So yesterday, I turned 18. I had it planned that I would go to a club with a close friend of mine but she backed out at the last moment due to have to work late that day and early the next. It was okay because I had still planned on going to the club with her and other friends from work, which the friends from work were still going (odd to go to a club on a Thursday night but it was my birthday and they open it up from 18+ on Thursdays, so it was convenient.
We go from my house to a friend to pick her up where shes still getting ready. While we are ready, me and 2 other girls from work, we take some shots. I consume about 5 shots of Bacardi vodka no chaser while waiting in this 10 minute period..and when we finally leave I am feeling pretty good probably pretty drunk already. We start driving to the club and a take some sips of a mixed drink vitamin water + some strawberry vodka and now its really kicking in.
We get to the parking lot and start walking to the club. I'm smashed. As soon as I get in, I follow my 2 friends for a bit because this is my first time and I figured they knew where they were going, and eventually I lost them within seconds. It was also extremely crowded. So I just head up to the floor and grind on some girls and this is the worst part, I don't think I saw one face and remembered it. All I can remember is blonde hair, and that's it.
After dancing a while I call my other 2 friends who drove up too and wondered where at in the club they were. Apparently they gave some homeless man 10$ because he convinced them he needed money real bad or something and as they got in like to go inside, the guy collecting money jacked it up 5 dollars making it 15$ to get in so they didn't have enough money to get in now! So when I called them they went back to the car and just drank there. After I heard this I decided I did my time in the club and I headed back out to meet with them and hangout with them.
I finally find the exit of this club and damn. I'm not smashed anymore, I have gotten beyond that. Probably just on the verge of blacking out. I start walking to the car but realized I had no idea where the car really was. So I called them again to meet me at a gas station since it was about halfway from the club to the car, a good meeting place I thought. Plus it had a lot of lights. I get in the general vicinity of it and call them again. I tell them I'm at the gas station and they say they are too, however, I just can't see them anywhere. At least i thought I couldn't till I looked right in front of me literally, and there they were.
This is when they tell me the story about how they gave some guy some money. I may have been between them with my arms around both their shoulders to help me walk? I am not sure but we proceed to the car.I don't remember how I got their I just remember seeing the gas station then sitting in the backseat of her car. While there another friend of ours is around and comes and hangs out with us. He used to work with us but he got fired, and he has some tequila. I take about another 2-3 shots of that...bad idea.
We sit in her car and talk and bullshit for a while until all of the sudden everybody who went originally with us is back in the car. Then we drove home. I also don't remember this part. I could not tell you who was the DD or anything. I just remember getting out of the car at my house, and walking in, then going into my room and laying on my bed.
*After I laid in my bed, I thought I had fallen asleep. this is when I completely blacked out. My mom had told me I went into the bathroom and was moving a lot of stuff for like 15 minutes. Making everything fall and just making a shit ton of noise at like 2-3am.
So I wake up this morning, at like 11am. I still had school...fuck. I get up and get ready real quick and head to school. I get there and its 6th period which is nice since I leave after 6th period everyday. I only had to endure 1 class and for 25 minutes. I sat down in class, I forgot all my supplies needed. Immediate after school detention. But that't not even the worst part. What was the worst was actually sitting there for the 25 minutes. I sat there and I just felt drunk still. Hell, I still feel it a bit writing this. Those 25 minutes dragged, and dragged. I just sat there listening to my classmates read out loud One Flew Over the Coo coos Nest.
Honestly though, I don't think I would have been able to read that book. I would have tried to read it and would have lost my place, or messed up the words, or something. So I guess it was a good thing. Then The bell finally rang and I leave school and head back home.
In the morning, I tried to recollect all my things before I left for school. Phone - check. Wallet - check. No cuts/bruises of that sort - check. Phone battery - No. So When I get home I go for looking for my battery again. I look everywhere in my room...under bed, on bed, random corners, nowhere. I asked my friend if it was in her car because the last time I remember seeing it was when I was texting/facebooking in her car. I then think of where all I went when I got home. Nothing, I blacked out, how would I know where I went. But then I remembered my mom telling me of how I did all that random shit in the bathroom and I went to check. And there it was, right beside the toilet...weird. And I out it in my phone and check to make sure I didn't completely lose all my dignity and I check my texts and such. Nothing too bad, Facebook was worse but still not awful. Worst part was realizing how fucked my phone is now. My inbox doesn't always show current texts since I have to navigate through all these folders to see it which is just a pain, and I can't sent regular texts. I now have to open a picture text and text in it and sent which is also a pain. And I don't even know if my phone sends/receives text due to me sending quite a few but not getting any returned and such.
New phone incoming.
So when everything is put together. I think I had a pretty good fuckin 18th birthday. But going to a club is something I will defineitly not do sober. I am usually a very shy person and would be so afraid to dance even with myself in a club like that. So the alcohol really made me not give a shit and just go from girl to girl, regardless if they rejected me or didn't. So cheers everyone ^_^
EDIT: Everyone who is condescending, and so on and so forth, I don't care too much. I was just giving out a write up to TL'ers for those who may have found this interesting and what not, which it seems some have. So why go out of your way when you already feel mature and make a post about it? Just seems like your wasting your time..
And I have further story updates....
The Black Outs
As I mentioned before, I don't remember getting home and that sort. Well apparently I blacked out around 1:30/2am apparently. Since the other 2 girls who did get in the club stayed until it closed and I didn't ever remember seeing them again since then. So after I blacked out, I had apparently done a few bad things obviously. The first of which, I just leaned our of the passenger window ( this is while we were still in the club parking lot with the guy who brought the Tequila) and started puking. It apparently was for a while. After all that, we get on the road and they told me we went to a McDonald's Drive thru. They told me that while we were pulling through the drive through, either after ordering to the window or something, I just opened the door and puked while the car was in full motion. I heard that and just laughed, but realized that that was me and felt like such a dick. And lastly on the final stretch home, I was singing a Celine Dion song verbatim. I don't even know her songs.......But that pretty much wraps up everything I didn't remember the first time writing.
And it is extremely scary to think I did all that....and don't remember a damn thing.