Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions on the patch, I am interested in seeing other peoples, but please keep them objective and backup your claims with some reasoning.
Hi, I am a Plat Zerg/Protoss player, initially I got to plat playing Terran, and also played a bit of random.
I want a lot of games and like to analyze games almost more than I actually play. Waiting for a build to finish at work so I thought id just share my personal opinions on the patch.
Void Ray Change: + Show Spoiler + I can see why damage was nerfed. Once they got charged up they because pretty much an unstoppable force.
They did get their uncharged damage vs buildings buffed, so early harass with them might still be viable, as you can get the chance to snipe off some buildings before the opponent reacts.
I think this change actually makes voidrays slightly less of a gimmic. As they were designed to combat heavy armored targets, and the changes reflect at that task as they do quite good damage against armored even uncharged.
I do not see the point of nerfing speed upgrade. I never really see it gotten enough in most games I watched. With the nerf I feel that it should of been moved and made more accessible, by being an upgrade at the stargate and not the fleet beacon... Then again maybe blizz wants toss to use carriers more? -_-
Edit: As far as the feedback nerfs, I don't have much to say about them. I have not used HTs extensively to Feedback Thors/Corruptors, so I do not have a feel for how this will effect balance.
Terran Changes: + Show Spoiler + Oh boy. Now I can see the reasoning for having Nitro packs require factory. It was getting to the point where Zerg/Toss had to get fast speedling/stalker, otherwise its insta lose to good reaper micro. Back when I used them they essentially felt like mini mutas, but you can get them really early.
This change really frees up the early game for Zerg. Regular lings can handle non speed reapers just fine. Allowing them to get a faster lair, or early hatch.
I see a lot of terran harass being based off of reactor helions, but roaches are now more powerfull, and even going 14 hatch 14 pool, you can have spine crawlers or roaches out to defend helions in more than enough time.
As a former casual BW player, I see no reason for the depot before Barracks change. That is like requiring a OL before Pool, it makes no sense. This patch not only killed fast reaper, but also a quick bunker rush for terran.
I think this limits terran quite a bit as their general options now are: Helions, Stim timing push, or turtle and tech. Perhaps since they can no longer rely on reaper harass to get ahead, we will see more Terran FE now?
Honestly I dont see any reason not to go 14 hatch 14 pool vs terran now. As by the time any real agression comes from Terran, I will already recover from investing into the hatch.
Zerg Changes: + Show Spoiler +
I dont really have much to comment about on Zerg changes specifically, even though it currently my main race. 4 range roach is definately a improvement, but I dont think it will unseat ling/bling/muta vs terran, unless that terran goes pure mech, you can swap ling/blings for some roaches.
Agaisnt protoss, roach/muta might be quite good now.
Not needing to worry about early terran agression, I think TvZ might switch more to Zerg favor for a bit untill Terrans figure something out.
Zerg with all the changes to the 3 races since release, is looking quite more potent. Even though it was my past belief that they weren't that weak to begin with as long as they can minimize damage until lair tech.
Its still too early to tell how things will be effected, and this is all mostly theory craft but regardless it should be an interesting GSL/DC with these changes. I am quite curious what the top players, especially the Terrans/Zerg will come up with now that early Terran harass is much less potent.
What do you guys think?
We already have an OL before pool. ^^
On October 15 2010 07:06 Aerox wrote: We already have an OL before pool. ^^
On October 15 2010 07:11 sob3k wrote:wat
Yep. I saw that too and laughed.
On October 15 2010 07:11 sob3k wrote:wat Zerg players start with one Overlord at the start of the game
i had a rant prepared but id probably get banned for it, all im gonna say is did you actually put any "thought" into your personal thoughts?
the fact you have nothing to input about the changes to your MAIN RACE says it all
they need to up reaper hp and armour if they expect them to be used after the 5 minute mark
On October 15 2010 08:06 D-Lite wrote: i had a rant prepared but id probably get banned for it, all im gonna say is did you actually put any "thought" into your personal thoughts?
the fact you have nothing to input about the changes to your MAIN RACE says it all I am saving details for when I get home from work to play, these are more of first impressions. I also dont have any input about it because I do not use roaches too much anyway. Furthermore I believe the changes to the other races effect Zerg much more than the actual Zerg changes.
I think we will probably see more rushes than I'd already like to see. If Zerg rushed a regular 9 supply/11 rax terran, that was annoying enough, but could be prevented by microing well. But some Zergs didn't want to take that chance since (1) if the Terran prevented that, they were economically behind and (2) if Terran went fast reapers and stopped the rush, they would be insta-GGed. Now that reapers are kinda out of the picture, Zerg has less to worry about.
Is Terran OP? Sure. But I don't understand these nerfs. (Actually I think the Thor got buffed - I'd much rather use cooldown than energy as I can't get feedbacked).
As someone who opens Reaper probably 95% of my game, I don't ever plan on using them now. By the time you have to build a factory, getting the speed upgrade for Reapers would be pointless as most good players will already be ready to defend against any amount of Reapers you use.
I think the nerfs should've focused more on the power of MMM instead of Barracks, Thors, and Reapers... Sure, they made Medivacs slower, but I think that actually works out better for Terran as I don't have to babysit my Medivacs moving ahead of my army as much. I personally never liked how slow Zerg moved off creep. As a Terran player, I even feel sorry for Zerg players. This is ridiculous, and I think would drastically help if Zerg speed off creep (besides Zerglings) could move even 25% faster (or even more). It used to be that Terran had to be careful against Zerg flanks, but how can is that possible now with Medivacs and stimmed rines vs SLOW Zerg units.
Honestly suprised you didn't talk about the large Toss nerf. You can't feedback thors or Corruptors anymore. That's pretty big.
Also the void nerf is probably goign to significantly diminish their popularity. I personally can't care for them when they are uncharged. Their damage then is just ridiculously low. Might raise the carrier's popularity, but I'm a bit disappointed we didn't get anything to compensate for the nerf. You do raise a good point about how once a few voids enter a base they can remain fully charged almost indefinitely and simply anhilate their ground based "counters".
Not sure how much the medivac changes are going to impact the effectiveness of biodrops.
Pretty excited though overall. Think there will be a toss one shortly, but in the mean time this should be enough to make zergs very very potent.
The terran changes are pretty good for zerg in particular as if you didn't play the 1st 7-8 perfectly in this sort of flow chart of situations you where simply dead no matter what you did. Getting a few roachs early was virtually a must for the most part to stop good reapers or hellions. And bunker rushes where supremely difficult to deal with on many levels especially cos of salvage and it just wasn't fun to watch or play as there is no inherent cost due to the inability to counter against the wall unless you go 5RR which is weak to any marauder/quick tank follow up.
Not that we can't deal with it but with proxy rax's become a complete fail in terms of skill comparisons between players.
Just cos the player didn't scout every single corner of the map when they need to get in your base to scout there before its walled is a major issue when the scouting the base is so vital to not being instantly BO beaten anyways.
i once had 20 thors and went into a fight with zealots and high templars
once the fight was over; i had 3 thors
lol the feedback thing was pretty badass. as a terran, i'm glad its not effective on thors anymore =D