For the last week I have been using two separate openings. I have been using a quick SieGe tank open against T and Z. For Protoss I have been using a MM + 1 opening. Until last week I had been using the SieGe tank opening against all races. However, against P the SieGe tank opening was either crushed and led to a quick loss or ineffective and left me at a good sized disadvantage.
I would like to explain and discuss each opening. The quick SieGe open looks like this:
The Build
10 supply
12 rax
13 Marine/refinery
14 rax (@ 100% rax add tech - stim OR shield when you can)
16 supply depot
17/18 OC
@ 100 Gas
@ Fac Start
2nd Ref
@ 100 Fac
@ 100 tech
SieGe/ tank 1
During this build you should be Constantly producing SCV's and rines/rauders. You will Push when you have 2 tanks w/ SieGe. For the most part you should be able to Push out @ around 7:30/8 minute mark.
Right before you Push out there is a choice to make. You can either throw down an extra rax or an engineering bay. If you throw down an Engi Bay you should have enough to Start +1 armor or aTtacK. I like to throw down an engi bay on a larger map as it lets me get +1 during a fight. Shorter maps I like a 3rd rax in case I need to reinforce.
Variation for T and Z
When facing Terran I tend to go with a heavier rine force than a marauder force. This build is weak against some type of banshee Rush if you build even rines/rauders. Usually against Terran I will throw down an engi bay instead of a rax. It allows me to throw down a defensive turret at my Mineral Line. It also comes in HanDy during the "SieGe".
Against Z you should keep your scouting scv aLive. As you finish your rax tech lab run the scv back up the ramp and Check for a roach warren or other tech. This will give you the information you need to make the proper infantry force.
The Push
For the most part you need to take an active role in moving out to your opponents base. The timing @ 7:30/8 could run Into other timing pushes.
For the most part I like to destroy the Natural expansion (if it has happened) or to simply "SieGe" your opponents and starve them. When sieging I simply set up my tanks near the ramp in SieGe mode. Against lower level players they will get nervous and attempt to run Into your tanks. If this happens and you survive, Start up the ramp and finish the Game.
If they do not suicide Into your units, Start reinforcing with more tanks/soldiers. At this Point you are going to macro and starve your opponent.
You should expand behind this aTtacK. Depending on your style you were either rallying New units to the aTtacK or Keeping them at home. I prefer at home in case the aTtacK fails miserably. I will slowly Start moving those forces to the SieGe force if the aTtacK succeeds.
When playing terran and in SieGe mode of your opponent it is time to throw down a Port and get vikings to give sight for your tanks. I would also throw a turret near your force to fend off any cloaked banshees. You may WanT to get a Raven later.
Against Z they will usually go for mutas. Get more rines and throw a turret near your SieGe force.
Things to Watch For
Don't leave your home base completely undefended. I would keep a few turrets and/or vikings around your base to prevent drops/cloaked banshees.
I would also assign an SCV to constant checking of expansion areas. Some players have gotten sneaky and built a transport unit and carried a worker to a New location. This can be absolutely devastating. Be very mindful of looking for SeCret expo's.
My Problems
The largest problem with this build comes in two forms:
1. Supply Issues
2. Macro/Expansion issues
Both stem from the same problem. The probelm is that I am so giddy to be sieging and starving my opponent that I start staring at my attack force. I am trying to creep my tanks up and watch for any counterattacks into my tanks.
The solution is to set my tanks up and go back and start my expo and new set of unit producing structures. Once the expo has started to pay for itself it is time to throw down an extra engi bay and start an armory.
I also lose track of time to expand to my third. As this build is not really gas heavy after the intial attack (I build 1 tank at a time and add vikings and/or medi's) I think I could start building an extra OC or 2 in order to mine out easier my 3rd.
Thanks for reading - replays in the next post!