This is going to be the easiest prediction ever, as well as slight rant.
A Zerg is going to win GSL season 2. Any idiot can see this. This last patch made it impossible for top level Terrans to beat top level Zergs once the game goes anywhere near late game. Larva inject simply kills you. Just like beta...
Reading the SC2 boards make me cringe though, because there are still posters posting, "omg that Zerg played so amazing!" or, "omg now Terrans need to learn how to play....ha!"
Do these people not see that Zergs are doing literally nothing different from last patch and now are raping the face of every Terran they come across. And they're doing it with ease.
Zergs right now are secretly smiling and trying to play off the "our race is so weak " card even when they know their race is now the strongest. I find it absolutely hilarious how biased Zerg players are and how their perception of game balance is horribly off to how the game actually is.
And I doubt top level P's are having much easier of a time versus Z that T's are. PvZ is probably balanced now, considering Protoss had such a huge advantage in the last patch, but now it's about even I'd think.
ZvT though...lol blizzard. Every ZvT the Zerg gets their expo for free, with not even the THREAT of losing it. That threat was so very important in the patch b4 this (where Zergs were already beginning to rape Terrans - but they pretended otherwise).
Terran has been massively overnerfed. It basically started with the Tank nerf. Instead of buffing Zerg up to Terran's level, Tanks were nerfed (also making them utterly garbage in TvP killing off mech entirely).
The supply depot before rax change, plus the reaper changes now leaves Zerg so comfortable, they're often 20 drones ahead in any and every ZvT you or I will ever play.
And reapers...have been effectively removed from the game.
I cannot see any race other than a Zerg like idra or fruitdealer winning GSL2. This is not a matter of "just play better and recognize your mistakes." Zerg is right now the strongest race (again) and I predict a ZvZ finals, with idra versus fruitdealer.
Or it could be any other two Zergs in the finals. Assuming somehow it is not a ZvZ final and some protoss or terran gimmicks their way to the finals, if the final is ZvT, Zerg absolutely is the winner of GSL2.
If it's a PvZ in the finals, it is a toss-up. And at this point in time, predicting a TvP finals is laughable.
The others simply stand no chance.
be glad you don't have battle royal in the map pool
United States7481 Posts
from what i see zerg is impossible to beat lategame. protoss have a chance midgame, but terran really don't because they have no way to deal with mutas (please don't suggest stimmed marines or thors). the hilarious thing is that if terran attack early (the only real chance to win) they just get called noobs by the zergs
Welcome to the life of a Zerg player first 3 months of release. Grass is, in fact, not greener on the other side.
The influx of real BW players such as MVP, Sangho and Nada are going to dominate the GSL. They are doing so well right now and none of them play Zerg. The player quality of the other races are just higher...
On October 26 2010 04:47 ReketSomething wrote: The influx of real BW players such as MVP, Sangho and Nada are going to dominate the GSL. They are doing so well right now and none of them play Zerg. The player quality of the other races are just higher...
thats why i say terran is gonna win
Australia7069 Posts
i think you're overreacting dude. Give the metagame some time to shift around. As far as i've seen, in idra and fruit dealers zvt's, the t's have made errors etc etc. just give it time dude
did you make a similar post about terrans before the patch? if not, you're probably a terran player
Calgary25961 Posts
How do you respond to TvZ being previously heavily Terran favored and a Zerg winning season 1?
Well BoxeR says T is over nerfed and he is the best TvZ´er ever... I dunno though, maybe drops and more active creeptumor killing are the answer. We´ll see.. I have to say I don´t like how safe early expanding is for zerg in most cases.
Zergs right now are pretty good and maybe playing zerg is more beneficial on the highest levels now. It´s way too soon to say it´s OP.
E. T+ Show Spoiler +he winner of GSL is either BoxeR, Cool or Idra. BoxeR showed in Blizzcon that he isn´t an autowin to Cool. Maybe players like Nada who have atleast one great MU have a chance too if brackets play out right.
Which league/ points are you OP? As i see the game is slightly balanced.
terrans are going to say and do everything the zergs did now? 
"terrans cant do anything end game"... Really? You know this for a fact? I'd like to highly disagree if I may.
Zergs had to deal with much worse for 3 months. Stop complaining. The game is a lot more balanced than before the patch. Hellions are still very very strong units in early game, and its still hard for zergs to deal with multipronged drops. And marauders are still really good, and auto repair with thors is still deadly. And you guys still have the most imba mu in the game right now in tvp, where t holds a strong hand. Its been like what, a week since the new patch? We had to deal with it for 3 months, with real hardships, you're just complaining that you don't get free wins from zerg anymore
Well as of right now, I agree that zerg has a massive advantage over Terran.
Roaches can block any harassment that you do and if don't pressure zerg, they have a million and a half more drones than you do.
Zerg lategame is really difficult to deal with as Terran. Zerg lategame with zerg having an economic advantage is even more difficult. You have to rely on the zerg making some crazy errors. Since these people are pros, it's unlikely that such an error would occur.
So yes, I second the thought that Zerg is going to win the GSLs quite handily UNLESS another patch comes.
On October 26 2010 04:56 Tazza wrote: Zergs had to deal with much worse for 3 months. Stop complaining. The game is a lot more balanced than before the patch. Hellions are still very very strong units in early game, and its still hard for zergs to deal with multipronged drops. And marauders are still really good, and auto repair with thors is still deadly. And you guys still have the most imba mu in the game right now in tvp, where t holds a strong hand. Its been like what, a week since the new patch? We had to deal with it for 3 months, with real hardships, you're just complaining that you don't get free wins from zerg anymore
You are kidding me. TvP is not Terran favored. It's true that Terran early game is stronger than Protoss early game, but with the depot before rax junk it's not as big of an advantage. Protoss late game totally trashes Terran.
Think about it this way. For Terran, you start out with marines, marauders, medivacs, and maybe ghosts and maybe vikings. When you end, you end with the same exact units.
Except Protoss late game can spam 75 energy temps and Colossi that deal over a hundred damage per shot.
And just because zerg was underpowered at a point does not make for a good argument that zerg should be overpowered for a time period 'to make up for it'.
On October 26 2010 04:54 HwangjaeTerran wrote: Well BoxeR says T is over nerfed and he is the best TvZ´er ever... lol this is so wrong on so many levels
I bet Sen wishes he knew this before playing Loner.
I don't see how the posts "You are playing your race wrong" aren't applicable anymore (as a similar sentiment was told to zergs when they complained). Terrans have been heavily affected by the new patches, however, there aren't many harassment options in the zerg early game arsenal that I have noticed besides zerglings so maybe the fast expand is the correct answer for Terrans as well. Granted I am not nearly at the level of the pros (and yourself OP), but fruitdealer and IdrA win most games deflecting an early terran attack and then using their early expo to pull ahead. Why can't terrans employ a similar strategy?
Just a week and and half does seem a bit early to be making these overarching statements as the poster above me stated.
I have a problem sympathizing with you because of the treatment Zergs had when Terran was the "Flavor of the Month". I understand that Terrans are getting absolutely destroyed now, but why should I treat you any different from the way us Zergs were treated? We were told to shut up, L2P, mocked at with threads about Zerg tears, and so on.
I do however agree with you that when Zerg players are not admitting that their race is currently the strongest in the meta game, it is very obnoxious of them. I'm sure that Terran will find a way to adapt, just as the Zerg has before the patch. Yes, again I am well aware of how strong Zerg is now, and I won't deny it, I am not a jaded lil zergie player. I'm probably a little selfish saying this, but hey, it's your turn to suffer a bit, whether you are a fan of Terran players, or play Terran yourself.
Balance swings, just like every other rts game.
On October 26 2010 04:59 imPERSONater wrote: I bet Sen wishes he knew this before playing Loner.
I don't see how the posts "You are playing your race wrong" aren't applicable anymore (as a similar sentiment was told to zergs when they complained). Terrans have been heavily affected by the new patches, however, there aren't many harassment options in the zerg early game arsenal that I have noticed besides zerglings so maybe the fast expand is the correct answer for Terrans as well. Granted I am not nearly at the level of the pros (and yourself OP), but fruitdealer and IdrA win most games deflecting an early terran attack and then using their early expo to pull ahead. Why can't terrans employ a similar strategy?
Just a week and and half does seem a bit early to be making these overarching statements as the poster above me stated.
Doesn't work. Zerg macro >>> Terran macro. If Terran doesn't pressure, he flat out loses. Larvae inject lets zerg drone up WAYYYY faster than Terran.