I saw some of you guys posting these in the BW General Discussion. Cool. Let's share them here from now on! Read below before posting.
Posting format: Post a link (with a time stamp!!) to the beginning of the game you wish to recommend and provide a short description underneath why it should be watched.
In case your description spoils the result, spoiler it or the part that does. Add player names and races too like so:
:Z: :P: :T:
Your post will look like this: Video url Player vs Player Description
Or if the game is commentated in English: Video url Commentator name(s) Player vs Player Description
How to post a VOD with a time stamp:
Twitch add ?t=1h2m3s to the url Or click Share in the bottom right and check the box for the time.
YouTube add &t=1h2m3s to the url You can right click the VOD to get the timestamp like that too.
Afreeca add ?change_second=1337 to the url You can right click the VOD on Afreeca to get the timestamp.
If h, m or s equals 0, just leave it out entirely. Example: t=1h23s will make the VOD start playing at 1 hour and 23 seconds.
Here is how to put something in a spoiler:
[spoiler]text here[/spoiler]
But how do I find the VOD? Browse to your favorite streamer: e.g. https://www.twitch.tv/diggity Now add /videos to the url (https://www.twitch.tv/diggitysc/videos) Click on the most recent or older VOD there. The most recent one is a VOD of the current stream in case your streamer is live.
Afreeca goes like this: e.g. https://play.afreecatv.com/tmsh401/ Snow Now make it: https://bj.afreecatv.com/tmsh401/vods to find the most recent VODs. You can also browse to it by clicking on the Afreeca icon left below the stream that says "Go to Blog" when you hover your mouse over it, after that click on "VOD".
YouTube should be self-explanatory.
I just wanna talk about the game, let me talk about the game! Discussion on games is allowed and encouraged, BUT: - Put your message in a spoiler. Always. - As soon as a new VOD is posted, the discussion for previous VOD ends, no exceptions.
Some additional posting rules: - Do not post more than 1 VOD (i.e. 1 game) at a time and wait at least 1 hour if a VOD was just posted. - Don't post shitty games, this includes ones of you and your mate(s). No1 cares. - No self-promotion. - To keep everyone happy, if both a YouTube and Afreeca VOD are available, please post the YouTube one.
These rules are to keep the thread in chronological order and neat. Enjoy and have fun!
Disclaimer: A recommended game could spoil you of earlier results of a tournament or showmatch series. If this happens it's not the poster's fault. Use the Small VOD Thread 2.0 if you wish to not be spoiled of any recent results.
Guys, please put your messages in spoilers so we can all scroll through the thread without having to see/read all your bullshit if we don't care to. If you don't, this thread will easily become a giant clusterfuck.
Let's make this about watching great games first and foremost. In case you don't agree with a VOD posted, the best thing you can do is post a better one (remember the 1 hour rule here). Also: If you have any doubts about whether a VOD is good enough for this thread, don't bother posting it.
On February 26 2023 13:51 namkraft wrote: Question: how is this different from casual games thread? Daily Proleagues have some nice games. I casted this game in English recently.
I was already a fan of Royal, but that game is on a whole new level. He's been having a hard time against protoss on 76, but it seems he's found an answer. I'm hoping this becomes one of the better late game strats.