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Lecaf fighting! 3-0! Does Jaedong look odd in the picture you have? Lol, FBH's hugging his teammate.
FBH vs JD rematch. More BC's?
I see 3 : 0 Samsung since Ho sucks.
Predictions: by.great Jaedong BackHo Jangbi Stork > Jaedong if Stork is even around. If not, Jangbi < Jaedong
United States10774 Posts
On December 08 2008 15:35 OneOther wrote: i feel bad for lecaf i feel bad for + Show Spoiler + oh snap!
Last I heard, Jaedong is starting on a downhill slump.
Savior is Zerg. Jaedong is Zerg. Lee Eun Sung FIGHTING!!!
I want to see Jaedong use queens and win.
turtle power vs the happily hugging homos
United States10774 Posts
let's talk about how fbh will fuck with jaedong this time!
10183 Posts
If FBH gets jaedong again, then I will say FBH is the slumping zerg killer until then, I'll wait and see
Nice games. Also interested in seeing how much Backho can fail against TT.
I sense 3-1 Khan or 3-2 Khan(Jangbi or FBH over Jaedong).
firebat hero will smash jaedong
Those green jackets are hideous.
I hope Jaedong 4 pools FBH or something.
Even though I would like FBH to win.. I don't think it's a for sure thing. I'm willing to bet Jaedong can take it.. it's probably 55-45... in either one's favor depending on what kind of day they are having