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Patch 10.1: Live on Jan. 8, 2020
Team Fight Tactics Patch 10.1 Live on Jan. 8, 2020
Sett, The Boss will be released on this patch. For more information: Champion Trailer(spotlight not live yet) Universe Hub
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Is it just me, or does the new Volibear not really look like a bear?
New Voli kind of looks like a thick AF Rengar with a haircut.
I was kind of hoping we'd get the lores gothic / eldritch horror monster Volibear, and less current volibear but more cartoony. But I dont mind the look as a whole.
As someone whose seen a bear or two in my day, I would agree he doesn't really scream bear to me. Has this weird wide-set posture that is super unbear-like, in my opinion. But in general I dont mind the aesthetic.
Uh, they finally fixed Vi's ult. Literally years after I stopped playing. I guess it's nice to see.
Yay, Morde nerfs, now you can kind of kite him (not really, now he just won't be faster than you). Not much else though, this was a tame patch. More specifically, no Senna Aphelios nerfs, so looks like we're seeing them perma banned in the first week of pro play.
On January 09 2020 15:29 cLutZ wrote: Is it just me, or does the new Volibear not really look like a bear?
Yes, his head is more like dog's and his body is more like gorilla's (minus the claws). His head and hair also look like they don't belong to the rest of the body.
So, has anyone already started ranked?
The client is running very poorly for me since the patch, I have to restart it every 2-3 games or I get extreme lag. (Not in game)
huh weird. I have noticed fucked up client as well, though. People not connecting to chat and statuses being wrong etc. Kinda weird.
Went 1-9 in placements, so that was fun. Client is indeed complete shit since the patch for me as well.
Jungle Pantheon is stronk. Started playing again after not really playing in 2 years. I hated the rework initially I miss the old passive but his Q is actually so much better now. New E is interesting, lots of out play potential moved here off his passive which makes sense.
I dont like his ult as much it feels like it takes longer but that might not be right
On January 11 2020 04:42 Slusher wrote: The client is running very poorly for me since the patch, I have to restart it every 2-3 games or I get extreme lag. (Not in game)
Thanks for mentioning, yesterday I thought my computer had finally reached it's limits. Client performance has always been a joke, amazed at how slow it runs.
I just want to play old Yuumi ;(
I've been getting "a critical error has occurred" messages when trying to go from draft to in game for the past patch or two, but once (if) I get into game its 100% fine
Have you tried a repair yet?
Yea I have, the client has just been finicky lately. Played 6 games today, 4 of them loaded perfectly fine, game 5 I loaded in 2 minutes in, and game 6 I didn't load in at all.
I haven't had big problems in years, but things I remember having to do to get LoL working properly:
- Uninstalling the game (Restart if Windows) - Delete all League folders you can find (Program Data, App Data, the weird folder they put on the disk root, clean temp folder, running computer cleaning software) - Updating all drivers (not just graphics, everything I could find in Device Manager) - Reinstalling graphics drivers
Those were the days of super broken EUW west though, so most of it probably doesn't need to be done. Maybe you could look through the game logs (in that Riot folder) for crashes, although they'll likely be cryptic.
It may also be in part my 8 year old laptop that was mediocre when it came out. I can't fault Riot 100%. But I never have problems with any other game, or actually playing the game. I very rarely if ever have an issue once I load in, the "client forcing the game to load in" is the issue.
Idk, I might not worry about it for a while. I forgot how much beginning of the season is fucking abysmal. Every single game isn't fun because you have everyone from Bronze to Plat playing in the same matches. Then you get the toxic people who think they're good for stomping people two divisions below them in skill
On January 13 2020 03:11 chipmonklord17 wrote: Idk, I might not worry about it for a while. I forgot how much beginning of the season is fucking abysmal. Every single game isn't fun because you have everyone from Bronze to Plat playing in the same matches. Then you get the toxic people who think they're good for stomping people two divisions below them in skill You're insane if you play ranked the first 1-2 weeks of a new season. MMR is out of whack and (literally) boosted accounts run amok every. single. year.
But you're missing some FREE blue essence you could gain from the "play ranked" mission!!!