On September 11 2010 07:14 Lyter wrote: Used to play WFB/40K before I just stopped for a bunch of reasons, not to mention EVERYONE AND HIS DOG PLAYED SPACE MARINES, god were marines boring to play against (personally i played Dark eldar/high elves). However a couple months ago I picked up Warmachine, now this game I am in love with, I find the rules far more sensible and fun as well as it feeling a more tactical game with lots of very critical decisions to be made every turn, not to mention it is a lot more balanced than warhammer it seems, there isn't really a ranking for races and every race can win a tournament I feel. Also tournaments tend to be run so that you would take multiple army lists and have to play using different Warcasters (essentially the leader of your army, they cast spells, allocate focus points(which your machines use to smash face)) in different rounds so you have to be able to play different styles. I would highly recommend trying to get someone to demo you the game
I've played Warmachine and I love it. It's just that no one nearby plays the game.
Another *fantastic* game is the Starship Troopers game by Mongoose games. Seriously the rules are amazing. All of the rules and game system for it just makes SOOOO much more sense compared to other games I've played. Unfortunately... no one plays it, and it got discontinued. I never got to actually play a game of it, lol. But I did read through all the rules and just found myself thinking "WOW that makes so much more sense than warhammer.... damn!"
So yeah let's expand the thread. Post *any* miniatures you have! Wheee
I really should finish painting my Necron army but it's quite a lot of work 7 colors on the warriors :D also the only pictures I have of them are rather shit so I need to take better pictures too... heres some pictures anyways
Destroyers each had like 8 or 9? Colors on them dont remember it's been a while
You can see some of the rusty ancient effects on their body in this one
Tau here, but i absolutely suck at painting and modeling, so i won't be posting pics. Sryz. Those are some sweet models though.
Also, i've heard that Necron are currently at the bottom of the list in terms of competitive play T.T. I wouldn't really know, since i haven't played a Necron yet.
I know.... I took a break from BFG for a few months and when I came back Port Maw had just vanished. No one seems to have any idea wtf happened to it lol.
I have a 2k point Wood Elf army from 2005 that's now mostly bent and/or broken just over time. There were a couple units I never put together, just used the bases in games. Was a really fun game but too expensive to keep up with.
On September 11 2010 13:17 orgolove wrote: Don't these cost like $30 bucks PER FIGURE? and they aren't even colored, SO YOU HAVE TO COLOR THEM YOURSELF??
Why the heck would anyone spend so much money and time on what are essentially glorified toys?
Why would you post ina topic about a game just to hate on it?
On September 11 2010 13:17 orgolove wrote: Don't these cost like $30 bucks PER FIGURE? and they aren't even colored, SO YOU HAVE TO COLOR THEM YOURSELF??
Why the heck would anyone spend so much money and time on what are essentially glorified toys?
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Burn in a van.
I have just as much fun modeling/painting as I do actually playing. Some people only enjoy the gaming aspect, and others prefer the painting aspects. Everyone's different.
I had to stop playing 40k because it was too damn expensive and it was difficult to find people to play with. I had a 1000 point ork army that i was pretty proud of though, i painted their armor red so they went faster
I'm with Gecko on that one I have a 3000 point Ork army as well as a much much larger SM army, up to I think 8k, for Apocalypse. Besides my local hobby shop who had like 8 people total it was hard to find anyone to play with other than that it was a great game loved playing it especially huge Apocalypse games.
On September 11 2010 13:17 orgolove wrote: Don't these cost like $30 bucks PER FIGURE? and they aren't even colored, SO YOU HAVE TO COLOR THEM YOURSELF??
Why the heck would anyone spend so much money and time on what are essentially glorified toys?
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Like this whole post is completely unnecessary and really stupid if you actually sit down and think about what you post. You always have random negativity that is just not needed. If it really bothers you that much, why even post in here?
So what about the price per figure? It's a damn hobby for crying out loud. Why do people buy model cars? Model anythings? It's essentially the same thing. If someone came to TL and said "Why the heck would you spend your money on a computer and starcraft, that's not going to get you anything in the real world?" You (and many others) would jump on that person's shit right away. You, and everyone, spends money on what they enjoy doing. If Hae or Raelcun HATED Warhammer, they probably wouldn't be buying and painting figures, now would they?
On that note. God forbid you have to put any effort into something you enjoy doing. The painting is what I enjoyed doing - it let you customize your armies even more so than normal.
So, the answer to your question, is that we enjoy it.
Take some advice from Lightwip
On September 09 2010 14:30 Lightwip wrote: I usually delete inflammatory posts before I actually post them because I realize it really isn;t worth it.
Now that my morning fuming is out of the way, the armies look great, guys. I really love the Dreadnought! I had a TON of space marines back whenever...I never really played the tabletop, I was just one hell of a collecting motherfucker. My neighbor played alot of the tabletop though and paid me a crapton of cash for my whole entire space marine set. I gave in and sold em off on the thoughts that I would just buy more and start all over. Maybe start on not space marines...but I couldn't find any place local that would sell em, which makes me sad. The tread has rekindled my desire to build a whole crapton of them though.... hmmm...
Oh! On that note - my Warhammer dream is to create something similar to Red Orktober.
On September 11 2010 13:17 orgolove wrote: Don't these cost like $30 bucks PER FIGURE? and they aren't even colored, SO YOU HAVE TO COLOR THEM YOURSELF??
yes, there's zero enjoyment to be had in painting/modelling the manufacturers must just be lazy or something
On September 11 2010 13:17 orgolove wrote: Why the heck would anyone spend so much money and time on what are essentially glorified toys?
it's kinda hard to be critical of something as being childish when you're posting on a video game forum
some pretty sweet stuff in here, especially that dread Manit0u
Seriously I recommend anyone who is willing to spend time on painting their minis to get a couple decent brushes. Marten hair brushes are extremely common in art stores, they cost around 8-10 euros a piece and will improve your painting a lot once you start using them properly.
Just you wait until I get some free time on my hands so I can finally finish the rest of the miniatures (got ~1k SM army), especially my custom-built captain (used Emperor's Champion model from BTs as the base, the model is badass, already has a relic blade and fits Dark Angels perfectly).
@ r33k: Drybrushing is a perfectly viable painting technique, just like wet blending. It all depends on what final effect you wish to achieve and/or what style do you prefer.
Drybrushing is a shortcut, plain and simple. But on the right surfaces, it looks fantastic. It's all I do for my BFG stuff.
For newer or inexperienced painters, it's the best way to paint. Sure you can make something look better with a *LOT* of effort, but drybrushing will give you an awesome effect.. and it's EASY.
I painted my 40k orks almost entirely via drybrushing. They looked awesome!
I just wish I had the time to work on my army. I've been slowly working on a feral-Nurgle-themed WoC army. It'll be awesome, if I ever get it finished :S.
On September 12 2010 03:36 Haemonculus wrote: Drybrushing is a shortcut, plain and simple. But on the right surfaces, it looks fantastic.
Yeah, it's fast "Real" painting of the highlights looks better - but takes sooo much more time, so I only do it on special models. I drybrush 20+ model regiments. Looks ok enough.
But well I am so damn slow painting a miniature, drying time excluded it takes me 1hour for a normal model. Special models take up to 5hours and the quality isn't even close to the better painters. And I dont have pictures to share.
I have a small Tau army (~1500points) and a moderate Dark Elf army (~2500points). Yes, I am using unbalanced armies (2x Black Guard, 2 Hydras, Cauldron of Blood) - but that's because a friend of me is playing High Elves and their "Always strikes first" rule pisses me off in 8th edition (if you have higher initiative & always strike first you may reroll all failed to hits in every combat round. Even better than Hate wich only helps in the 1st round of combat).