Hi there, mafia championship organizer here - hyped to see the interest in the event! To address a few points brought up:
~ Your representative will play in a qualifier that starts anytime between end of April and mid-June, so don't worry if you can only play earlier or later, we'll work to accommodate your schedule!! We also take your timezone into consideration, where for example we had 4 out of 9 qualifiers last year with euro-friendly end of days!
~ The postcap was implemented because pre-postcap seasons saw games becoming overly bloated, it was a little ridiculous! Rest assured that the postcap generally isn't an issue for most people that play, simply a way to stop postcounts from getting wildly out of hand!!
~ As you've noticed, the setup is intended to be townsided!!! This is because when the playerlist is filled with people from different communities, their unfamiliarity with each other makes it difficult for town to coordinate, whereas mafia have a head start; in short, the culture clash naturally makes the games more mafia-sided!! So the town favored setup helps to balance it out a little... but you'll find that mafia likely win more often anyway!
That is like one fringe case of the imperial system being more straight forward and way to use than the metric system if you use that as a reason for one system over another that line of thought basically self resolves in favour of using the metric system.
Yodling is the sound you heard from the ancestors echoing across the wide wide mountains when the gay mafia finally got to them cause they couldn‘t handle the cheekiness
That is like one fringe case of the imperial system being more straight forward and way to use than the metric system if you use that as a reason for one system over another that line of thought basically self resolves in favour of using the metric system.
Hey there, just a heads up there's just under a week left to decide on your representative!!! Looking forward to seeing who you all end up choosing to send!!