So, I made a zvz build. I was going to post it in the sc2 strategy forum, but that's boring. Anyway, turns out I can make big mistakes and still somehow win?
Here's six replays.
This was when I was at 1600 points first time beating a 1800 player. Have lol macro, I throw away all my mutas for nothing, and I give away my nat.
I have a later expansion, forget to move my spines and sloppily lose both my queens, miss his transition completely, and have terrible macro. Still win (okay this guy was pretty bad, he probably threw the game)
This is great, 6 banelings unnoticed walk into my mineral line and I have 9 drones left. Still win.
I build two overlords instead of one at 10 food.
He walks into my nat with 8 roaches and I have...4 unburrowed spine crawlers.
I must have knocked this guy down from 1900 with my win. He killed most of my drones, had higher apm (omg!)...and didn't realize that hydras die to banelings. His dedication to his tech choice was pretty lol.
Anyway, if you want an incentive to watch zvz, a large portion of these games are won with mass broodlords.
Also, for those who care, all of these players are 1800 diamond level (myself included).
The build is lair before queen, 3-4 spines, spire, 3-4 mutas into expand, into whatever the hell you want.