You were afraid to use the sphere grid in FFX? From what I remember, the paths were extremely linear until you reached the "end" where there'd be some special skill/spell. Yeah, there were points where you could deviate into other characters' paths, but those weren't that numerous, and were usually locked anyways. But whatever.
Sending Yuna down Lulu's path worked wonders for me during my playthrough. Basically, her magic gets increased to ungodly high levels and she also get doublecast as well. You can get ultima, one-mp cost, and break damage limit afterwards, but the game gets really stupidly easy with all that.
Actually, if you wanted a way easier time beating FFX, you could just power through the bosses with summons. Maxing the overdrive on all your Aeons before entering a boss fight is basically the cheapest thing ever. Doubly so if they have break damage limit.
About FF7 - it was a pretty good game, but I feel like it didn't really age well at all. When I first played it, I remember thinking how impressive the visuals were. Looking at those polygonal arms nowadays, I cringe a bit. Fortunately, the story's still good. Chrono Trigger, on the other hand, is a timeless game. Those sprites are beautiful. Go finish it. + Show Spoiler [Golem sisters] +
They counter with the same type/element of attack that you hit them with. So stop using physical attacks and outfit your characters accordingly.
I have a lazy alternative nowadays. I watch HCBailly Let's Play videos of the various RPG's. Still eats up plenty of time. I'm glad I finished FF7 that way as I got terribly frustrated playing that game by myself (didn't resort to the internet back then when I abandoned it).
On September 15 2010 08:18 Spazer wrote: You were afraid to use the sphere grid in FFX? From what I remember, the paths were extremely linear until you reached the "end" where there'd be some special skill/spell. Yeah, there were points where you could deviate into other characters' paths, but those weren't that numerous, and were usually locked anyways. But whatever.
Sending Yuna down Lulu's path worked wonders for me during my playthrough. Basically, her magic gets increased to ungodly high levels and she also get doublecast as well. You can get ultima, one-mp cost, and break damage limit afterwards, but the game gets really stupidly easy with all that.
Actually, if you wanted a way easier time beating FFX, you could just power through the bosses with summons. Maxing the overdrive on all your Aeons before entering a boss fight is basically the cheapest thing ever. Doubly so if they have break damage limit.
About FF7 - it was a pretty good game, but I feel like it didn't really age well at all. When I first played it, I remember thinking how impressive the visuals were. Looking at those polygonal arms nowadays, I cringe a bit. Fortunately, the story's still good. Chrono Trigger, on the other hand, is a timeless game. Those sprites are beautiful. Go finish it. + Show Spoiler [Golem sisters] +
They counter with the same type/element of attack that you hit them with. So stop using physical attacks and outfit your characters accordingly.
I like the love story of eight, and since I was never a big user of magic, the fact that you're benefited by not using it is also a bonus. Seven was simply very good and even though I find it overrated, I cannot deny that it is still very good. I loved the combat system of twelve, by far the best combat system FF has ever had. Thirteen was such a disappointment, I waited so long and it was so flawed and boring. The story wasn't engaging really, and the actual game play was a bore; it lacked a lot of the things that you expect in a FF.
I've probably spent close to 1,000 hours on the games combined. I know I spent around 150 with Final Fantasy XII, and at least that much with Final Fantasy VIII seeing as I have played it four or five times.
Lucca with the fire armour's useful for Golem but I can't remember if you have the Red/White/Blue/Black vest/plate stuff, if you do it becomes much easier but make sure you have the speed to cast it before they do the half health move
As for FFs, I've completed quite a few over the years but with my bro too as we both played through switching around every now and then
Completed 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 Played all the others (except for 11 and 14) and some of the spin offs
Just before Kefka's tower in 6, but I can't bring myself to complete it because it's gonna be sad when I do It probably is the best one too in my opinion
On September 15 2010 08:18 Spazer wrote: You were afraid to use the sphere grid in FFX? From what I remember, the paths were extremely linear until you reached the "end" where there'd be some special skill/spell. Yeah, there were points where you could deviate into other characters' paths, but those weren't that numerous, and were usually locked anyways. But whatever.
Sending Yuna down Lulu's path worked wonders for me during my playthrough. Basically, her magic gets increased to ungodly high levels and she also get doublecast as well. You can get ultima, one-mp cost, and break damage limit afterwards, but the game gets really stupidly easy with all that.
Actually, if you wanted a way easier time beating FFX, you could just power through the bosses with summons. Maxing the overdrive on all your Aeons before entering a boss fight is basically the cheapest thing ever. Doubly so if they have break damage limit.
About FF7 - it was a pretty good game, but I feel like it didn't really age well at all. When I first played it, I remember thinking how impressive the visuals were. Looking at those polygonal arms nowadays, I cringe a bit. Fortunately, the story's still good. Chrono Trigger, on the other hand, is a timeless game. Those sprites are beautiful. Go finish it. + Show Spoiler [Golem sisters] +
They counter with the same type/element of attack that you hit them with. So stop using physical attacks and outfit your characters accordingly.
So if I absorb fire, then.......
OK I am going to try it tonight.
I raged when I found out too. Originally, I just powered through that fight with Marle and Frog constantly healing.
I don't have a DS, so never was able to play that version of FF4. But I played it back on my SNES, and playing it now, that game is really easy lol. I beat the entire thing in like, 10 hours or something, never grinding at all, just playing through at my leasure. Cecil is such a tank.
think the trick of FF8, besides knowing what cards to convert, is to keep your character at low health and spam Limit Breaks :D
Nah, the trick to FF8, is to never level up ever, and just abuse the Junctioning System as much as you can. Just get into a battle, and Draw magic till you have like 99 of them and stick them onto your stats. You make your party get a whole lot buffer, and at the same time all the enemies stay at super low levels.
People that call FF7 overrated just call it so for the sake of calling it so. Game changed the landscape of RPGs and is timeless in it's story.
@Mani Do not buy a PS3/XBOX for FF13 I would not recommend it at all. I bought the game when it came out and have yet to beat it because I cannot stand playing it for more than 30min.
FF4(2SNES) and 6(3SNES) were the games I played the most (along with Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger) when I was a kid with my Super Nintendo. So for nostalgia along they're right up there.
On September 15 2010 06:49 FragKrag wrote: hasn't even played ff6
This. I think the only reason why FF7 was so famous because it was 3D and one of the first games on the PlayStation.
On September 15 2010 06:52 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: I was thinking about trying to beat all the FF games eventually. A while ago, when the Beta went down for SC2, I tried doing so. I beat
PS. You probably hurt yourself not leveling up your characters in FFX. Think about it this way, the faster you level up, the quicker you beat enemies, the more you grind, the less you have to flee, the faster you'll level up more and cover more of the grid. I think I had around 75% of my grid done... I think my Yuna was dealing around 36,000 with her dinky staff which was retarded. Any fighter did 99,999, and that bee summon with the needle attack did around 40,000 dmg per hit (she shot like 12?).
FF Mystic Quest was an old SNES Final Fantasy game that wasn't part of the main series. IMO it doesn't stack up with the OTHER amazing SNES RPGs (like FF4, 6, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana), but its still a decent game.
On September 15 2010 06:52 NrG.NeverExpo wrote: I was thinking about trying to beat all the FF games eventually. A while ago, when the Beta went down for SC2, I tried doing so. I beat
FF Mystic Quest 100% FF2 (FF4) 100% FF3 (FF6) 100% FF5 50% done FF7 25% ish (I know pathetic) FF8 25% ish FF9 100% FF13 100%
Unfortunately I never had a PS2 to play #10 etc~!
damn broski, who says you need a ps2? FFX is an amazing game, I can easily recommend it to any1 as it's 1 of my favorite games story wise
grandia 2 or skies of arcadia have similar enough story that if you play either of them you have basically played ffx as well.
Tactics, 6 and 7 were the top three ff tactics (IMO) as each had a good story, good characters, good graphics at time of release, and have insanely good replaybility.
9 is close as it has a good story and characters but its replayability isn't as high.
The rest are pretty well a 1 playthrough unless you want to have some nostalgia factor.
On September 15 2010 08:55 FabledIntegral wrote: WTF is FF Mystic Quest???!?!?!?!?!??!
PS. You probably hurt yourself not leveling up your characters in FFX. Think about it this way, the faster you level up, the quicker you beat enemies, the more you grind, the less you have to flee, the faster you'll level up more and cover more of the grid. I think I had around 75% of my grid done... I think my Yuna was dealing around 36,000 with her dinky staff which was retarded. Any fighter did 99,999, and that bee summon with the needle attack did around 40,000 dmg per hit (she shot like 12?).
Can you actually do that? So far the only thing that can break the 9999 barrier is Behemut.
You need weapons that have Break limit damage or something and if you have fairly high strength then they'll do over 9,999. You can get more than 9,999 health too with break limit health or something
But for just completing the game you don't need it at all
Got FFXII lying around, but still haven't tried it. I'll get to it eventually, but I kind of lost my passion for FF games. I loved IV, V and VI, but for some reason never finished them. I really, really love VII. I've played through it countless times and still plan to do it again soon. As for VIII, I found it pretty bad and even had some trouble finding the motivation to finish it, as I ended up finding the card game a lot more entertaining. IX was pretty good, but not amazing. I found X rather different and also the game where FF started having a different format. The game was good, visually stunning at the time, great music, but it just feels way to linear. That's what I love the most VII, all the side quests you could do, all the small secrets, there is just so much to do.
Finally, XII. Bleeeeh, all I can say. I played it when it was released, and got to about 2/3 of the game and simply quit playing it. Then, just a couple of months ago, I thought that I should give the game another shot. So, I finished it and found it really boring. By the end I was just forcing myself to play the remaining. I never understood why it was so well received. It's visually stunning and pretty good music (still so, so inferior to Uematsu's), but extremely linear. Sure, I could head east instead of west as the story tells me to do, but then I'd just run into monsters that instantly kill me. It's like they're trying to make the player feel free to do whatever they want, but you're practically forced to follow the story at all times unless you want to do that bounty hunting crap. Oh, and I absolutely hate the fighting system. God damn it, what a terrible game.
So my experience with FFXII kind of ruined it for me, and that's why XIII is still just lying around. I feel more tempted to just find FFVII and play through it once again. Oh well, I'll get to it some day.