There have been two money events on the NA server, HG and Smuft
Smuft's was a limited 12 player invite, where they picked Team EG over Team Quebec, when team Quebec had beat them 6 days ago in TST Cup 1.
Team AUS, Team EG, and Assembly Redailing participated in Smuft's tournament, all 3 of those team entered TST Cup 2. The finals of TST Cup 2 was Root Gaming vrs Team Quebec.
HG I don't see Sheth, Drewbie, or really any members of team quebec / root gaming, or a lot of high rated players entered. Also the event is still not even over, and has results from many different periods of balance.
So yes, if you judge only the money invites to determine the best players, idra would be high on the list. Either way a lot of the best players did not get invited to smuft, or did not enter HG for whatever reason. The other events, after HG, they did enter, they have all done really well in.
Game 1 - Lost Temple - Zelniq (Z) > Machine (Z) Game 2 - Kalus Ravine - Zelniq (Z) < Lzgamer (T) Game 3 - Steppes of War - qxc (T) > Lzgamer (T) Game 4 - Scrap Station - qxc (T) > Louder (T)
Can you really automatically rate team EG players as top players? Sure LzGamer is up there, but they have been losing clan wars, vs vT gaming, Team Quebec, and root Gaming have all beat them in 3 man team matches. It's really sketchy who is actually at the top, but going with recent results from events + ladder rankings it's pretty clear.
Team AUS (finals of smuft), was also all killed by nkdCoke in TST cup 2, the same team Idra brags about all killing.
Also artosis and Idra where just messing around in MLG showmatches vrs Cauthonluck.
I understand, let's only look at results from 2 events (1 not even finished, the other small invite) and ignore everything else as meaningless as Idra would like.
Lets be honest here, it's too early to tell, but if you look at all tournaments/events results and wanted to rank the players, Team Quebec / Root Gaming members have to be up there.
Idra is not bonjwa, or the best, he has won ONE event, and the finals "all kill" was performed the next day against the same team by nkdcoke. That is the only event he has won.
*I have no affiliation with Root Gaming or any of them, I'm not a member of their team.
USA29055 Posts
People are making judgments on the GAMES THEY SEE not tournaments for fun that people play for fun. I'm sure no one argues Root and Quebec contain some top players but you seem to be contradicting yourself by saying they are the best when all they have done is win a couple of weekend hit outs for fun. I don't think anyone is arguing against those players not being good?
So basically... We don't know who's the best, but the players who's name we hear the most/see the most is who we perceive to be the best... Neato who would've thought.
If it's worth anything, Idra has won me over with his great play and lack of respect for anyone.
On April 09 2010 19:56 lazz wrote: it's beta.
ya, this. who cares who's the best?
On April 09 2010 20:12 Pokebunny wrote:ya, this. who cares who's the best?
I care. Chances are that those who are the best now, will be the best when the real thing comes out, or atleast among the top levels of the ''skill tree''.
Or you guys saying that at some point the beta will change in someway that will nullify their skill / ways of playing? Or that these players won't be around after the release? I kinda doubt that.
i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers.
I don't understand why people are so quick to proclaim this or that person the best, or even good, after playing a decent game.
We've seen so many build order victories from people like CauthonLuck (just an example nothing against him) that people immediately proclaim him a top NA player only to have him play honestly embarrassing games against other middle tier platinum players and lose.
I don't see too many NA players rising above that level where anyone can beat anyone right now. I do see a lot of people who think past performance in SC1 somehow qualifies them as good SC2 players when their actual play clearly shows the opposite. But of course people are going to give SC1 players the benefit this early in competitive sc2 and if it really is the case that there are better sc2 players, they will fall behind.
On April 09 2010 21:00 IdrA wrote: i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers. so suave
lol. Don't take my post the wrong way, because I think you're doing great things for the community and I appreciate it. But... I don't think even the winners of your events consider them anything more than "weekend hit outs for fun" as deL said. Maybe you're being argumentative only because you dislike IdrA as a person, but the comments of his that you're responding to are spot-on and not really debatable IMO.
On April 09 2010 21:00 IdrA wrote: i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers.
LOL this is awesome
On April 09 2010 21:00 IdrA wrote:+ Show Spoiler +i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers. LOL very nice!
Idra is now good mannered!
On April 09 2010 21:00 IdrA wrote: i was going to simply post that you're a retard and you should shut up because your opinions are uninformed bullshit. however i was recently banned and warned that, while it was acceptable for me to tell stupid people that theyre stupid, i must do so in a more indirect manner so that certain moderators with weak stomachs are not offended. as such; good sir, you appear to be somewhat lacking in intelligence. please refrain from posting until this is remedied, since it renders your opinions slightly less than correct and has a tendency to irritate more informed forum-goers.
Ahahahaha. Never change Idra.
Honestly, it was a joke Team Quebec and Root Gaming weren't in Smuft cup if it was a judge of top teams. It was obviously their money and they can watch who they want, but as evident by results of team cups, two of the best top 4 teams were not in the tourney.
Please don't try to tell me players and teams don't try if it's not a money event, if that was true, why even enter? Catz, Drewbie, Slush, Sheth, CauthonLuck and Fredz have proven they are top players with their play.
A player's popularity doesn't make them a better player.
Note: I have huge respect for EG and am not trying to imply they are a bad team. I just respect results more than name brands, hype or expectations.
United States22883 Posts
On April 09 2010 23:47 Mirhi wrote: Honestly, it was a joke Team Quebec and Root Gaming weren't in Smuft cup if it was a judge of top teams. It was obviously their money and they can watch who they want, but as evident by results of team cups, two of the best top 4 teams were not in the tourney.
Please don't try to tell me players and teams don't try if it's not a money event, if that was true, why even enter? Catz, Drewbie, Slush, Sheth, CauthonLuck and Fredz have proven they are top players with their play.
A player's popularity doesn't make them a better player.
Note: I have huge respect for EG and am not trying to imply they are a bad team. I just respect results more than name brands, hype or expectations. It's more practice? There's a different mindset between up and comers and the people who are used to it. No one can speak for any of these players, except for they themselves, but in my experience with competitive gaming, anything that wasn't the main league was unimportant, including secondary leagues. That doesn't mean you avoid it, but you just don't take it as seriously. There is no dominant SC2 league yet, but the money matches are closer to it.
What does the "this is beta" argument have to do with it. I see a bunch of retards repeating this statement without having any clue as to what it means. Do you realize that there are cash tournaments happening on a weekly basis, and as such it matters A LOT who the perceived "best" players are right now?
Nobody gives a shit if the players who are good right now are good in 2 years, but when determining who to invite for events and stuff, it is actually really important to want to have the best players possible, and as such, knowing who the best players are is equally important. The fact that SC2 is in beta stages literally has nothing to do with it.