Professor Fate from the Great Race! Classic scheming badguy, with awesome theme song!
Amazing, someone else who has seen The Great Race! Awesome classic movie.
Moving on, my favorite villain is the Joker in the Dark Knight. I just love Chaotic Evil and Good. I actually feel like Heath Ledger's performance reminded me of Jack Lemon, too (played Professor fate).
It ruled Spira for a thousand years with an iron fist, It stalked you through your journey toying with you and watching you grow It challenged your power and showed you how far you had to go If it was serious it could have obliterated any hopes you had like it showed in its attacks upon Kilika and the beach where the Machina awaited
and by the same reasoning best Hero:
cos he controlled the big hulk of kickass destruction for ten years in an attempt to rid Spira of its existence.
Naraku- Inuyasha Just the way he manipulates everyone thoughout the whole series and makes everyone turn on each other shows a lot more evil than any other villain
Raistlin Majere. Anyone who was ever picked on in school can relate to this guy. In the stories, despite being a villain, you find yourself rooting for him.