"Now <girls name> I know I have had trouble communicating with you recently..."
(and you nod or something)
But the truth is that I like you
(Now if you hadn't interrupted me here what i would have said)
Now I know you don't like me in that way, I would never expect that of you.
But I do want you to feel that way.
So I want you to go out... On a date... with me sometime so that I can get to know you better.
I know love rarely comes at first sight and I'm not expecting it to.
But I'm nice, I really am despite how I come off some time, so I just want you to give me a chance.
Now unfortunately the whole thing didn't go as planned, and so I was left with a feeling wondering why things like this happen. So here goes:
It Seems like everyone wants what they can't have in High School. I suppose everyone always wants what they can't have. People alone long for friends. People With Friends want boyfriends and girlfriends. People with stability want passion and yet people with only passion find themselves feeling empty and alone. Is being content mean that we have simply given up in life, that we have resigned ourselves to float aimlessly in the Vast Machine?
I believe that the only way to be truly happy is to take this cycle backwards. (At this point I comment that this is what I should write songs about as I have writers block when it comes to lyrics)
Those who yearn for the excitement of short days and long night should take joy in being able to wake up next to someone they care about and cares about them. Those of us who surround and shield themselves with friends and social gatherings should enjoy the solidarity of just a cup of coffee and a paper and pen.This is not a call for us to scramble for lovers to take to bed. This a work order for a suburban home with a white picket fence built from out love the beauty around us.
However it is that very same love that must remain separate from this great circle of soon-to-be-inverted lust. For out desire to love must remain ever heart wrenching as it is through that love that we can truly enjoy all of life, from the bitterness of the coffee we drink when we journal to the concrete villages that we reside in. Ans even enjoy the pain that comes from a love unrequited because, above all else, it is through our love that know that we are alive.