Hey guys, just got a few quick livestream questions i've been having a tough time getting the answer to.
1. How can I get it so when i'm streaming (i use procaster), I can have it hear my mic and my "computer" sounds (sc2, other people on vent, etc.) I only currently get the sound that is played on my computer, can't hear anything on the stream from my mic.
2. How can I get the annoying overlay on the stream to go away? it takes up like half the stream and says something like "Raydog is live!" with a big black box and a little scrolling text under it
Thanks guys!
scrolling text is fixed in your procaster setup thingy
just set it to "off"
EDIT: its in the studio, in the broadcast live tab, literally under "overlays"
United States10264 Posts
1. Use virtual audio cables to mix Stereo Mix and mic, and output it. Alternatively, have you tried enabling both tabs, and using mic for the top one and speaker output for the bottom one? It might auto-mix the sounds together. Not 100% on that though.
2. livestream.com/studio. Once you enter, bottom right box. All controls for overlays are there. Just disable everything.
so the livestream.com/studio is for editing and all that options, and procaster is for actual show for LIVE?
go to mastervolume ( the little cone on the bottem right) Go to open volume control (double click icon). go to options-properties in the adjust volume for playback check microphone. That should do it. however this will cause you to also hear what you say. I guesse there is an better option in porcaster