22nd MBCGame Survivor Tournament Results and Standings
The Players:
Unindented players qualified through the preliminaries.
Indented players are seeded directly into Survivor from the PDPop MSL from placing 9-32.
Players placing 1-8 (Hydra, great, Jaedong, ZerO, Snow, Kal, Stork, and Calm) receive byes
directly into the Round of 32.
Pride of War: Terran (16)
Canata -- Ko In Kyu
firebathero -- Lee Sung Eun
HiyA -- Ku Sung Hoon
Mind -- Park Sung Gyoon
Reality -- Kim Ki Hyun
RuBy -- Min Chan Ki
Sharp -- Jo Ki Seok
Classic -- Kim Doh Woo
Fantasy -- Jung Myung Hoon
Flash -- Lee Young Ho
Leta -- Shin Sang Moon
Light -- Lee Jae Ho
Midas -- Jun Sang Wook
Really -- Park Sang Woo
Sea -- Yum Bo Sung
Ssak -- Choi Ho Seon
Overcome All: Zerg (13)
ggaemo -- Kim Kyung Mo
hero -- Jo Il Jang
HoeJJa -- Koh Kang Min
Hyuk -- Park Jae Hyuk
HyuN -- Ko Seok Hyun
n.Die_soO -- Eu Yoon Su
Action -- Kim Seong Dae
Killer -- Park Joon Oh
Neo.G_Soulkey -- Kim Min Chul
RorO -- Shin No Yeol
s2 -- Lee Seung Suk
Shine -- Lee Young Han
Where -- Han Doo Yeol
Victory After Victory: Protoss (19)
BeSt -- Doh Jae Wook
By.Sun -- Jung Yoon Jong
Dear -- Baek Dong Jun
Food5 -- Chae Gyu Seung
Grape -- Yoo Byung Joon
Horang2 -- Lee Kyung Min
JangBi -- Heo Yeong Moo
M18M -- Son Seok Hee
Paralyze -- Jung Kyung Doo
Pure -- Park Sae Jung
Shuttle -- Kim Yoon Joong
Trap -- Cho Sung Ho
Tyson -- Park Soo Bum
Bisu -- Kim Taek Yong
free -- Yoon Yong Tae
Jaehoon -- Kim Jae Hoon
PerfectMan -- Kim Tae Gyun
sHy -- Kim Yoo Jin
Stats -- Kim Dae Yeob
The Maps:
Opening sets are on Circuit Breaker. Winners' and Losers' matches are on Empire of the Sun. Final match is on Dante's Peak SE.
< Circuit Breaker >
< Circuit Breaker >
< Empire of the Sun >
< Empire of the Sun >
< Dante's Peak SE >
The Live Reports:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Group 7
Group 8
Group 9
Group 10
Group 11
Group 12
The Interviews:
Group 1 Winners
Group 2 Winners
Group 3 Winners
Group 4 Winners
Group 5 Winners
Group 8 Winners
Groups 9 and 10 Winners
Group 11 Winners
Group 12 Winners
The Format:
Those who are seeded are joined by those who advanced from the offline preliminaries, and then all players are split into 12 groups of four. Each group is played in double-elimination dual tournament format. Two players from each group advance to play in the next MSL Round of 32.
Group 1: (3/10 17:00 KST)
Light 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Grape 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Light < Circuit Breaker > n.Die_soO
[VOD] Grape < Circuit Breaker > Killer
[VOD] Light < Empire of the Sun > Grape
[VOD] n.Die_soO < Empire of the Sun > Killer
[VOD] Grape < Dante's Peak SE > Killer
Group 2: (3/10 1930 KST)
Horang2 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Shine 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Shine < Circuit Breaker > Horang2
[VOD] Paralyze < Circuit Breaker > HiyA
[VOD] Horang2 < Empire of the Sun > Paralyze
[VOD] Shine < Empire of the Sun > HiyA
[VOD] Paralyze < Dante's Peak SE > Shine
Group 3: (3/12 1700 KST)
Flash 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Hyuk 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Midas < Circuit Breaker > Hyuk
[VOD] Food5 < Circuit Breaker > Flash
[VOD] Midas < Empire of the Sun > Flash
[VOD] Food5 < Empire of the Sun > Hyuk
[VOD] Midas < Dante's Peak SE > Hyuk
Group 4: (3/17 1700 KST)
free 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Tyson 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] free < Circuit Breaker > Canata
[VOD] Tyson < Circuit Breaker > Where
[VOD] free < Empire of the Sun > Where
[VOD] Canata < Empire of the Sun > Tyson
[VOD] Where < Dante's Peak SE > Tyson
Group 5: (3/17 1930 KST)
Really 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Classic 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Classic < Circuit Breaker > BeSt
[VOD] HoeJJa < Circuit Breaker > Really
[VOD] Classic < Empire of the Sun > Really
[VOD] HoeJJa < Empire of the Sun > BeSt
[VOD] HoeJJa < Dante's Peak SE > Classic
Group 6: (3/19 1700 KST)
Dear 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Sea 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Sea < Circuit Breaker > Dear
[VOD] Shuttle < Circuit Breaker > s2
[VOD] Dear < Empire of the Sun > s2
[VOD] Sea < Empire of the Sun > Shuttle
[VOD] Sea < Dante's Peak SE > s2
Group 7: (3/24 1700 KST)
Fantasy 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
ggaemo 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Fantasy < Circuit Breaker > Trap
[VOD] ggaemo < Circuit Breaker > sHy
[VOD] Fantasy < Empire of the Sun > ggaemo
[VOD] Trap < Empire of the Sun > sHy
[VOD] ggaemo < Dante's Peak SE > Trap
Group 8: (3/24 1930 KST)
Bisu 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
HyuN 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Bisu < Circuit Breaker > Sharp
[VOD] HyuN < Circuit Breaker > PerfectMan
[VOD] Bisu < Empire of the Sun > PerfectMan
[VOD] Sharp < Empire of the Sun > HyuN
[VOD] PerfectMan < Dante's Peak SE > HyuN
Group 9: (3/29 1700 KST)
Reality 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
hero 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Ssak < Circuit Breaker > hero
[VOD] Reality < Circuit Breaker > Stats
[VOD] Ssak < Empire of the Sun > Reality
[VOD] hero < Empire of the Sun > Stats
[VOD] Ssak < Dante's Peak SE > hero
Group 10: (3/29 1930 KST)
Mind 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
RuBy 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Action < Circuit Breaker > RuBy
[VOD] JangBi < Circuit Breaker > Mind
[VOD] RuBy < Empire of the Sun > Mind
[VOD] JangBi < Empire of the Sun > Action
[VOD] RuBy < Dante's Peak SE > JangBi
Group 11: (3/31 1700 KST)
Leta 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
Neo.G_Soulkey 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] Neo.G_Soulkey < Circuit Breaker > M18M
[VOD] Pure < Circuit Breaker > Leta
[VOD] Neo.G_Soulkey < Empire of the Sun > Leta
[VOD] M18M < Empire of the Sun > Pure
[VOD] Neo.G_Soulkey < Dante's Peak SE > M18M
Group 12: (3/31 1930 KST)
firebathero 2-0 ► Advances to Round of 32
RorO 2-1 ► Advances to Round of 32
[VOD] RorO < Circuit Breaker > By.Sun
[VOD] firebathero < Circuit Breaker > Jaehoon
[VOD] By.Sun < Empire of the Sun > firebathero
[VOD] RorO < Empire of the Sun > Jaehoon
[VOD] By.Sun < Dante's Peak SE > RorO
Qualified for MSL Round of 32
Light, Flash, Really, Classic, Sea, Fantasy, Reality, Mind, RuBy, Leta, firebathero
Shine, Hyuk, ggaemo, HyuN, hero, Neo.G_Soulkey, RorO
Grape, Horang2, free, Tyson, Dear, Bisu