See, I don't find that be hard or rather a different set of skills. I consider that making plays based on the limited knowledge of the opponent is a better measure of player skill.
The reason I don't find deck building in limited to be particularly difficult is that you work towards what works given the cards you have. I don't know if that makes my point any clearer, frankly I think draft/sealed are "easier" because you know what you have and the best strategy is always the take what you need the most. Your goal is pretty clear and the tools you have to work with are fairly obvious too.
I also find sideboarding for draft/sealed is pretty simple if you paid attention during deck construction. You really should know what to side out against a person's deck or if you even have answer to the person's deck.
I don't find Scars limited is too difficult to draft, but maybe that's because I have been drafting some form of blue like every week.
Scars limited isn't too hard, there are plenty of non-infect/metalcraft archetypes to look for that have plenty of good cards and synergy to work with. Just have a plan for when you want to force infect but everybody else does too :V
Not a fan of this twin cards dealio with the Mirrodin Besieged spoilers, but hopefully the entire set isn't like that...
I had the most absurd blow out today, picture this:
I'm at 8 life with only a Clone Shell on the board. He casts Arrest on my Clone Shell He swings with Molder beast, Glint hawk idol, Silver Myr, and Glint hawk. I have 5 swamp untapped I cast Grasp of Darkness on my Clone Shell to bring Carnifex Demon into play Remove all 3 counters, wipe his entire board.
Also, I dunno about you guys but I've found Scars limited to just be awful at times. Here's a recently successful dinosaur deck that I drafted :D
absurd blowout indeed.
Still a nice play, since he can block the Molder Beast with the demon.
Ugh, with the split boosters it really makes me wonder wtf is gonna happen w/ draft/sealed ;O... That, and if the 2 cards they gave out at the game day are anything to judge by I'd say phyrexia's gonna be significantly better...
Split boosters are only for prerelease events.
why play memnite in that deck... you would rather just have a land
Draft definitely is the hardest of the formats. Knowing matchups is hard, but consistently making the top 8 in draft even when you're getting shafted on picks? Not many people can do that.
anyone watching worlds? When I used to play magic, I used to play with Brad Nelson a lot, but now I quit I don't really keep up with the scene too much except now I know he's almost in a tie for Play of the Year with Matignon.. shit's intense!
I am watching, apparently Guilliames are good at magic as well as BW
mehh... now a playoff. I feel like in the mirror, they should just memoricide or w/e it is called the big 6/6 deathtoucher.. because he's the main threat. :s
On December 12 2010 01:51 Glull wrote:absurd blowout indeed.
Lol, touche. Going to blame this failure of memory on the Instill Infection in my hand. He auto-scooped anyway :c
On December 12 2010 05:43 snorlax wrote: why play memnite in that deck... you would rather just have a land
Agreed, memnite is garbage but in this scenario I wanted to reliably turn on my metalcraft (even if it is just for two cards). I also had 4 mana myr already. I could totally see myself cutting it for an actual red source for my splash (with the two Horizon Spellbombs).
I also wasn't sure about the Viridian Revel. Has anyone had the experience of playing this in limited? I only added it because of the build Ari Lax made semi-finals with in Grand Prix Nashville (he also only had two sources of artifact hate).
I was brave enough to try a 4 booster Sealed Swiss que for SOM a bit ago, and I guess if you're looking for a bridge between a straight on draft and a sealed event it might be worthwhile. It's bad enough dealing with bombs in normal drafts, but it's even more relevant with just 30 cards.
4 booster Sealed Swiss must be shit for something like M11 since the vast majority of your cards are bound to colors that may or may not have enough playables to support it.
I probably have balls of steel for playing the Rusted Relic with only 12 artifacts... and I should maybe playing that Soliton/Heavy Arbalest combo after all? My white cards weren't necessarily incredible, but I did end up Hippogriffing a Battlesphere in Round 1.
Tips? Suggestions?
After that epic whine I had last page, I won a draft today.
I officially hate this game.
So my amazing BR deck that lost to a half infect deck is apparently worse than my
Only bomb Argent Sphinx, proliferate, 4 Golem Foundry, 1 thrummingbird, no removal WUG deck.
How did I win? The guy with the better deck in round 2 drew 14 lands straight. In round 1, opponent lost because he was a noob and ran out of time. In round 3, my opponent conceded the entire match after I won in the first game with nothing in hand and 2 creatures against his 1 with him being at 20.
It's so garbage for me. I'd rather go 2-1 with an amazing deck and 0-3 with a shitty deck instead of 0-3 with an amazing deck and 3-0 with a deck I think is the worst garbage I have ever drafted because it tells me that luck is a huge factor.
Maybe I'm not mulliganing like a pro but sometimes I feel like luck is a large part of why I win or lose. (in limited of course, you can definitely iron shit out in constructed with better deckbuilding. But it limited, it's very difficult to not get land screwed/bomb screwed because you have no idea what the hell you or others are drafting especially with such a bomb intensive format as scars)
On December 10 2010 08:15 Hot_Bid wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2010 09:12 dcberkeley wrote: I don't care what anyone says, I am the unluckiest person ever.
12th pick shatter? Kuldotha phoenix + 2 graps + 2 galvanics + hoard smelter + 2 shatter + decent cards (stuff like instill infection, myrs, solitons) ?
Die in 20 turns each game drawing 14 lands and seeing no bombs vs. half infect deck.
Fucking rage. I know luck evens out but this happens every. single. draft. and I swear 17 lands is right. My picks are decent goddamnit, they're decent!
Before anyone says mulligan, I had to in all three games because there were no lands in game 1,3 and in game 2 no bombs. Mulliganed into Bleak Coven Vamps in game 2 and beat his stupid Ichorclaw Myr and Cystbearer when he was also playing epics like Kemba Skyguards and Golden Urns. Nice synergy there. I'm gonna explode haha. you need arc trail against infect, drawing it basically wins you the game against infect every time. from my experience the best type of deck is the fast white fliers with good equipment. like draft as many of those glint hawks and glint hawk idols as you can, get darksteel axe and as many cheap modifiers, myrsmith, and then get any artifact or white bomb and you can make finals like every time because the deck draws super consistently and you can play very few mana sources and still win. white spells like revoke and arrest are good cheap offensive spells too, just keep taking out their shit and attacking and its GG. weirdest (but good) deck i drafted ever was mono-blue proliferate, it had like 5 steady progress, 3 thrummingbirds, throne of geth, contagion clasp, and a bunch of the white+black censers, it was lol. I know man, Arc Trail is bloody insane. But it feels like its more insane when they use it against you and than when you use it yourself
But like I said, he had a white green infect deck which just should not have won. It had no synergy, it had bad spells, he had no removal and I had a great deck. I'm just mad that my luck isn't better.
As far white, in my experience it's a strong deck but drafting powerful colors can actually be bad. I think green is actually the best color in the format because nobody drafts it and you end up with a bunch of terrible 6/5 , 5/3 creatures that the other decks can surprisingly not stop because they're too busy playing synergistic but weak cards like myrs, replicas and spellbombs.
On December 08 2010 08:34 HyruleanTubist wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2010 09:12 dcberkeley wrote: I don't care what anyone says, I am the unluckiest person ever.
12th pick shatter? Kuldotha phoenix + 2 graps + 2 galvanics + hoard smelter + 2 shatter + decent cards (stuff like instill infection, myrs, solitons) ?
Die in 20 turns each game drawing 14 lands and seeing no bombs vs. half infect deck.
Fucking rage. I know luck evens out but this happens every. single. draft. and I swear 17 lands is right. My picks are decent goddamnit, they're decent!
Before anyone says mulligan, I had to in all three games because there were no lands in game 1,3 and in game 2 no bombs. Mulliganed into Bleak Coven Vamps in game 2 and beat his stupid Ichorclaw Myr and Cystbearer when he was also playing epics like Kemba Skyguards and Golden Urns. Nice synergy there. I'm gonna explode I definitely have won drafts with less than what you listed in the list. Luck is definitely not on your side it seems. I've been running 16 lands in my Scars draft decks, if you pick up a Myr or two you're more than fine. Maybe its just my luck to see plenty of land anyway, but sounds like you got screwed pretty hard, I feel for you. I had an M11 draft go similarly, I was at a table where the only other person who had a clue was to my left, so I end up with this outrageous Jund deck that should have wiped the floor with pretty much anything. Think of every good removal in M11 Jund colors and I had at least two. Meanwhile the guy to my left is getting every Blue/White card I feed him because I'm not usually a fan of UW Control in draft (though I just did it twice in a row on Saturday, but that was a pair of cube drafts). So I proceed to lose R1 to a Baneslayer that I couldn't get rid of in g1 then this guy apparently splashed red for a pair of Act of Treasons. So instead of a solid defence, I got overrun in two turns by my same big fat thing (I don't recall what it was). Most frustrating draft I've ever played. Put that on top of the sealed event I could have won but was getting bad draws the previous round and I was raging hard. I took the sealed pool back home with me to show the other players I respect, and they were all like "how did you lose with this?"
I think that's like how all my drafts go :D. You should never be on tilt because it messes with you mentally so much in Magic which is what happens to me after round 2 of all the prereleases I've gone to.
I've realized that I've won a ton a drafts because I picked some dumb fat creature (see Alpha Tyrannax, most underrated creature in scars, wheels 100% of the time) that you just can't stop or some gimmicky rogue deck as opposed to a strong, all-around deck which somehow loses.
On December 13 2010 04:58 dcberkeley wrote:+ Show Spoiler +After that epic whine I had last page, I won a draft today. I officially hate this game. So my amazing BR deck that lost to a half infect deck is apparently worse than my Only bomb Argent Sphinx, proliferate, 4 Golem Foundry, 1 thrummingbird, no removal WUG deck. How did I win? The guy with the better deck in round 2 drew 14 lands straight. In round 1, opponent lost because he was a noob and ran out of time. In round 3, my opponent conceded the entire match after I won in the first game with nothing in hand and 2 creatures against his 1 with him being at 20. It's so garbage for me. I'd rather go 2-1 with an amazing deck and 0-3 with a shitty deck instead of 0-3 with an amazing deck and 3-0 with a deck I think is the worst garbage I have ever drafted because it tells me that luck is a huge factor. Maybe I'm not mulliganing like a pro but sometimes I feel like luck is a large part of why I win or lose. (in limited of course, you can definitely iron shit out in constructed with better deckbuilding. But it limited, it's very difficult to not get land screwed/bomb screwed because you have no idea what the hell you or others are drafting especially with such a bomb intensive format as scars) On December 10 2010 08:15 Hot_Bid wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2010 09:12 dcberkeley wrote: I don't care what anyone says, I am the unluckiest person ever.
12th pick shatter? Kuldotha phoenix + 2 graps + 2 galvanics + hoard smelter + 2 shatter + decent cards (stuff like instill infection, myrs, solitons) ?
Die in 20 turns each game drawing 14 lands and seeing no bombs vs. half infect deck.
Fucking rage. I know luck evens out but this happens every. single. draft. and I swear 17 lands is right. My picks are decent goddamnit, they're decent!
Before anyone says mulligan, I had to in all three games because there were no lands in game 1,3 and in game 2 no bombs. Mulliganed into Bleak Coven Vamps in game 2 and beat his stupid Ichorclaw Myr and Cystbearer when he was also playing epics like Kemba Skyguards and Golden Urns. Nice synergy there. I'm gonna explode haha. you need arc trail against infect, drawing it basically wins you the game against infect every time. from my experience the best type of deck is the fast white fliers with good equipment. like draft as many of those glint hawks and glint hawk idols as you can, get darksteel axe and as many cheap modifiers, myrsmith, and then get any artifact or white bomb and you can make finals like every time because the deck draws super consistently and you can play very few mana sources and still win. white spells like revoke and arrest are good cheap offensive spells too, just keep taking out their shit and attacking and its GG. weirdest (but good) deck i drafted ever was mono-blue proliferate, it had like 5 steady progress, 3 thrummingbirds, throne of geth, contagion clasp, and a bunch of the white+black censers, it was lol. I know man, Arc Trail is bloody insane. But it feels like its more insane when they use it against you and than when you use it yourself But like I said, he had a white green infect deck which just should not have won. It had no synergy, it had bad spells, he had no removal and I had a great deck. I'm just mad that my luck isn't better. As far white, in my experience it's a strong deck but drafting powerful colors can actually be bad. I think green is actually the best color in the format because nobody drafts it and you end up with a bunch of terrible 6/5 , 5/3 creatures that the other decks can surprisingly not stop because they're too busy playing synergistic but weak cards like myrs, replicas and spellbombs. On December 08 2010 08:34 HyruleanTubist wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2010 09:12 dcberkeley wrote: I don't care what anyone says, I am the unluckiest person ever.
12th pick shatter? Kuldotha phoenix + 2 graps + 2 galvanics + hoard smelter + 2 shatter + decent cards (stuff like instill infection, myrs, solitons) ?
Die in 20 turns each game drawing 14 lands and seeing no bombs vs. half infect deck.
Fucking rage. I know luck evens out but this happens every. single. draft. and I swear 17 lands is right. My picks are decent goddamnit, they're decent!
Before anyone says mulligan, I had to in all three games because there were no lands in game 1,3 and in game 2 no bombs. Mulliganed into Bleak Coven Vamps in game 2 and beat his stupid Ichorclaw Myr and Cystbearer when he was also playing epics like Kemba Skyguards and Golden Urns. Nice synergy there. I'm gonna explode I definitely have won drafts with less than what you listed in the list. Luck is definitely not on your side it seems. I've been running 16 lands in my Scars draft decks, if you pick up a Myr or two you're more than fine. Maybe its just my luck to see plenty of land anyway, but sounds like you got screwed pretty hard, I feel for you. I had an M11 draft go similarly, I was at a table where the only other person who had a clue was to my left, so I end up with this outrageous Jund deck that should have wiped the floor with pretty much anything. Think of every good removal in M11 Jund colors and I had at least two. Meanwhile the guy to my left is getting every Blue/White card I feed him because I'm not usually a fan of UW Control in draft (though I just did it twice in a row on Saturday, but that was a pair of cube drafts). So I proceed to lose R1 to a Baneslayer that I couldn't get rid of in g1 then this guy apparently splashed red for a pair of Act of Treasons. So instead of a solid defence, I got overrun in two turns by my same big fat thing (I don't recall what it was). Most frustrating draft I've ever played. Put that on top of the sealed event I could have won but was getting bad draws the previous round and I was raging hard. I took the sealed pool back home with me to show the other players I respect, and they were all like "how did you lose with this?" I think that's like how all my drafts go :D. You should never be on tilt because it messes with you mentally so much in Magic which is what happens to me after round 2 of all the prereleases I've gone to. I've realized that I've won a ton a drafts because I picked some dumb fat creature (see Alpha Tyrannax, most underrated creature in scars, wheels 100% of the time) that you just can't stop or some gimmicky rogue deck as opposed to a strong, all-around deck which somehow loses.
Ok I think next time someone drafts Scars (I'm starting finals week, so it's gonna be a while before I draft again) they should just force a Gx ramp to big fat thing strategy. If all the good cards for the deck always wheel, this should be pretty easy. Basically, top pick mana myr and removal, then start grabbing every large thing you see, and see if any deck at the table can handle it. I'm super curious about this, cause this idea's been in the back of my head, but I haven't had a chance to try it. Someone should try it and report back!
On December 13 2010 04:40 FILM wrote:Lol, touche. Going to blame this failure of memory on the Instill Infection in my hand. He auto-scooped anyway :c Show nested quote +On December 12 2010 05:43 snorlax wrote: why play memnite in that deck... you would rather just have a land Agreed, memnite is garbage but in this scenario I wanted to reliably turn on my metalcraft (even if it is just for two cards). I also had 4 mana myr already. I could totally see myself cutting it for an actual red source for my splash (with the two Horizon Spellbombs). I also wasn't sure about the Viridian Revel. Has anyone had the experience of playing this in limited? I only added it because of the build Ari Lax made semi-finals with in Grand Prix Nashville (he also only had two sources of artifact hate). --- I was brave enough to try a 4 booster Sealed Swiss que for SOM a bit ago, and I guess if you're looking for a bridge between a straight on draft and a sealed event it might be worthwhile. It's bad enough dealing with bombs in normal drafts, but it's even more relevant with just 30 cards. 4 booster Sealed Swiss must be shit for something like M11 since the vast majority of your cards are bound to colors that may or may not have enough playables to support it. I probably have balls of steel for playing the Rusted Relic with only 12 artifacts... and I should maybe playing that Soliton/Heavy Arbalest combo after all? My white cards weren't necessarily incredible, but I did end up Hippogriffing a Battlesphere in Round 1. Tips? Suggestions?
Nice deck. My first impression would be to find room for your panic spellbomb to bolster your artifact count but there's nothing I'd remove from your current list. How did ratchet bomb fair for you?
I played casual Magic back in the day, but am looking to get into it again. What's the best way to get into competetive playing/learning? I'm not used to the competetive scene such as drafting nor the current metagame.
What about MTG online? is it worth it to start that? Any suggestions?
I personally would either put in Barbed Battlegear, as you will be playing a Khemba with 1 equipment, and battlesphere can take a /-1, and creatures you have with evasion would be stronger. Also you can kill your Perilous Myrs for 2 damage if you really need it. But yeah, how does ratchet bomb perform in limited?
EDIT: I forgot the other side of the 'either' and that is to take khemba out, but a 2/4 for 3 is still moderately good.
On a side note, Infiltration lens is amazing with Tangle Angler.
On December 14 2010 11:27 bobbob wrote: I personally would either put in Barbed Battlegear, as you will be playing a Khemba with 1 equipment, and battlesphere can take a /-1, and creatures you have with evasion would be stronger. Also you can kill your Perilous Myrs for 2 damage if you really need it. But yeah, how does ratchet bomb perform in limited? I've been pwned by ratchet bomb a couple of times though mainly due to my own stupidity as I'm still faily new and have yet to win a draft outta the 5? times I've drafted though recently I'm starting to actually make it in like the top 3 :D
Ratchet Bomb is a sweeper of sorts depending on what your opponent is playing. Ratchet Bomb for 2 can be back-breaking against a deck that needs mana myr for color fixing or acceleration, for example.
Also proliferating your opponent's Ratchet Bomb to put them out of range of what they want to kill is hilarious.