Ok, here's just random thoughts and shit about WCG Pacific Regional
A few interesting points:
1) Yosh was just totally a level above everyone else today, he played out of his mind. He went 6-0, and pretty much only game 2 vs G5 was close (that was a very interesting game!). He was on the steam-roll express (aka Xeris's car on the way over.... I take credit for his play today! :p) and could not be stopped.
2) There was definitely tension between G5 and Dino, especially because they were both tied with a 1-1 record, and the winner of that series would claim 2nd place. Dino actually talked some shit while winning game 1, and there was an intense moment... but G5 proceeded to win the next 2 games, luckily nothing escalated or anything.
3) Machine paid $15 for an all day pass, and only played 1 game (PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF).
4) I dunno if all the replays were collected / will be uploaded anywhere, but in Dino's first game vs InControl on Troy, he wrote "EZ" in pylons in his main base...
Final thoughts....
1) Seeing Bryce is cool as always
2) It was great to finally meet InControl, and G5 as well. Despite the fact that he has anger problems online (all you guys admitted as much), he's actually a really cool guy IRL, so I was pleased to see that! Same with Inc, very cool and as I expected.
3) It was also cool to meet Dino and actually get to watch him play. He is pretty good at BW even without hacking, and he's pretty cool in general. Although, I was a bit disappointed when he started to bm G5 in person, imo that was a bit uncalled for.... although according to G5 they have hated each other for years, but still not very sportsmanlike.
4) It sucks that a lot of the games were really one sided... except Yosh vs G5 game 2. Yosh raped every other game basically, Dino's series vs Inc was one sided, as were G5's series... Dino vs G5 game 1 was really easy win for Dino, then game 2 and 3 were really easy wins for G5, Yosh vs Dino were fairly onesided except for a few moments in the early game... In fact every match was 2-0 except Dino vs G5.
Overall, not AS MUCH drama as expected, except for that one instant where G5 and Dino got at it verbally (nothing very intense or interesting ;p).
Oh one last note... it was also cool to meet Fujikura, Daranee, and Dino's other friend (dunno aka or name or anything). They were also very cool guys.
hehe, yosh is so awesome.
Thanks for write-up Xeris. Can't wait for repts.
WP Yosh! Dino... sounds like an American MistrzzzzZZZZzz..... sigh.
I dunno if all the replays were collected / will be uploaded anywhere, but in Dino's first game vs InControl on Troy, he wrote "EZ" in pylons in his main base... lol, how bm, yet funny at the same time.
This was definitely a huge event for USA.
I really wanted Dino to win just because of how much people underestimate him, and think he is trash. But his performance today actually shined I think, even though he took third place. Taking out the former WCG Champion as well as taking a game from G5 says a lot more about him than a "cheating noob" as most people like to define him. Especially with the players who showed up today, I think that this regional was at least five times harder than any other. If Dino made it into Atlantic, Southern, or North, he probably would have made it fairly easy.
However, I like G5 too. I don't really know him personally or in the Brood War scene but when I used to play with ArtLu/Machine for a good week in time, he was always mannered to me. G5 always had a unique style, and I remember him being the first Protoss that I downloaded replays from when I started Starcraft. He was a moderator at gosugamers.net, or something like that, and I'd just have a field day collecting replays of him.
Anyways, great blog A++. I love reports and infos on events.
I just think the bm'ing in person kinda ruined the performance, otherwise it was not bad... the games in general were fairly one sided though (as I said), except for like 1.
lol writting ez in pylons, pretty funny. sad he couldnt get top two though
actually, there are NO pictures... nobody brought a camera. Just one the WCG guy took of Yosh / G5 after it was over.
sorry T_T i would have brought a camera... but I don't own one.
8748 Posts
On August 18 2008 10:03 SCC-Faust wrote: Taking out the former WCG Champion as well as taking a game from G5 says a lot more about him than a "cheating noob" as most people like to define him.
Actually, I think cheating people out of money and just cheating in general speaks louder to most people. I think you have way too much respect for BW skill if an above-average performance at a WCG USA regional is enough to wipe out significant immoral acts. But it's your right to judge people however you like, of course; I'm merely stating that I believe you're in the minority.
It's not right that he cheated I don't think anyone is questioning that. I just think people were suprised/happy to see him actually show up to the event after being pretty much hated by a lot of the USA community and do fairly decent.
It's not that someone can do well without hacking. It's that they hacked.
On August 18 2008 10:34 Divinek wrote: It's not that someone can do well without hacking. It's that they hacked.
Yes, I agree. Faust I really disagree with you supporting Dino. He pretty much stole money from other people and whether he's good without hacks is irrelevant.
Thanks for the report Xeris.
8748 Posts
Ah yeah I forgot, thanks for the reports Xeris!
Thanks, now all i have to wait for are the reps from yosh. I honestly can't wait. It's also nice to see an oldie like him doing so well still as he was one of the terrans who caught my eye back then with his unique tvz mech style. Great job yosh I hope u do well!
I was really suprised that A dino showed up B dino won a game C there was internet drama that actually carried over. That's about it, everything else was expected, like yosh steam rolling ^_^. But I think you give too much credit to dino, it shows some balls to actually show up at a lan where people really hate you, but seriously, this doesn't justify hacking in money events.
Anyway great writeup, sounds like you guys had a lot of fun, and congrats g5 and yosh
Calgary25955 Posts
I'm let down by the lack of people calling Dino a faggot to his face. Dino, if we ever meet, I'm going to call you a faggot, because you are one.
Other than that, nice report! Congrats Yosh / G5.
Inspired by this thread: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=77125
Funny Story (courtesy of G5)...
Some guy was apparently playing fastest (after we had come back from lunch to play some CS), and I guess he started debating with G5 about how low money maps have no skill involved, and the real good players play on fastest, bgh, etc. And I guess he defended his position by calling progamers newbs or something like that.
Funny black guy (he was black! ZOMG!)... ;p
On August 18 2008 11:50 Chill wrote: I'm let down by the lack of people calling Dino a faggot to his face. Dino, if we ever meet, I'm going to call you a faggot, because you are one.
Other than that, nice report! Congrats Yosh / G5. Ya, no kidding. If the guy hacked in a money competition then he should have been ridiculed by the community. People need to man up and let the hackers know they are faggots.