On July 08 2010 07:59 Jayme wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2010 07:54 Abenson wrote: I especially love the Oprah one, that is, in my opinion, quite truthful. The only problem is that the review/trolls are a bit too long though D: Otherwise, it's really amazing
Edit: I know I put "too long" in my comment, please don't ban me D: This is what makes the difference between a good and a bad troll. This guy puts effort into it sir.
Agreed. This guy makes it seem like hes serious enough and still pisses people off.
On July 08 2010 07:57 Daimon wrote: looool, i like it.
there was this other person on IMDB.com who i found awhile ago that did something similar pretty well. they basically posed as a concerned mom and trolled the forums for every children's movie that had a hint of sexuality in it. i'll come back and post if i have time to find it.
Wow, that sounds great :D. please find it, I always laugh at that kind of stuff.
Oh, and I feel bad for having a blog that got 3 people banned, but hey, its happened plenty times before. I remember a blog by "Arb" I believe that had many people banned just like this or by saying cool story bro :x
What's with the mass banning lately? Have I missed something (I admit I don't check tl.net often)? Sorry to hijack your thread. Someone please PM me why people are getting banned so frequently.
By the way, hilarious stuff on Amazon haha.
Haha the ones on Seventeen magazine and the Oprah stuff are great xD
He could be 4chan's official scribe.
On July 08 2010 08:18 ssj114 wrote: What's with the mass banning lately? Have I missed something (I admit I don't check tl.net often)? Sorry to hijack your thread. Someone please PM me why people are getting banned so frequently.
By the way, hilarious stuff on Amazon haha.
It's because TL;DR and single sentences answers that don't add anything to the thread are bannable offences, and the influx of younger and more foolish sc2 players from other games besides brood war haven't caught on to how teamliquid works. I post it here instead of PM so others can see it.
On July 08 2010 08:40 Zurles wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2010 08:18 ssj114 wrote: What's with the mass banning lately? Have I missed something (I admit I don't check tl.net often)? Sorry to hijack your thread. Someone please PM me why people are getting banned so frequently.
By the way, hilarious stuff on Amazon haha. It's because TL;DR and single sentences answers that don't add anything to the thread are bannable offences, and the influx of younger and more foolish sc2 players from other games besides brood war haven't caught on to how teamliquid works. I post it here instead of PM so others can see it.
This. It's a necessary step to make sure Teamliquid stays Teamliquid.
Wow. its amazing how people can do this. He really put much time into this !!
Haha this is trolling at its finest. Read his interests on his profile lmao.
edit: and moderators, keep up the amazing work in keeping this site awesome.
Question: How does "tl;dr" warrant a temp ban on this blog site? I thought it was humorous jape at how the troll in question spent so much words writing his review. I would definitely laugh at the thought of troll writing this massive review thinking "har har I can't wait to see the reactions" only to be confronted by the wall of "tl;dr "
On July 08 2010 09:09 Hesmyrr wrote:Question: How does "tl;dr" warrant a temp ban on this blog site? I thought it was humorous jape at how the troll in question spent so much words writing his review. I would definitely laugh at the thought of troll writing this massive review thinking "har har I can't wait to see the reactions" only to be confronted by the wall of "tl;dr " Um, this isn't amazon, this is tl.net.
The reviewer's Interests section:
"As a patriot, Catholic, and most importantly morally clear human being, the preoccupations that interest me include only the ones which can benefit America and society in general. My interests chronicle faithfully my fated duty to fight liberalism to its inevitable end where all of mankind will acknowledge that conservatism is the only ideology that's wholesome and logical. This includes always being principled and maintaining my righteous convictions in the face of ALL adversity including liberal persecution in the distorted pop culture, fomented by the liberal media.
As such some of my hobbies are:
I like to give money to charity, though NOT--I cannot repeat this enough--ever to either Muslim charities (fronts for terrorists) or unanswerable groups like the International Red Cross which don't track where their money ends up.
I like to cruise around for prostitutes and go to strippers in the salacious establishments which are the shame of any REAL man called "gentlemen's clubs," but NOT for the reasons you may presume. I cruise for prostitutes routinely in order to proselytize them to surrender their depraved lifestyle, which will only encourage them to be liberals, and instead get an education and become religious, which will imminently lead them being of the more noble conservative ideology. In strip clubs, I pay for "private rooms" with the lustful harlots, who've no self-confidence, to also proselytize them to turn away from the liberalism that stripping encourages them to obey and instead get an education, go to church and become a conservative.
I also love to drive my gas-guzzling SUV all over the city just to provoke liberals who call themselves environMENTALISTS.
I stand outside abortion clinics and educate amoral, trailer trash-like, young, unwed "mothers" about how they're committing murder and how their fetus WILL feel pain when they abort. I encourage them to at least instantly notify their damn parents!
In and around airports, I like to profile Muslim/Arab-looking men since the majority of terrorists comes from that demographic.
After receiving my share of Bush's tax cuts for small businesses, I like to support the economy by spending.
I love to encourage young men and women to join ANY of the armed services, especially to fight in preemptive wars like Iraq which will benefit the security of future generations of Americans.
I love to pray and wear a cross around my neck in the most public of places, and I insist that my employer allows me to lead prayer in the workplace.
I love that my taxpayer dollars are used to give Israel the most amount of foreign aid of any country.
I lobby the government to immediately CUT OFF foreign aid to third-world countries who refuse economic reform as a precondition for my tax dollar charity.
Marx's Commmunist Manifesto, Fatwas from Islamofascists, Democrats' "Platform," Mein Kampf, and related books from Al Franken, Paul Begala/James Carville, Molly Ivins, Maureen Dowd, Seymour Hersh, David Corn, et al.
You see, to fight and then subsequently vanquish the liberal enemies, I have to know the enemy better than he knows himself!
Anything anti-American or anti-Bush or anti-government: Pearl Jam, Bruce Springsteen, Steve Earle, Dixie Chicks, Audioslave, anything punk, Nine Inch Nails, Kanye West, Rolling Stones (Mick Jagger especially), et al.
To crush the liberal enemy, I have to know what kind of psycho ideology his music includes!
Anything which cowardly degrades US policy, or pushes the liberal, counterculture, anti-traditional and socialist ideology of Hollywood. Movies like Brokeback Mountain, Syriana, Crash, The Constant Gardener, American Beauty, Fahrenheit 911, Black Hawk Down, Good Nigh and Good Luck, Capote, et al.
To finally destroy and mortify liberals in general, I have to see what kind of psycho beliefs they possess!"
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH This guy is hilarious.
His Profile:
"I am Mad Emperor Caligula, one of history's most misunderstood renegades!!!! This vainglorious title also applies to my flawlessness in judgments of any and ALL kind especially in disciplines I target: politics, history, society, books, music, and entertainment!!!! Particularly, my political views are so unassailable and cut with the most observant and authoritative scrutiny that the Liberal Traitors who oppressively monopolize all forms of media revenge themselves like spoilt children!!!! If you, the plebeian, should perpetrate any of the following: defiantly resist my resolute beliefs, ridicule my beyond-reproach opinion, or provoke antagonism towards me for my unimpeachable judgments, then you are unequivocally THE most distasteful, unprincipled sub-human on par with sinful liberals.
Politically, if you obstinately resent voting Bush/Republican, then you're automatically stigmatized as a traitorous, gullible, easily duped victim of the Demoncrats' sensationalism; for communistic, terrorist, Arab-Islamofascist-empathizing psychosis; for internationalist terrorist-appeasement; for opposition to school vouchers; for anti-Christ irreligion; for combating dependence from foreign oil; for fighting medical liability reform; for a pro-sodomite stand; for supporting government-dictated healthcare; for environMENTALism; for minority-luring; for lower-tax-bracket advocacy; and for rejecting personal responsibility, and I've only begun to scratch the surface of your faults!!!! If you're a liberal scourge, you should scathingly realize that you're damaging America and should have your citizenship revoked and yourself extradited to a country more respectful of your socialistically Communist Nazism like North Korea, Iran, or Cuba. Your invention of destructive socialism misused for American applications desecrates the tradition and principles of America because:
You dissuade soldiers serving in combat zones.
You endanger the success of a war mission by scandalously slurring the commander-in-chief.
You moralize Islamofascists who are hellbent on murdering even you mentally ill, unqualified, defective liberals.
You longingly value and connive with desiring a Euro-trash imitation of government, social services and life.
You predatorily miseducate children and the ignorant that America's the problem in the world.
You desperately worship and subserve anti-American celebrities who plan to massacre America's reputation and its values.
You scheme to catastrophically slash budgets for defense and preemption so you unhygienic social engineers can spend it on disdainfully haughty causes like the homeless bums, AIDS needle-users, and criminals.
You shamelessly and impudently misuse filibusters to double-cross the very people who errantly voted you into office by stalling in Congress and the Senate.
You aggressively pursue a CULTURE OF DEATH where you plan to discard human life if there's a legal technicality which sadistically and vengefully advocates euthanasia.
You routinely and impenitently dictate government rights and control over the ownership-society rights of the individual, such as state governments being able to seize private residences--eminent domain.
I pray to God every night that you liberal pestilence who've ulterior motives to plunder America into Turd-world, socialist-style Communism will be sentenced to eternal burning in hell!!!! For the record, to humiliatingly disprove liberal aggressors who scheme to dishonor me as a quintessential stereotype of a neocon or conservative, I'm simply an unassuming independent who puts America first--THAT'S all!!!!
Thank you very little."
indeed a skillful troll this guy...
i never thought even amazon would be a playground for trolls...
This guy seems really passionate about his trolling. I myself prefer the "ninja troll" where you just come in and say "You're wrong." - think its even more infuriating :D
haha, I've never considered Amazon as a trolling grounds. Still can't believe people are such suckers and/or get so mad on the internet though. My pet peeve on amazon tbh is people that rate shit too high.. defeats the purpose of a rating system if you dont give below 4 or 5 hehe
On July 08 2010 08:34 [UoN]Sentinel wrote: He could be 4chan's official scribe.
:o Wonder what he's doing on Amazon.
I can't believe I just read half his reviews. Some of them are really funny, but also correct in a way.
I feel like he's really obvious. Judging from the comments on his reviews, most other people think so, too.
lol if i just randomly read his anne frank one, I wouldn't even think about trolling. The book sucks DICK.
He must have spent his entire life so far on Amazon "reviewing" stuff.
Yeah, the troll you mentioned got stomped pretty quickly.
On the other hand, this guy is hilarious! I randomly came upon this, and my mouth gaped at the epicness that was he. Must read imo.
Back on topic, trolling on Amazon usually fails quite hard since they patrol their site very well, and there are more educated people there.