What's up guys? I just had a great starcraft day! I played 9 games, lost 4 and won the other 5! Those 5 games weren't versus noobs either, well SOME of them weren't versus noobs.
The Toss
This guy was funny in the I want you to die kind of way. When he joins up he has high D stats and says, "you got 1500 points lol noob gl your gona n33d it lololol!!11!" That's all the reason I need to play this asshat.
This kind of stuff makes me smile for some reason
From my understanding stealing gas is designed to make me be aggressive to try to combat the fact I'm behind in gas. Well, I know I'm not behind for I'll be in his base in a moment and I'll see this.
My god this is late
Oh wait, that's not the best part.
Where's the zealot?
My drone was attacking that pylon for long enough to start dealing damage to its health. I don't have time to scout this as well, but I sure as hell expected it:
I'll go back to killing the pylon.
It's too bad I know exactly your build and how late it is
Despite the fact I expected the fast sair, I decided that I wanted to be dumb and go for 3 hatch mutas. Hydras are overrated.
Killtacular! Killtrocity! Killamonjaro!
He's on his way from misery to happiness to me... To kill me.
Overlords are kind of like that fat kid in gym class who has to walk the entire mile run
I would think that this time is a good idea to gain some sort of economic advantage. You know, maximize what you have to win with?
I don't play Protoss, so maybe expo's aren't very important
Meanwhile, back at my base I'm still a dumbass...
Defenses of any kind are dumb! You know how I play!
Finally mutas come out. I clean up the sairs with a few scourge and those mutas that I've waited oh so patiently for. I go to both expos and see nexuses, but no probes... hmm.
He must be clustering his probes at one base to protect them.
Cannon placement is an art not a science.
Wow... Just wow
Just about now this guy starts talking about how sleepy he is in spanish. Even though he spoke english before. He starts going, "zZZZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZzzzZZZzzzZzZzZZ." I think he was trying to say he was too sleepy to beat me. I can't blame him. Life is tough. I should gg for his sake.
Whatever, attack move works well versus sleepy people I guess.
Zay vay Tay (ZvT)
I just took a math test so this will have a minor math theme. I've never played versus Terran mech before. I thought it was simple, but I guess not.
I love my 12 pool... I mean hatch! I mean 12 hatch! I can't say it right, but I can do it right.
My scouting was limited this game. All I could tell was that he was going for a late FE. That was pretty unlucky.
Such that f(e) is a periodic equation.
Now, this is why it was unlucky to not get a scout in.
Zerglings and mutalisks right?
After the f(e) kicks in he makes a few more factories.
Is this all-in? I really don't know anything about this build. It requires so much powering
Anyway, I felt like foreshadowing what will happen.
I think I should be an artist. What do you guys think?
My mutas come and I'm all like, "oh shiz what the eff maaan dat lots of gols lolololo?!"
I'm a JulyZerg!
While I'm in his base with mutas I attack with my zerglings.
We zerglings attack as one. We die as one. We kill all the SCVs as one.
You know when people get this look in their eye like, "I'm done with this shit." They just do whatever it is that needs to be done and their problem melts? Yeah, I bet this is what that guy was doing.
I have nothing to say to this image.
I didn't scout him moving out. In fact I thought he had far fewer goliaths than he did.
I wonder when my sunkens will rank up from d to d+?
Wow mech can be effective if your enemy has no idea what to do about it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
I'm not in a jj mood.
T3h 3nDz
I'm so tired. Apparently, I play good starcraft when I go from that tiredness to the adrenaline-to-keep-you-awake mode. I likely won't be on for a few days, but I'm still looking for people to play with. If you wanna play with me just message me as LeperKahn on iCCup and USEast. Thanks so much for reading. Until next time guys!