Midgard 1.0
by ZeroThaHero
Additional Map Images: + Show Spoiler +Map Analyzer OpennessCentral map featureMain, Natural, and Third, clockwise from top rightXel'Naga view into central LOS blockers Map Details: - 1v1 start locations are cross-positions only - Diamond-shaped towers on either side of natural expansion are unpathable to air units - Destructable rocks block direct route from natural expansion to adjacent third - Droppable cliff behind 3rd - Center of map (including all raised platforms) is unbuildable except for creep tumor/sensor tower
All comments are welcome, I'll be happy if you played my map :D
You must answer more potential future questions in your showcasing, such as: Destructible rocks or invulnerable doodad (the ones blocking accesses)? Unpathable to air? Maybe add that there are no ramps for ground units access. And all other questions you could think of.
I like the texture mix, it should be very nice alongside creep for one. The center is nice layout wise, but you could insist on the graphics. Add doodads and stuff so it makes it feel more "used" less "empty, I really like the ground old school "Conan the barbarian" feel already.
Good map (well... I do feel the layout screems iccup though)
I take influence from ICCup map design, as well as BW map design. I hate all the empty space in Blizz maps, and I like to utilize as much of the playable area as possible. The cliff behind the third is intentionally inaccessible via ramp, allowing the possibility for drop pressure. Also:+ Show Spoiler +one geyser in the natural expansion can be hit by at most two tanks from the cliff behind the third
You could add a ramp and still make them accessible to ground units.
Zero, this map looks really cool. Is it published on NA?
Here's a few picky things: If 1v1 is cross positions only, why make a 4-player map? Art - I saw your post in the help thread, so i'll let this slide. But from the looks of things, you know how to use doodads quite well - you ought to consider making this entirely by yourself The map looks really square - you might consider tucking the mains into the thirds (you can leave a thin canyon between them) to give it a slightly less square look. Just aesthetically pleasing. The middle is less open than it looks thanks to those LOS blockers... I'm not entirely sure how that would play out.
Looks good
1v1 start locations are cross-positions only You sir, win a cookie.
If 1v1 is cross positions only, why make a 4-player map? So it can be used in 2v2 or FFA as well, without being completely fucked up imbalanced and/or annoying in 1v1.
On December 29 2010 23:34 Faze. wrote:So it can be used in 2v2 or FFA as well, without being completely fucked up imbalanced and/or annoying in 1v1.
Derp. That's what I get for posting after 2 hours of sleep.
Yeah but if the map is using rotational symmetry they why bother with only cross positions?
The reason 1v1 is set to cross positions only is to prevent the inherent unbalances that would be present in a matchup between adjacent spawns. I wanted to make a bigger macro-oriented 1v1 map that was still able to provide a variable playing experience, taking away the monotany of being in the same alternating base every game! Also, the LOS blockers in the middle were put in to encourage use of the watchtowers. Early testing of the map showed the middle being far too easy to push through.
Holy shit, sean finally published his map~
I've tested this one personally. The cross positions work really well ;D