrote: Oh, and don't 12 hatch on python. Don't listen to this guy. He has no idea what he's talking about.
Ok, first off, I'm going to tell you that one thread won't help enough. What you need is to have someone play with you, talk you through it, give you tips while you play, etc, etc. Talk to you about strategies. Just immerse yourself in the game, watch more games from the very start, play play/ob games on bnet (eh not that great but depending on your level, talking to people can help somewhat).
I'm not sure how much you know, how much effort you've put it, nor how you've tried to learn the game so I'm just going to say that you probably haven't done everything you could have done OR you haven't done it long enough.
Just keep trekking
On January 08 2010 13:50 Poriyan1 wrote: "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -- M. Jordan.
The reason Michael Jordan succeeded was because in some random year he could tell you exactly how many game winning shots he had missed in his career. And I'm sure that it pissed him off and motivated him every time he thought about it (which was probably quite often).
Actually I've seen so many people get better at starcraft by not playing it for a while. At first I thought it was an absurd notion, but every time, when the person I know stops playing then comes back and practice a bit, they are much better than before.
Just chill and enjoy the game. Even D rank players are considered very good at RTS from a casual point of view and you can probably do pretty well on Bnet. That is assuming you're a solid D from playing standard.
Stop cheesing, play standard and have some fun.
I picked up the game in 2003... Barely can play low D TvZ.
If you 12 hatch on a 4 player map you know there's a 33% chance that your hatch will be pylon blocked in most ZvPs and there's nothing you can do about it? Why insta leave?
you are taking losses the wrong way, and don't cheese.
I see what you mean.
After watching the replay and reading your post, the main thing holding you back isn't in your hands but in your head - you nerves get to you when you're under pressure and you have trouble staying calm. You're not alone though, this is a problem that a lot of players of all levels have to deal with (especially pros on televised games).
When you scouted the 2 gate (or even if you didn't, but if you felt early pressure was coming), you should have saved up 3 larvae instead of 2, so you would get 6 lings immediately instead of just 4. Then as you go, pay attention to the number of zealots coming in and make just enough lings to hold them off until you can get your sunken up and block the ramp.
What you did instead was panic. You sent out all but one of your drones to fend off the initial 1 zealot + 2 probe rush/early pressure/harass and he simply outmicroed you and made you waste precious mining time. Then you made way too many creep colonies and attempted to morph them all into sunkens while they were being attacked. By the time they finished morphing they were dead.
Of course the downside was that he ran up your ramp into your main, but you didn't need to waste the 2 drone + 150 minerals to make those two creeps that died.
You could have spent the minerals making zerglings (you had 5 larvae unused, 150 minerals spent on creep colonies, and 98 minerals unused at that specific moment), and although yes they take time to hatch and your main is being prodded, stay calm and let it happen. Leave two to block the ramp and prevent reinforcements and take the rest and do a proper surround and get rid of the intruders. You probably also noticed your own over-reaction when you made 3 creep colonies but realized you only needed to morph one.
The rest of the game was just your opponent being bm and messing with you. The game was over after the first 5 minutes, though maybe a slim chance of a comeback if he made a big mistake or you managed to miraculously prevent him from expanding all over the map.
Perhaps if he didn't tell you to leave by saying "re?" you would have left by yourself, but stayed behind because of his bm.
Another example of you panicking is when he sent a scout into your main to distract you. You fell for it, made two spore colonies (for just a single scout) meanwhile your front gets stormed and 1a2a3a-ed (though by now it didn't matter because the game was over anyway).
But ya, as the other posters have said before me, just relax and let a loss be a loss.
On January 08 2010 13:50 Poriyan1 wrote: "I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -- M. Jordan. The reason Michael Jordan succeeded was because he had Dennis Rodman with him. God people not giving credit where credit is due.
On January 08 2010 13:18 JadeFist wrote: I have been on and off for about 2.5 years (mostly off). I have played all 3 races. If I follow a build order, I lose anyway, I don't know what it is.
That's why you lose, 80% of improving is knowing why you lose.
Why do you want so badly to be better? It is certainly a difficult game to be "good" at. Serious question though, have a proper think about this and you will either resolve to train more effectively - e.g. studying reps/practising more - or you will just start playing for fun (like a lot of people who get frustrated at laddering).