CAUTION: the following content is tainted by extreme noobiness
So, this is my first blog post. I never posted here anything because I never had anything worth posting, and I'm not fond either to share my feelings and inner thoughts. This time, however, something worth of posting happened to me. I just played my 1st placement match, which was really horrible quality-wise, but that I find really amazing. Before saying anything else here is some data: I am an utter noob at playing SC2. I bought the game some months ago but because my multiplayer abilities were so rusty after like +3 years without playing rts I just sticked to single player. After shaking the dust off me playing some campaign in hard difficulty mode, I went for a run in brutal. I did well (I cheated a lot through liquipedia though) until the last mission, All-in, which I just could not complete. No matter what, my micro/macro/multitasking just was not good enough to complete that mission. Because of that I raged and depressed and I stopped playing, watching instead sc2 progaming, which I shall never regret.
3 or 4 months have passed since then, and just recently I felt again like playing sc2. Now I somewhat understand the game thanks to many hours spent watching progaming, but my mechanics were just terrible, so I started trying to learn BOs from liquipedia and practising them, while learning hotkeys and timing feelings playing against the computer. However, it was just too boring for me and I easily gave up on this idea. Instead, I went to play practice league. My first game was againt some zerg I easily won. He tried a zergling drop in my main and after clearing it I counter-attacked him with MMM. EZ. That was like a week ago (I've been busy with exams and shit).
Today (aka some hours ago) as weekend came I decided to try playing some more matches. However I easily got fed up of it, too. I either would win by winning the turtle up to 200/200 race (what else can you do with those stupid rocks in your ramp) or lose to some nasty cheese I could not scout again because of the stupid rocks. Plus the maps were horrible (I really hate blistering sands and desert oasis). So after like 7 matches and I decided to skip the practice league. And to go play a placement match (1 out of 5).
Now, before clicking "find player" I was sure I was gonna lose the game (the whole 5, in fact) yet I wanted to play it for an irrational desire. Here's the (subjective) recap.
(I uploaded the replay in case of someone wants to witness a terrible 30 min. long noob game )
So here I was playing in delta quadrant against a bronze protoss (EU server). By the way, if the player sees it please do not take it badly, friend. I just wanted to share my joy with TL. I respect you a lot.
So, I was so nervous (and unused to "faster" speed) that I took gas too early, forgot to scout, misclicked shit and such. Anyways I walled off and went for to 2base expanding to the backdoor nat while pumping out some units and upgrading while raising up my sloppy 2base economy. My enemy didn't show up either. At some time I scanned his main and found 2 stargates pumping out voidrays and I freaked out and overreacted by taking two more reactor starports to pump out upgraded vikings. Sadly, he just send in those two voidrays, making my stupid viking squad useless.
And then, suddenly, I see shit happening in my backdoor. 30+ stalkers pewpewing things of mine from the other side of a ravine. When they were done they momentarily leaved, and I rushed in some lab tech barracks to make more marauders. Then they came back blinking out the shit off my expansion I moved out with my little ground army and it got roflstomped, and, desperately, I landed my vikings to buy time. He cleared them out and 18 stalkers walked into my main. However, I hardly hold it off by rallying marauders off 6 barracks at the choke, healing them with some medevacs, and abusing the chokes of the chaotic simcity I did build up.
So here I was, with no more resource sources, less than 20 scvs, no expos, and no army. The only thing I had left was the upgrades and the production facilities in addition of around 3k minerals and 1k gas saved. This moment was crucial. I knew I was fucked up. If I had tried to expand to rebuild my economy I'd have end up dying to a 200/200 high tech army (or dying before because of the inexistence of my army and the wide expos of the map).
I was about to give up, but then I thought: "Wait a moment. I have no eco, no army, but I still have tech and some resources saved. Why don't I just spend all my money and get as many units as I can asap and all-in him before he's rebuilt his army? I'll most likely die but fuck this shit I'm not going down without a fight!" Now, this might sound pretty obvious, but when you are an utter noob it sounds terrible. Noobs tend to favor conservative play, to never try too hard something, but just "staying alive and poking around".
So I made 20 marauders 2 thors and 3 vikings with my leftover money and moved out with all my units, scvs included. When I got into his base my anti-armored army cleaned out his stalker army and I just ran into his main (which was heavy on cannons) sniping all the pylons to shut down his production facilities and his cannons. I was surprised of not finding a heavy resistence, then I found out his main was empty of units and mined out. So I was like "hmmm..." and went down the ramp and found that he had expanded to the gold and was rushing to build a huge wall. A bit too late tho, as I run over him with my remaining units and went up the ramp again to kill the pylons I knew a sneaky probe would have built again. Then he GG'd.
Man, I was so pumped. I could not believe that being the utter noob I was and after falling down in the game like that I won my 1st placement match by doing a desperate suicide all-in.
Some time after I rewatched to replay to see what really happened in that game. He was not THAT bad, like he was not getting supply capped, he chronoboosted probes, etc. so at least he was as good as me if not better, although he made funny mistakes like not getting warpgates or cannonning his own mineral line. But again I'm much worse, so it's ok. I witnessed how he had me contained without me knowing and how executed he his stalker attack.
However, the funny part was the camera follow mode. OMG such an amazing feature. I had SO MUCH fun... I could witness the sloppiness of my game (like when I sent a viking to scout the xelnaga tower and spotted and got killed by a bunch of stalkers which I didn't see cause I was too focused on the two voidrays poking my nat) and the way I overreacted, but I personally enjoyed the best the enemy camera while I was about to execute the all-in. I know it is harsh but I had SO much fun...
Right after I cleared his stalker attack he had left in there an observer (which I obviously didn't know of). However, it looks like the observer was not just laying there, but it was set to follow a marauder who was standing in my now inexistent backdoor nat. So when I had already built up my army and rallied em all to my ramp, the observer came attached to the marauder and witnessed THE WHOLE FUCKING ARMY. Luckily I had also rallied an useless raven I had made at the beginning of the game for detection purposes, and it detected the observer and the vikings took it down. Obviously, being the noob I am, I didn't notice it.
Meanwhile, from his point of view (player camera), he was happily taking his gold base. Then he notices the "unit under attack" alert and goes down the minimap just a second too late. He sees my multiple production facilities but no units. However, his observer had got clear view of the whole army for more than 5 seconds lol. During all this, I just could not help myself from singing the Uniden's theme from day9 daily lol.
He continues to commit to the flourishment of his new gold base while rebuilding his stalker army when he notices an alert down there. Then he moves the cam there and OMG it's fucking thors marauders and tanks! He helplessly witnesses how fast his stalkers go down and tries to flood cannons in the main just to witness how everything goes down because of pylon sniping. Now he has no army nor production facilities. Btw, during that he's floating on 5k minerals and like 2k gas I think. So he gives up his main and tries to wall off his gold base with 10 fucking gateways lololol but again, too late. Finally he sneaks a probe from his mined out backdoor nat to power up the production facilities and cannons from the main, but gets sniped again and gg's.
Now I'm not trying to mock anyone. I'm an utter noob and I'm sure I will lose all the other placement matches and get placed in bronze, but I can't help feeling joy for this victory, and, specially, I LOVE when players do desperate things to stay alive (things I'll be doing for sure) and the whole OMG OMG OMG feeling, which is the main reason I'm such a huge fan of day9's funday monday ("I HOPE HE DIDN'T SEE THAT"). So yeah I found it pretty hilarious. I'm sure most people won't care but there's always someone too bored who might watch this, and tbh I just did want to share this experience.
BTW I could finally find what my current APM is. 30 APM fuck yeah!
Thanks for reading.
Niceo story man! takes me back to my first win in starcraft 2 its a good feeling :D good luck with ur other placement matches!
Enjoyable read from a fellow noob. You seem to know your SC2 basics, so keep up the good work.
What happened to time honoured tradition to call bad players noobs and new players newbies. To me you sound more like second but I digress.
Nice storry=]
Read the whole thing and I thoroughly enjoyed it
It's moments like this which is why we play this game
Keep on keeping on.
This blog proves in and of itself proves that you aren't a noob. Keep up the good work!
you already sound like quite a good player, thanks for the story : ) gl in ladder you'll enjoy it with your attitude!
nice one dude. Some of my more epic games were from when i was still in bronze hehe. I say epic because nothing beats the feeling of beating your first 6 pool after losing to it so many times, after winning against a cannon rush or actually scouting mass voidrays for the first time and being able to build the right counter in time ftw.
Keep it up. It only gets better
Good blog read, i really enjoyed the part where you camera followed him.
Can't wait to see you out of your placements and climbing that ladder
Hahaha this takes me back to my first "real" BW games.
PvT on LT, (the ollllddd shitty blizzard version of LT, and played on pubbie bnet no less)
I'd always been a babo money map player, but with wc3 coming out soon, I wanted to try out the "real style" of how an RTS was "supposed to be played". So I watched a few replays and pretty soon considered myself an expert. Of course I can beat rando scrubs online.
So I'm building some probes... then a forge, (lol i know), a gateway, some cannons, and a few zealots. All of a sudden a vulture is in my base. WTF WHO USES VULTURES? LOL NOOB. But wait wtf my zealots can't catch them. Oh god this is so dumb and imba, who designed this OP unit? My opponent asks "u new?" "yes" "don't make zealots vs terran go goons"
So I try to make a few goons, and kill a few vultures. I figure I should counter attack or something, but on the way out of my base, LOL spider mines. At this point I'm just thinking "wow this game is retarded wtf spider mines are way OP"
"you need observers" "stfu i hate u" (i was probably like, 14-15 or so? )
F*** it. I have a probe at another main, so I expand, (a pro tip I picked up from replays, and apparently a crucial skill to have on non-money maps). I was frustrated at this point, and revert to what I know from $$$ maps. Mass carriers. My opponent is clearly just fucking around with me at this point, (not that l realize it though, lol), but never really scouts out the rest of the map. So he's got this huge crazy push of tanks/vultures/mines that stretches from his base to mine, and all of a sudden my like 8 carriers just start lolling all over it.
"Wtf" "nooooooooooob gtfo" "gj that's exactly how u deal with terran push"
then he leaves! F*** YEAH I'M AWESOME!
God I was such a bitch, lol. I wish I could check my apm that game, probably like 10.
haha Haemonculus, i love these kind of stories, keep them coming!
2v2 ZP vs ZT on hunters back about 5-6 years ago i think in an internet pub with friends
Never tried starcraft so i had no idea what to pick, thought zerg is cool because of the hydras and the sharp objects they have. Don't like terran because the marines suck compared to fallout's dudes with big armour. Protoss is.... i don't like religious stuff with telepathy crap etc. So Zerg it is!
Didn't get any BO's so i thought you know, i'll save my money till the time comes. When i had 2k minerals with 1k gas, i thought "I'm a rich BAMF, come at me" with only a few lings and alot of sunkens. Of course, my enemy spots this and attacks me, with BC's. So i cried help to my partner, which at that time was busy fighting my enemy's partner. He looked at my crappy defence and my useless lings with ovies AND then to my mineral bank. He advice and best advice so far for me is this:
"dude, Make Something."
So i did, whilst the BC were busy killing the sunkens one by one, i had a trail of these btw, i built a spire and made 10 mutas of my 1k gas. 10 freaking mutas, that's gota mean something right? unfortunately, i dunno how to micro the mutas to kill BC's so they died anyway. Few of them even got shot to oblivion with yamato's TT..
So yea, we lost, but that advice was gold^^. Couple years later, Starcraft 2 comes out, and after 6 months of playing, i can finally.... play and survive at their level.. still can't beat them though~~
Thanks for all the positive replies they made me really happy
Btw I just played my 2nd placement... I won :D this one was not as exciting tho... I got placed against a terran in jungle basin and we basically turtle raced. In the game I was still very nervous but I was feeling somewhat better because as a terran I feel comfortable at jungle basin, and my opponent was a terran (and not so skilled) so I guessed he wouldn't be aggresive.
Anyways I just walled off, got my backdoor nat and scv'd non-stop, then unlocked almost all the tech and upgrades, and finally started growing up un army. I knew this was foolish but I scanned him and saw a wall and tanks and usual defensive stuff so I guessed he'd be turtling too. That's why I took my time to build the units: I knew that in the inevitable 200/200 battle the surviving ones would be the most upgraded ones, so I just teched like crazy and hoped he'd not attack til I had my army up.
Funny thing is that everything went faster than I expected and I soon was about to run out of resources so I expanded to the new gold base. I had so many fucking resources I was so afraid a simple huge army would came and were I unable to defend it having like 8k minerals 2'5k gas in the bank I'd look like the hugest noob ever. So I thought: "I'm not losing like that; I better spend it somehow asap. What is the most expensive unit I can make right now which is also powerful durable and versatile? THORS.
So I just started spamming thors (I'd usually run out of gas but recieve more gas income pretty fast so it was alright) and he finally showed up in my ramp with a huge MMM force. Thing is, a 200/200 2/2 thor army is very good. HAHAHA anyways I cleared it out, resupplied my thor army up to 200/200 3/3 and moved out. He faced me with a new MMM force but you know... and so he gg'd.
Again the fun thing was watching the replay. I love that.
Our BOs were almost identical and we even took our gold and the same time (~18 min.). What made me won the turtle race what that he soon stopped making scvs and teching, and just kept building his MMM in an average rythm. Meanwhile I saturated my 2 bases and teched up like crazy getting all upgrades and structures with techlabs. Because of that I soon was doubling his income which allowed me to have a superior army by the time he pushed in.
Again I had so much fun at the enemy camera follow when the battle happened. He moved in by the center path with his huge MMM and he suddenly meets +15 thors lol he did not move his cam til his last unit was defeated so shocked he was. And then he insta-moved to his camp and saturated all his production facilities lol (like he stacked +20 marines and +10 maraudes in the production queue). Then he used 4 scans in a row just to finally found I had my gold saturated. He finally saw my thors coming, send his army, and as soon as they were dead he gg'd.
3rd win. recieved my first rage "u're so lucky"
So what happened in your 3rd win? From that rage comment I assumed your scouting scv spotted something your opponent didn't want to see?
On January 24 2011 12:26 KezseN wrote: So what happened in your 3rd win? From that rage comment I assumed your scouting scv spotted something your opponent didn't want to see?
Thank you for asking
Let's see... it was again a TvT in Jungle Basin. Fast recap: everything alright, fast expand to backdoor nat, at some time he makes a tank marine push I hardly hold off with high ground+tanks+wall, I build up a MMM tank 200/200 army, I spot a fuckton tanks coming through the middle thanks to xelnaga tower, and I decide to counter attack by sending my army to his main through the sideway to either be ahead in the base trade or forcing him to pull his army back to defend. He pulls back to defend but he gets in an horrible battle position and his army gets obliterated. I walk into his main and he gg's and says the "u are so lucky" shit.
Now things worth saying after I analysed the reps... first, he was a better player than me. He did nothing stupid, almost never got supply blocked, good balance between income and production, etc. He was your average player, he didn't do anything noobish like throwing down 6 depos at once or shit like that which I do. He had a solid BO and good mechanics. He even did not do anything funny with the player camera, only queue like +15 units at once when he lost everything in the last battle. Meanwhile, I just blindly turtled, first worked in econ hoping I'd not be attacked early, then I hardly held off the push, then I abused my 2 saturated bases to throw down and produce a lot of everything asap which let me won clearly the final battle.
So, how did I win? I've seen the same thing happening in the 3 games I've played, this one being the relevant one because the opponent was finally someone decent (and I am not decent, so he was clearly superior). It always works this way: Both players do their standard openings without harrassing at all, and when my enemy reaches like 24 harvesters, he stops producing them, and starts focusing on getting units. Meanwhile, I just keep making scvs until I have my 2 bases saturated (I play 2base because I am by now incapable of defending a base which is not my nat, so noob I am) which is like 50 scvs. When my enemy amounts a decent amount of units he moves out to push and I hardly hold it off thanks to static defense+wall. Then my enemy starts getting more production facilities and workers again because he needs to rebuild his army, and he needs a bigger one. Meanwhile I have like a fuckton resources saved I've been unable to spend and double the income of my enemy, so I just throw down like 8 techlab/reactor barracks and all upgrade buildings and produce and upgrade things industrially, so that when I reach 200/200 and move out my army is too big and upgraded for the enemy to deal and has to gg.
The interesting thing is, I am terrible at macro. By nature, my multitasking and my management abilities are awful. Instead I am great at being efficient. I can make a single thing work at its 120%, but I can't make 3 things work at 80% each at the same time. I'd hardly reach a 50%. So I am naturally micro oriented. To make it even worse, the only RTS I've played in a competitive level is battle for middle earth (LotR), that was like 5 years ago. That game was all about micro. Like, there was no macro at all. Some resource expo that gave you advantage, some metagame, but mostly it was about leveling and abusing your heroes better and faster than your enemy. Very lame, but fun. So yeah, in my mind it was RTS = micro.
But, if there's something I've learnt by watching sc2 progaming and some day9 dailies is that sc2 is all about macro. You have better income than your enemy, you get more better shit faster, you pwn. Micro only has a deciding value in the early game where income is too low to make a difference. I guess that's why (as I've read, for I have no experience) many noobs are cheesers. So, when I recently started playing sc2, I tried to focus on macro and specially producing scvs and building production facilities, because I knew that was what I'd most likely forget while playing. So focused I am that I forget to actually make units and scout and micro, which leads me to almost die in the midgames pushes I suffer. But being Terran I can afford that cuz my static defenses are better than the other races'. And when the enemy loses his pushing units, he's just so behind in the economy that I overproduce and overrun him.
Now I know this is gonna stop working pretty soon as I match better players, but meanwhile I'll try to improve my lacks and actually harass, scout and pushing while not forgetting to build up a solid economy. I'll try to learn to expand properly and such. I've played only 3 serious games after all.
So yeah I'm pretty amazed I actually won my first 3 matches, specially this last one which was against a superior player. As the player level increases the more matches you win I expect to lose the remaining 2. But that'd be alright, that'd be my level anyways. I'm just giving my all in these matches so I hopefully don't get placed in bronze and avoid facing 4gaters/6poolers/2raxers every game.
OH and returning to your original question (if you haven't given up reading yet lol) he said that "u're so lucky" shit because he had set up a contain in the middle of the map with tanks and MMM to caught me offguard if I tried to move out and to expand safely at the same time. He did not know I had already seen that and that that was the reason I moved out through the sideway. He thought I was just so noob that I went to attack him through the longest path thus making his containment useless, hence the lucky accusation. I don't like blaming loses to luck so I answered him with "I am good" to enhance his inner rage.
Alright, if anyone took the time to read this all, thank you very much for listening someone's noobish reflections about sc2
btw I wish I could upload the replay but it looks like Jungle Basin has been taken out our something and sc2replayed won't let me upload it, and I'm not too fond on uploading personal files in your average file hosting service.
Anyway, thanks for reading!
Jungle basin isn't supported by sc2replayed for some reason lol. And good job on the wins! Watch some replay's steal there build and ta-da win streak = P
On January 24 2011 15:42 MarineHeroSamKhan wrote: Jungle basin isn't supported by sc2replayed for some reason lol. And good job on the wins! Watch some replay's steal there build and ta-da win streak = P
I see... what a pity. sc2replay requires login to download and I just don't want to use gamereplays... it's ok. Thanks for the info AND the compliment