SITE: http://www.livestream.com CHANNEL: http://www.livestream.com/4dvant THREAD: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/addtopic.php?type=19 What? Title: Zero RDS's Channel
I play SC2, KOTR (when it comes out), Alien Swarm, and other games off steam. I also dj and add my mixes to the stream, or sometimes I stream them live. I'll do my best to watch events such as ESL and the GSL. I am canadian and I'm currently ranked 1 in the silver division. I've noticed that I am improving from when I first started playing SC2. I currently use protoss and I might make the switch over to zerg. So I'f you read over this I hope you feel that my stream has some potential, I usually stream between 9pm-12am central manitoba time. When I stream I go by 4dvant because thats my dj name, but when I play SC2 I go by Zero RDS. Thank you for your time and I hope I receive some feed back from you have a great day and GL HF !!!!
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Site: http://www.ustream.tv Channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/gr0unded
We allow users one change to their streaming details. This is your only allowed change. Please allow the administrators 48 hours to run the back-end scripts to complete the changes. If you haven't seen any action after 48 hours, feel free to send another PM to me.
Site: Livestream Channel: scootrSC2 Title: scootrSC2
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Would it be possible to change the title of my current stream to "Shew" please?
if not I'll make a new account
No. Get yourself renamed to "Shew" if you want your stream to show that.
Site: USTREAM Channel: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/super-dood Thread URL: (optional) Title: (optional) Hint: 99.9% of you should leave this blank.
Will be bringing Zerg Only gameplay Nothing but the best Streaming quality possible w/ music.
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Site: Livestream Channel: theuentv
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Site: Ustream Channel: minigin
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Site: livestream Channel: phrostsgaming
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Site:Livestream Channel:JimboooSC2
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Site:Ustream Channel:http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kaetvsc2 Thread URL: (optional) Title: (optional) Hint:
You posted 2 above this? What the fuck?