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Patch 10.9: Live on Apr. 29. 2020
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.9 Live on Apr. 29, 2020
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Can't say the FPX artwork excites me.
on first glance I thought Lee was Ezreal... I like the gangplank skin but other the rest are kinda meh
The Kayn buffs in this patch might just be what will push him over the edge. Especially for top lane Kayn. He's always hovered around the viability line but now he might be a fully-fledged pick.
On April 29 2020 13:21 AdsMoFro wrote: The Kayn buffs in this patch might just be what will push him over the edge. Especially for top lane Kayn. He's always hovered around the viability line but now he might be a fully-fledged pick. I doubt that, he is not surviving top lane before transformation and the transformation is not something wow to get him back most of the times imo. However, blue kayn mid laner..maybe..maybe
They have to be careful with Kayn, his kit is fairly oppressive when ahead, like Diana or Sylas. So buffing him means he reaches that point more often, and it's also stronger. But these buffs are pretty small, the 90% slow is nice, but only lets him stick to a target harder, with the assumption that he can kill said target.
ARAM changes are pretty funny, Noc and Zed suck because people suck, not due to tankiness. Meanwhile Eve with her 4k insta burst is left alone because nobody plays her. At least Riot caught on how strong Galio and Urgot actually are.
Excellent Client Riot has made. I'm currently sitting in a SoloQ pick/ban that's made it to 0 seconds on the counter and we're all stuck in the game. People leaving doesn't let us out, so our only choice is to dodge the queue and lose LP and get the dodge penalty.
Thank god I'm one game away from my series and not in it
EDIT: Apparently the game just TOLD me I'd get those punishments, then didn't give them
I dont have such problems for now, but god forbid I wanna use the client while I have a running youtube or twitch.tv on the back, a 2020 high end gaming laptop turns into 10 000 ping hacked pentium 1, I can barely alt-tab applications.
Dude same. I really hope it’s from the Corona virus related server traffic. Because I bought a PC in January and if I have a stream on while playing I have packet loss and lag all game
I don't have any problems with a stream running in the background. But the client seems to require constant server connection, it's not just loading stuff when you switch pages. I only have problems when I'm downloading something from Steam and it takes up my entire data rate (which is only 8 MB/s, Germany is super far behind in these kinds of things...).
So I've play greedy as hell junglers since the game came out, and I started playing early game supportive junglers (champs like lee, elise, reksai, gragas, j4) on a whim while trying my best to be a TSM walking ward and... I've put in like 100 games on my main now on these champions and with this playstyle after thousands playing super greedy junglers for a decade (shyv / graves / nidalee / mundo etc)
It is bizarre. I'm awful at the style and for the most part more or less achieve nothing. But I have like a 60% winrate on these champions preforming average at best; I have pitiful damage share, I dont really create very many ganks or plays, my objective control is pretty average, my vision game is the same as it was before, my KP is typically atrocious, my farming is bad, I'm typically way way way behind in XP... Like.... I dont really get it. I'm used to more or less topping all of these numbers.
But I have noticed, and maybe I am just really lucky, that my teams have just been super positive and I never get flamed, and always get honour. People listen to my calls way way more, no one really flames me and says jungle difference. Its like people would rather listen to a 0/0/2 LeeSin that is behind 2 levels, and is not really getting anything done than listen to a 5/0/0 nidalee that has the most CS in the game and is 4 levels up on the other jungler and has complete map control. Idk, its bizarre. Like people would rather carry dead weight playing the way they want to play than get carried by a jungler. I've legit won games being like 0/10/6 on Lee Sin having lost all 4 drakes... and like a lot of times on stuff like graves I could lose being 8/2/6 with 45% damage share and the most gold in the game.
Doesn't make sense. Feels as though I just int all game every game, and then like... i win and win and win. Makes me question more or less everything I have ever really thought I knew about the game and the role.
Or maybe I've just been lucky as hell for 100 games.
This would NOT fly in EUW lol
I mean... i didn't think it would fly in NA, tbh.
You feed literally twice and get called out, at least in Plat, but Plat is literally elo hell, so. It might be better in other divisions. If you're Plat, then I'm stumped.
I'm currently at plat 2-plat 1 elo on euw and idk mate, it doesn't feel like elo hell to me compared to the good old s4-s7 d5 0 lp days. There are very large skill gaps in most games though, noticeably bigger than in previous seasons. Don't know whether that's because people play less in general so ranks are less accurate or riot's matchmaking is a bit off. Could also be that the skill levels of the different roles relative to game skill is more off than in other seasons, so fill/autofill has bigger impact on skill difference.
yeah my autofilled toplaner was awful in my last games.
I'm plat 2ish elo on NA.
I agree with Fildun about the skill difference thing. I think every game has atleast one player in it actively getting shit all over and not helping. Macthmaking feels very loose-y goose-y compaired to previous seasons... which is especially weird as a jungler, because you'd think being a role that only 1 in 12 players play, you'd have atlesat two games worth of players waiting for a jungler at any given time and thus queueing as jungler would get you a good quality matches...
That being said, I really do think that the value of just being an all-in team player is really understated. Everyone who is in plat (and in my experience, diamond+ as well, although I havn't been there in years, so I could be out to lunch) more or less got there by being "ra-ra I must carry" all game every game, and when you just sit down and say "hey mid laner, I believe you can carry, and I want you to carry, I'ma sell out on that" a lot of the times peoples egos just fall in line and things move forward. I think it eliminates a lot of the tension that is normally from two different people having a different idea of how to win. If you just sit down and agree with how they want to win they just stop all the bickering keyboard warrior bullshit and focus on winning.
Why ADC players play stuff like Syndra / Veigar? I dont get it. They always complain about not doing damage and not having selfpeel, teammates not enabling them, and having to have constant auto uptime... why not just play something that doesn't have those problems?
as a person who constantly floats between gold and diamond (mostly plat) depending on my mood to rank or casually play, I am noticing a new trend this season or at least I feel like that. The stomped people who goes 2/15, 1/12 etc. vastly diminished and another breed appeared- I call them the invisibles. These, successfully manage to do nothing meaningful for their team whole game, they dont have a single net positive for their team play, to do something that adds something for the team. The best they do is if someone does something good, they might help or add a bit to it, but generating a meaningful or useful situation by themselves is out of the equation. They are some kind of soft inters, but I dont think they do it on purpose. Recently I even started to enjoy the few people who goes 2/11, at least they try to do something most of the time
Why ADC players play stuff like Syndra / Veigar? I dont get it. They always complain about not doing damage and not having selfpeel, teammates not enabling them, and having to have constant auto uptime... why not just play something that doesn't have those problems?
Mages in the bot lane are very strong... in high elo (D2+). Syndra is a super oppressive bot laner, and when fed she basically prevents the enemy ADC from playing the game. She also does a fair amount of DPS, when she hits all her abilities. All that rests on her having the mechanics and champion knowledge to play the champ, and Syndra has quite a high skill floor, so I would groan if I saw it in Plat. Especially with NA ping lol.
Veigar bot is usually a kill lane, and it's niche. If you duo with someone like Xerath, you can dumpster lanes so hard, one wrong move and they insta kill you. And it exploits bad junglers, because you have to camp that lane, Veigar with a support zones hard, and can probably poke you under the tower.
I think riot should make the ranged adcs similar to the melee ones - master yi, trynd, yasuo, especially like master yi (the other 2 are probably not the best examples). Quite vulnerable early, but unstoppable machines late game, especially when supported well, similar to how master yi can be supported, however, even late game if he doesnt have the support, he could be eliminated fast. I mean the adc are something like that atm, but they dont have this clear power gap that yi has and I think they need to have it to be unique