4 day weekend. Bring it the fuck onnn.
How do you center this rawrawr
Trash bag is gosu ~~
Hey... my coffee from this afternoon @ right!
Trying to stay away from SC2 for the rest of the month ~~
ROAR! Hopefully other people will do the same...? (I really need a zerg to play w/....)
Neat looking rig and yes how do you fit all that stuff there? :D
51295 Posts
i need a k-pop album on my mousepad for motivation i guess =[
just a self-observation pushed onto you; you need more bookshelfs. just put shit on there and give it enough space and it looks neat
monitor the free section on craigslist in your area. don't take the first shit you see that works, wait till you find something that matches your room.
Steelseries Ikari Optical ftw.
ohh you meant center the text
always keep a roll of toilet paper on your desk :D :D :D
you should come down to the uw tomorrow to watch the MSL finals!
On May 28 2010 17:35 GTR wrote: i need a k-pop album on my mousepad for motivation i guess =[ Lol^^ -I need better headphones and a k-pop album -__-
On May 28 2010 17:35 GTR wrote: i need a k-pop album on my mousepad for motivation i guess =[ mahmah i has one! nice blog, i want that kinda mousepad too ;>
this is pretty epic btw lol GAME ON
On May 28 2010 18:10 EpiK wrote: you should come down to the uw tomorrow to watch the MSL finals!
This. I'll play ZvT with you but you might get bored =D
Belgium9943 Posts
I'll play sc:bw if u need me.
w00t! excited for more gosu terran fp
MizukiNada ftw!
Netherlands4511 Posts
why no sc2? cause beta ends or cause it's a horrible game????
what about the crayola colored pencils? what they for?
I'm playing Brood War now too :D.
On May 28 2010 21:46 ret wrote: why no sc2? cause beta ends or cause it's a horrible game????
Can't believe you hardly play SC2 anymore
On May 28 2010 21:46 ret wrote: why no sc2? cause beta ends or cause it's a horrible game????
wcg/beta end
Quality people make quality blogs! 5/5