Most of my "goals" so far in Starcraft have been unspoken and undated ideas of where I want to be skill wise. I am sure that most people have the same idea of saying to yourself "I want to be good/better etc etc", but today I decided to put down my goal in type and issue a challenge to all people who read this blog.
My goal is this, by the end of Reading Week I want to be masters league in protoss. That may not seem like such a large goal to most people, but as I have barely played protoss and still have yet to hit diamond in terran, I planned on going diamond in each race and am just under diamond in terran, I still have some work to do. I will be starting this endeavor as soon as I either hit diamond with terran or Reading week starts. As Reading week is next week this leaves me with approximately 7 days to hit diamond with terran and get my basic understanding of protoss going.
I plan on posting replay packs every day after I have finished laddering. I am also going to be posting my observations of match ups and my problems that I am having. I am going to be doing this with a minimal of cheese.
I will also be streaming matches, some with commentary and some without.
Now! The challenge!
The challenge is as follows, set your own goal for your self in starcraft 2. It doesn't have to be something as insane as bronze-masters in a week, it can be anything from 2000 diamond to 2500 or bronze-silver.
The most important part of this challenge is to SET A DATE. IF you do not set a date you have no actual "motivator" so to speak to finish this.
I will start editing this post as soon as something interesting happens, like I hit diamond in terran and do the switch.
afk class