On June 12 2010 22:54 Competent wrote: I don't know what I hate more, people throwing around the word troll or someone misspelling 3-4 words, not capitalizing words at the begining of a sentence, and misusing punctuation all while calling everyone else in a huge rant stupid.
Now watch, I get banned because I am right.
User was temp banned for this post.
aw yeah the only way to make any point is to martyr yourself, 10/10
As a nitpicking, English-obsessive tit, I still find it sad and unnecessary for people to pick on errors in spelling, punctuation, syntax, or usage in a forum argument (unless so lax as to obfuscate all meaning). It feels like the last resort for someone who has nowhere to go in a discussion/argument/whatever.
re: intrigue, I think he thinks that you correcting usage while not capitalizing the first word after every period is not... competent.
I also wanted to find a way to make a post using the words "trollop," "bone-dry," and meta-anything, but oh well.
regardless of origins, the term now has broader meaning accepted among the majority who use it. i just interpret it as someone messing with you or a certain situation in order to draw attention to themselves.
On June 13 2010 12:33 eMbrace wrote: regardless of origins, the term now has broader meaning accepted among the majority who use it. i just interpret it as someone messing with you or a certain situation in order to draw attention to themselves.
even this broader definition is not how people say it on the forums, they use it as a substitute for "i disagree with you" or "you're stupid"
Feels good to know the definition of trolling alredy, but I have a legit question.
what if I was like "man he be trolling" when in fact i was talking about trolls in Warcraft. Not seeing how this would happen or any situation where I would say this or want to, but just curious.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good perogative. Been called a troll several times when I've been 100% sincere. People say stuff like "lol don't feed troll he's just trolling" every time you disagree with another person. These people are just out to start internet fights and are too stupid to partake in the true trolling experience. However much I dislike "good trolling" online atleast those people put effort into what they do. Kids screaming obscenities and proclaiming themselves trolls like they did something impressive are pathetic and I'm glad TL is taking a stand towards these unintelligeble remarks.
On June 14 2010 14:15 bjornkavist wrote: Feels good to know the definition of trolling alredy, but I have a legit question.
what if I was like "man he be trolling" when in fact i was talking about trolls in Warcraft. Not seeing how this would happen or any situation where I would say this or want to, but just curious.
well then you'd be banned for being a newb, since who the hell makes headhunters in warcraft III
On June 14 2010 14:15 bjornkavist wrote: Feels good to know the definition of trolling alredy, but I have a legit question.
what if I was like "man he be trolling" when in fact i was talking about trolls in Warcraft. Not seeing how this would happen or any situation where I would say this or want to, but just curious.
well then you'd be banned for being a newb, since who the hell makes headhunters in warcraft III
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: please, please please STOP THROWING AROUND THE WORD "TROLL" when you don't understand what it means.
Stop insulting our intelligence. The majority of people know what "troll" means in the context of the internet by now. Especially those who post regularly on forums.
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: most of you reading this who just said to yourselves, "this does not apply to me, i know how to use that word" do not in fact know how to use that word. it makes you look dumb, makes me look dumb, makes our forums look dumb, and thus gradually decreases your chances of mating with cute TAs that you never thought were that cute but then you glimped them with their glasses off accidentally and realized they were actually super hot AND smart but she reads teamliquid and thinks you're dumb because you can't use a basic internet term correctly. that's incentive to read the following:
I think run-on sentences like these are more detrimental to the perceived intelligence of the TL community than calling people trolls. Also, that wasn't even remotely funny.
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: "trolling" does NOT include obvious bantering and/or joking and/or having simply contrary viewpoints and/or having simply earnest and stupid opinions.
You just named most of the methods used by trolls. I like how you had to use qualifiers such as "simply" to try to make it seem like this statement could be true.
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: it is a word adopted from this term:
Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water.
source wikipedia (yeah that means i know damn well what i'm talking about) this means the fish here are being trolled, which okay yeah it's pretty funny.
for those of you who cannot conquer the Analogy Obstacle Course, an internet troll (the ship captain) in his Internet Locomotive Device aka his computer (the boat) will make troll posts (the fishing bait) and watch as his victims are dragged in any direction he chooses.
Insulting the reader's intelligence again...
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: What does this mean? if you call someone a troll because you've had a heated argument with them, that means you just got all mad and fussed up by someone who did it just to entertain themselves, and that just makes you fucking stupid. think about what happens to fish after they are trolled!
On June 10 2010 18:16 intrigue wrote: that last one is also because starting now temp bans will be handed out by me for blatant misuse, like "is this thread a troll? r u a trolling me??? qxD dxDDDDDD"
Calling someone a troll is not exclusively dependent on being mad at them. Most people try to have a reasonable argument with someone, and when it becomes clear that the troll is trying to troll, then they unemotionally dismiss that person as a troll. By the way, the first quote has nothing to do with the second quote. Who would write that if they were legitimately pissed off? Without context, you cannot call your example "blatant misuse" of the word troll.
Stop insulting our intelligence. The majority of people know what "troll" means in the context of the internet by now. Especially those who post regularly on forums.
really? really really?
You just named most of the methods used by trolls. I like how you had to use qualifiers such as "simply" to try to make it seem like this statement could be true.
trolls use obvious bantering and/or joking and/or having simply contrary viewpoints and/or having simply earnest and stupid opinions as a way of... inciting reactions? you serious?
and when it becomes clear that the troll is trying to troll, then they unemotionally dismiss that person as a troll
i read this and i immediately realized what the problem was. looking at your post history confirms it! this thread hits a bit too close to home for you because you are exactly the audience this was meant for. you still don't understand what it means, do you? let's take a look.
On May 27 2010 17:35 Mooga wrote: KeSPA has to be a troll.
in a thread about gom and blizzard signing a deal. yeah kespa intentionally let negotiations fall through with blizzard just to piss everyone off. 0/10
On March 23 2009 01:16 Mooga wrote: I just started reading this thread. lol at inc trying to troll us in a thread about trolling xD
no, voicing common complaints about klazart != trolling, especially since TL posters were quite anti-klazart at the time. 0/10
On December 14 2008 10:32 Rus_Brain wrote: Recently everyone is able to ask Ukrainian President about something We (reps.ru) have prepared the following question: Lee Myung-bak, президент кореи любит поиграть в StarCraft, почему вы не играете в StarCraft ? = Lee Myung-bak Korean president likes to play StarCraft, why you dont like to play StarCraft? Please, help this question to be asked :D http://president.pravda.com.ua/internet/4942e445ec545/
Oh, so that's what russians do in their spare time: troll ukraine
oh, so that's what "trolling" means: making an obvious joke. 0/20
On June 14 2009 13:24 Mooga wrote: I have 2 dormant troll accounts on this website with dynamic IPs.
Interesting that neither was created while you were banned.
I create troll accounts preemptively
let's get this straight, so you are saying that before you start participating on a website you make accounts to "troll" with in the event your main one is banned? what?
On October 23 2008 09:51 Mooga wrote: So... how much does one have to troll to get banned?
5 post count 'Ldra' makes a post about having a gf, yes that isn't obviously a joke or anything. not a single person in that thread got mad, everyone was 'haha'-ing. terrible
On October 08 2008 03:08 Mooga wrote: There are a lot of people in this thread who are either pussyhurt or have no sense of humor. What they don't understand about the hilarity of this situation is the shear amount of naivety it takes to get trolled hard by this thread; that, in itself, is priceless.
irony, 10/10
On June 24 2008 12:30 Mooga wrote: wow scorpion, your posts are completely unoriginal. you fail as a troll
this one was excusable because scorpion is stupid and it's hard to tell the difference, but of course you had to add in a shitty meme.
On May 28 2010 09:41 Conquest101 wrote: If you buy their game, you need to agree to their terms. Otherwise, don't buy it. Simple.
Blizzard isn't claiming that you can't modify files on your hard drive if you buy their game. They're claiming that you can't modify their game if you agree to their terms of use. You know that agreement you say you read and understand when you install the game.
You purchased those bits on your hard drive, you can do what you want with them.
Haha this has to be a troll.
User was warned for this post
On June 16 2009 15:18 Mooga wrote: I found a counter-troll article to the article I posted above. It's more subtle trolling, and not quite as funny but it still gets the job done. Fanboy war!!! WOOOOO!!!
counter-troll? do you mean 'a review written in a joking manner?'
you use the word incorrectly in almost every single instance. i call you out on using your favorite word terribly, so you tell me i'm not funny and point out my obviously intentional run-on sentence. yeah you sure showed me!
you know what? i make it a point not to ban people i argue with, because that's just plain not classy and seems like an abuse of power. i'm a person too though, i don't have to put up with being "called out" when the person doing it is petty and entirely wrong.
its funny seeing everyone on the ban list being referred to this thread. judging from the rapidly increasing list of bans, its a big problem. and ROFL at counter-troll, it reminds me of t and ct from cs