This game's dope and free to play.
Anyone's welcome.
+ Show Spoiler [launch trailer] +
I made this trailer!
Starts strong but gets too verbose.
Made for the steam page.
As for how to play,
I'm working on a noob guide.
That might take a week.
+ Show Spoiler [noobguide preview screenshot] +
We've done three tournies.
The first was a one-day gig.
It was chaotic.
+ Show Spoiler [VOD of #1] +
This format seemed bad.
We barely saw any games.
Now we cast replays.
If you wanna join,
Next tourney launches mid-month.
This game is my jam.
- The site:
- The discord:
- Steam page:
- Playlist of tourney #2
- Playlist of tourney #3
Unrelated, but,
Here's a Noita music mix.
Also a GG.