This is sorta a theorycrafting thread but im sorta eager to post this so im going to make it my blog. From the campaign, Blizzard introduced Disruption Web as a temporary spell to shut down static defense and kill air units
There are already strategies with corsairs involved for PvZ (Sair/DT, Sair/Reaver, etc) but what if you can use them for lategame? You can get the Fleet Beacon and get D-web. maybe it would be helpful to Dweb Swarm so Zerg have to move out of swarm to attack. I also think a Sair suprise build vs terran can be fun. Make 2 Stargates and a fleetbeacon right next to your main nexus so the terran WILL scan it. he will think Carriers so he makes more goliaths > tanks. so you just Dweb tanks and roll goliaths with goons? i tried this. its super APM intensive. I think they could be used in PvP. i never tried it.
Also, i know D-web lasts for a short amount of time but anyone know exactly how long it lasts? To do this, you would have to cut some gas heavy units (Templars, Arbiters) to get the d-web research and the 5-8 corsairs. Anyone have VODs or Reps that still work of players actually using D-web and win?
I remember a pro game from sometime ago but like you said its HUGE micro intensive and the fact that the D-web doesn't last so long doesn't help either.
Basically it's easier to just call it D- Web, because it's really bad and just useless for the amount of time you have to wait and resources you have to spend. Arbiters are much better for a bit more..
Canada8028 Posts
I don't know about the viability of corsairs in PvP. The tech required just seems prohibitive since the cost to build a stargate, fleet beacon, and to research d-web comes to 650/550 since none of these buildings/upgrades are usually made in standard PvP builds. And this is even without the cost of building corsairs. The time and resources you spend on this tech could easily cost you the game.
That, and storm > d-web.
Baltimore, USA22245 Posts
I used it in a 4v4 hunters game last week. Other team (PPZZ) decided to go mass cannons/hydra in the center, so when we broke out I had some corsairs flying around already and got the upgrade for the fun of it... worked pretty well, stopped a lot of cannons.
Lx beat Puma with dwebs on Medusa
Germany2762 Posts
pusan tried to pull it off a while ago in a match but failed.
D- web lol. 5 out of 5 stars imo.
Have a look at the Sair/Reaver games on Andromeda. I do not have any notable examples in my head, but Stork/Bisu executed that build quite effectively on that map. That being said, its one of the hardest builds to use period. It transitions quite smoothly to mass carrier though which is simply imbalanced after a certain count in PvZ due to the fact that you can snipe every single hatchery and still have great mobility.
Oh and PvT and PvP its a completely useless waste of money. Too much gas investment for a useless tactic that you can only use once per corsair, 125 energy is simply impractical. Get units that kill everything instead + shuttles.
If you've watched infernal's stream lately, he got dweb in about every late game PvZ.
I saw nony get it too on his stream I think, but he might have just gotten it for fun, Infernal is pretty serious about it though, Naruto called it his standard late game transition.
there is a pimp play where the toss does some mass goon disruption web strat. mops the floor with tank parts.
how about just plain mass sair v Z? Its for the purpose of killing oveys+ then later on you can go carrier and.... what scourge? he can't get scourge out because he is supply blocked! SPORES? D-Web. Sair/Carrier pwnage lol.
It's pretty good against tanks, but arbiters can do a similar trick, along with cloaking all your units, recall AND deal 10 damage against ground for only a little more gas.
On February 25 2010 20:57 3FFA wrote: how about just plain mass sair v Z? Its for the purpose of killing oveys+ then later on you can go carrier and.... what scourge? he can't get scourge out because he is supply blocked! SPORES? D-Web. Sair/Carrier pwnage lol.
Hydras+swarm/plauge. you can't hurt his units and he can move away from d-web + reduce you to shield only.
On February 25 2010 21:02 ghostWriter wrote: It's pretty good against tanks, but arbiters can do a similar trick, along with cloaking all your units, recall AND deal 10 damage against ground for only a little more gas. sairweb/goon is faster than 2base arbiter.