Greetings, ASL Fans! We would like to announce the winners of our ASL Map Contest!
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you, everyone, for your interest and passion for this event. If you want to try out the winners' maps, you can download the map files HERE Sincerely, AfreecaTV.
Excited to see Inner Coven, although I have no idea how it'll play out. An yeah.. more boring standard maps I guess.
Nice! Looking forward to seeing Karma_TF played on the professional level. Congrats to the winners!
Inner Coven's sick. DWeb/egg hallways hell yeah. Grats to the winners!
Thanks to ASL !! I didn't expect award..
51297 Posts
there's no guarantees we'll see all three maps in the next season of the asl right, just all are considered to be part of the pool - correct?
edit: looking at it that way, i hope polypoid/karma outright replace fs/cb.
I like the result :p Actually having Inner Coven in an ASL would be interesting, although the most I dare to hope realistically is that it can guide the way to more stable island maps some two or three iterations down the road. It's still too much uncharted territory and speculation in that area, but I hope Afreeca is staying true to their map crazy maps policies and going down that road (while not overcrowding their map pool with potentially balance breaking stuff!).
FS/CB is Blizzard's stale map policy. Afreeca has long moved on, so no danger of that in ASL.
Polypoid and Karma are just so very similar. If I had to chose I'd go with Karma right now. It's better executed in many aspects. I particularly like that it's the only one of the finalist maps with well-designed ramps (apart from a little blind spot on the top right main ramp, probably just an oversight). Only has some mining issues. If I were to suggest any changes to either of these I would say more attention should be put on how units move between the naturals. It's always good to have multiple equidistant routes around the map. Pathing right now seems to be focussed to much on the sides and even through the third bases rather than guiding units towards the middle.
On November 02 2019 20:34 Freakling wrote: I like the result :p Actually having Inner Coven in an ASL would be interesting, although the most I dare to hope realistically is that it can guide the way to more stable island maps some two or three iterations down the road. It's still too much uncharted territory and speculation in that area, but I hope Afreeca is staying true to their map crazy maps policies and going down that road (while not overcrowding their map pool with potentially balance breaking stuff!).
FS/CB is Blizzard's stale map policy. Afreeca has long moved on, so no danger of that in ASL.
Polypoid and Karma are just so very similar. If I had to chose I'd go with Karma right now. It's better executed in many aspects. I particularly like that it's the only one of the finalist maps with well-designed ramps (apart from a little blind spot on the top right main ramp, probably just an oversight). Only has some mining issues. If I were to suggest any changes to either of these I would say more attention should be put on how units move between the naturals. It's always good to have multiple equidistant routes around the map. Pathing right now seems to be focussed to much on the sides and even through the third bases rather than guiding units towards the middle.
I voted for coven, and flightpath, although I was more looking forward to seeing some games on flightpath as an interesting island map. I also voted karma, because the open middle allows good battles/engagements.
Any time a Freaky map wins I'm happy. Congrats my dude.
I still think there are some real problems with how maps are selected and analyzed across the board, but Afreeca seem to be one of the only ones headed in the right direction, albeit not as far or as fast as I would like to see.
Hopefully they continue to move toward less standard and stale maps while maintaining vigilance on often overlooked problems or technical details that become apparent during play.
Big Congratz to Freakling!
2 out of 3 that I've voted for are in.. But I have to say i'm still kinda not content, because I really wanted Fatal Combat to make it.. But I have to say i'm still kinda not content, because I really wanted Fatal Combat to make it.. And two out of three of these maps are very similar to eachother.. I would go with Karma from these 2 tbh. Looks more interesting.
Anyways, I Can't wait to see some professional games on these.
ASL > KSL every day, any day.
Bisutopia19143 Posts
Congrats to the map makers. Thanks to all those who participated too!
Yessss freakling the bw mapping bonjwa!
When nightmarjoo comes back from the dead to congratulate you, you know you’ve made it.
Congrats :3
Any chance we can see some Afreeca map testing tournament? ^___^
Just noticed in game, but the disruption webs appear to be above air units, like overlords. Was that intentional?
Also a fun fact I never knew before until just now playing around on Inner Coven: infested terrans can still explode under disruption web!
On November 04 2019 15:13 StRyKeR wrote: Just noticed in game, but the disruption webs appear to be above air units, like overlords. Was that intentional? Pre-placed DWebs behave a bit different than normal cast DWebs.
On November 04 2019 15:21 StRyKeR wrote: Also a fun fact I never knew before until just now playing around on Inner Coven: infested terrans can still explode under disruption web!
Really?! Strange. Have to try that.
also spider mines can activate and blow up stuff under web afaik.