Hello everybody, I play Terran. I am somewhere around Mid Master's level.
I try to play a pretty macro heavy style that incorporates a lot of mech. I work on developing a couple stable, solid build orders that could be used in most settings, and that could transition into a wide range of styles depending on what is scouted. I do not spend any time on 1 base or 2 base timing attacks, because it is just not my style, and not a style I enjoy playing.
I will be streaming the following: My own Ladder\Custom Games Analysis of my own replays, or other peoples replays Tournament games that I participate in.
I am going to try and commentate as I play, however there might be some low points since talking and playing is no easy task.Join me in the process of refining my own play style.
If you have questions, or comments and criticism regarding my play, stream quality or format please feel free to post.
Also I offer free lessons\coaching to anyone who is interested. PM me or watch my stream for more details. I might stream the lesson, only if the student is okay with it. http://www.justin.tv/frozzenn
this guy is very good at refining builds and 90% of the time goes for a solid, strong macro game
oops. ment to press edit instead quoted myself.
this guy is fun to watch. wish you luck with streaming.
Russian Federation2 Posts
Streaming some ladder games right now
Sick guy, goes for strong macro games, no gay cheese, FROZENN FIGHTING ... FROZENN FOR MLG COLUMBUS!!!!
Streaming right now, last 2 games were intense!
Streaming ladder games ^_^
Streaming right now, join in, good watch!
Hi FroZeNN, i like your gaming.
Just a little criticism:
What is this about the intensive clicking at the beginning of a game. Is there a deeper sense in it? I mean, you're a streamer and so, you want your viewers be entertained. But this mass clicking doesn't entertain anybody it is just the pure stress. Why aren't you useing the time to explain the map with some possible strategies or something like that. Just a few sentences instead of wild clicking. I think the more you are becomeing a good explainer, the more viewers you will have 'cause you are the explainer and everybody want some hints and most streamer are wild clicking instead of giving help. That's just a little hint from me.
Go on playing and good luck for getting in the Grand Ma soon.
Yours DINorm