On March 21 2010 04:26 PsiOnic14 wrote:
dam u people are savages would u like mt to reword this whole ting to say the same thing as voyager i truly dont ahve the computer specs to get into beta i have been playing sc since it came out on the pc and nintendo 64 i no so lame and i really would like the chance to plays sc2
dam u people are savages would u like mt to reword this whole ting to say the same thing as voyager i truly dont ahve the computer specs to get into beta i have been playing sc since it came out on the pc and nintendo 64 i no so lame and i really would like the chance to plays sc2
If I read that right, and it was difficult let me tell you, your computer doesn't even have the ability to play the beta? So why exactly are you asking for someone's key?