Lol checking Wahl-O-Mat results when suddenly:
11/38 NATO-Austritt Deutschland soll aus der NATO austreten.
Begründung der Partei [FDP]: „Die Frage ist nicht ernst gemeint, oder?”
Quite surprised I got Afd on second place with 72% but everything else as expected. I'm suprised it ended up that accurate to be honest.
On August 29 2013 22:07 Toadesstern wrote:Lol checking Wahl-O-Mat results when suddenly: Show nested quote +11/38 NATO-Austritt Deutschland soll aus der NATO austreten.
Begründung der Partei [FDP]: „Die Frage ist nicht ernst gemeint, oder?” Quite surprised I got Afd on second place with 72% but everything else as expected. I'm suprised it ended up that accurate to be honest.
Haha yeah I found that too. (For non-german speakers: The question is, should Germany leave the NATO? The answer of the liberal party is no with the reasoning "That wasn't a serious question, was it?").
I also have to say that my results were quite the way I expected them to be with also the AFD being second. It makes sence that their positions are a mix of liberal and conservative positions so they end up between FDP and CDU.
I also recommend to read the statements of "Die PARTEI" some of them are very funny.
1st AFD 72% 2nd CDU 61% 3rd FDP 60%
too be expected I guess.
With weighting I got 4 parties above 75% with the Pirates on top. Stll not sure for which party I will vote.
Greens 86% Pirates Left SPD 74% FPD AfD CDU/CSU 39.5 %
not surprised either
80% Left 76% Green 75% Pirates 75% Die PARTEI ( I think this is kinda funny ) 45% AfD 31% CDU
no suprises here for me
i think pirates would get a lot of votes if everybody would just do it and vote for them :D i have a lot of friends with the same "i agree most with pirate... but who should i vote for? still not sure" :D
but problem is the wight you give. that is what makes the difference
On August 30 2013 01:59 Garalor wrote: i think pirates would get a lot of votes if everybody would just do it and vote for them :D i have a lot of friends with the same "i agree most with pirate... but who should i vote for? still not sure" :D
but problem is the wight you give. that is what makes the difference it really is funny. They ended up being my third palce on 68% (FDP being first on 79% and Afd on a second place with 72%) and at the same time they're placing decently with all the other people as well, even if they've got completly different opinions, as you can see (comparing those with me):
On August 30 2013 00:50 Doppelganger wrote: Greens 86% Pirates Left SPD 74% [...] On August 30 2013 01:32 Skilledblob wrote: 80% Left 76% Green 75% Pirates [...] ,which is varying a lot. Pirates simply end up on top spots for everyone
I would love to vote for The Left or the Pirates. Every other vote is for Merkel anyway.
If only they weren't such enormous monkeys. When I read their demands on the posters everywhere, I just don't feel like they have any connection to reality at all. For whom can I vote if I want actual social democracy?
On August 30 2013 03:13 Dyme wrote: I would love to vote for The Left or the Pirates. Every other vote is for Merkel anyway.
If only they weren't such enormous monkeys. When I read their demands on the posters everywhere, I just don't feel like they have any connection to reality at all. For whom can I vote if I want actual social democracy?
well, the thing is most CDU and SPD posters dont even have any demands on them. I have seen a lot of posters that just a have a name and nothing else. Or stupid shit like "modern, brave, bla bla".
On August 30 2013 03:13 Dyme wrote: I would love to vote for The Left or the Pirates. Every other vote is for Merkel anyway.
If only they weren't such enormous monkeys. When I read their demands on the posters everywhere, I just don't feel like they have any connection to reality at all. For whom can I vote if I want actual social democracy? depends on what actual social democracy means for you. Every party in Germany wants that on paper (just some a little more and some a little less) except for the extremist ones I guess. If that's not enough of it for you and it's about making a sign you don't have to care about wether they make sense when put in a position to rule to begin with because that won't happen anyways. So in that case you're perfectly fine to vote Left or Pirates and ignore that part because it's only about the statement for you anyways.
There's only so much you can put on a poster. They're all dumb
On August 30 2013 05:59 Mandalor wrote:There's only so much you can put on a poster. They're all dumb
Yeah, well, last time die Linke overdid it slightly.
"Reichtum für alle" vs. "Die Reichtum besteuern" (wealth for all vs. taxes on the wealth(y))
On August 30 2013 01:59 Garalor wrote: i think pirates would get a lot of votes if everybody would just do it and vote for them :D
I get what you're trying to say, but I'm pretty sure every party gets a lot of votes if everybody votes for them.
edit: #1 Die Partei, #2 Piraten ups.
First and only "tv-duel" of merkel and steinbrück starting in a few minutes. I don't expect too much, as imho you can't win on your own, you need your opponent to slip. And both should be too professional for that to happen.
Kinda shows the silliniss/dilemma of many media, they try as it is in their interest to make people watch it, but on the other hand everyone knows merkel will get reelected anyway. So if they claim stuff like "this is a decisive factor" or "the race is finally starting", they in some some way skew reality towards steinbrück (and I say this as someone who would rather see him, or well, his party reign than merkel),
Stefan Raab (Comedian) was moderator on the "Tv-Duell" and won it for me.
He asked Steinbrück (SPD candidate) what the people have to vote if they want to keep Merkel as chancelor and him as vc or minister in a big coalition of SPD and CDU/CSU, because actually this would be a very good outcome for most germans (me included). Steinbrück declined a "big coalition" Raab asked him if he wants to "rule himself as the King of Kotlett or do nothing, even if in all positions both parties mostly agree" Steinbrück said yes.
Both big parties (SPD, CDU/CSU) want -Stable energy costs -more Wind/Solar -Less coal/gas -No Atomicenergy past 2020 or sth. -Wealth for everyon who earns it -=More Work, more money -better Education, and equal education -More Peace -Stable Euro -No more debts -No more foreign wars -No more economy crysis caused by Banks -better healtcare for everyone -Fair payment for work in needed social fields because of demographic change (more old people need care etc.) -No espionage on every citizen (CDU Gov lets NSA unpunished, SPD desperately wants "vorratsdatenspeicherung", so both lie in that point)
And they are not even far away from each other in the means to achieve theses goals. So what really grinds my gears is, that Steinbrück refuses a big coalition.
Problem : CDU/CSU can´t rule alone and FDP is too weak SPD/Grüne would go together but might fail.
Also the Grüne is obsolete because the big parties have made Energy and Enviroment plans of their own.
That might just be Steinbrück saying he doesn't want to do Commander Riker's job. I think that's fair and should be his choice to make. This doesn't mean SPD won't go into a coalition. It's really not important what Steinbrück does if it's CDU+SPD coalition.
He had the job already. So "not again" ?
I do vote for the Left(DieLINKE) no doubt. Gregor Gysi such a charismatic Person with much Emotion. But thats not the Main reason. The Left want to remove Hartz4(which does violate basic law) and replace it with Sanction free basic income.All who say this promotes all lazy people...Yes but this is a minority. What about the 55 Year old Person who drops out of his Work after 35 Years of Work? is he Lazy? just a heads up...And the 2nd Part i liek the Left is they want to FORBID subcontracted labor which is nothing else then Modern slavery....Germany needs to be strong again, and promote good Payment for Hard work! Also why we are in Afghanistan? in Kosovo? in Turkey? we should retreat The Bundeswehr out of all conflict areas...
Just my 2 cents.
What the left want does always sound kinda nice, problem is, they can't pay for what they promise (for the most part) and just tell what people want to hear, sadly it works for some people. This election period is kinda sad for me, I really don't feel like there is gonna be a change either way. With CDU (Merkel) u will just get the same as always and SPD is just a shadow of its former self. Even the people i vote for (Green) are doing some stuff i cant agree to. This election period just doesn't look promising for any real "change".
*edit* I edited this post just for fun so zatic is happy. i feel that this was one of the worst reasons for a warning ever given on tl.