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Patch 9.13: Live on June. 26, 2019
The new game mode, Team Fight Tactics will be rolled out gradually throughout this patch. Click here for more info!
The new champion, Qiyana, Empress of the Elements, will be released this patch.
+ Show Spoiler [Previous GD Threads & Patch Notes] +
Patch Notes will be out in a few hours but I thought I'd get this thread out before I go to sleep
Edit: Whoops posted em a day early! TFT hype had me forgetting what day it was haha
Edit2: Patch notes are LIVE
So now that it's out, I've been playing, and I gotta say, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
Assassin's seem to be really, really strong on this game mode.
They seem to run over even the most built up tanks in just a few auto attacks once you get the bonuses set up.
Trouble I've had with Assassin comps if filling the field early and getting stuck in Ninja 2/3 for a while.
I've managed to pick up wins with assassin, gunslinger, sorcerer and ranger based comps so far.
Came close with a melee comp as well with a blademaster comp(1HP...) but I think that one really relies on getting a big draven to close out since the other melee's eventually get stuck in pathing.
i'll wait when the queue is not 15min to start on this.
I've been running people over with Elementalist/Glacial comps, you just CC everything and have your mages blow stuff up while the elemental + whatever frontline.
I've largely been having success with Ninja/Assassins and Wild/Sorcerers. Did have a game where I went Pirates that pivoted into Blademasters. Literally everything else I've tried I just get chocked out on champ pickups. Gonna give Yordles a go next.
The state of the EUW server for the past few days have been an absolute disgrace, although atm Cloudflare is down, idk if Riot uses that for logging in. But I'm getting serious S2 vibes, except the secret login code doesn't work anymore.
I started to play the TFT a bit more and its pretty fun. I personally never played that kind of game and it's cool. I'm still not sure how to plan my comp or items but I somehow managed to win 2 games on about 10.
I don't know if anyone saw that comp but the sorcers with triple locket is pretty funny. I never did it but I saw scarra doing it yesterday and he just rolled over everything.
I think I've tried getting all the bonuses at this point.
Pirate - Very good for kickstarting the economy engine if you can get it up early. Combine with a lot of XP investment to try and get some high tier units IMO. 6x knight - Pretty much invincible against autos, but both times I ran this my team ran out of damage(happens early game too). Probably need to save/stack a bunch of damage items onto the kayle once you get her. 6x Noble - Super good against assassin's. There's a lot more damage in this comp. 6x Glacial - I actually think Voli is the key in this comp. If you can get him to ulti quickly he can pretty much lock down half the enemy team by himself. 6x Blademaster - Biggest issue here I think is the pathing problems. If you can get a GP with RFC and shojin's(unsure if gunslinger x2 passive double stacks with blademaster)built up you can get a surprising number of barrel chains going. Yordle - Pretty RNG reliant, and I think damage is a bit lacking, but survivability is decent. Took me a lot of tries to get this done because there's so little synergy on your way to yordles(sorcerer for lulu/veigar and that's it). Wild - Pretty good synergy with a lot of things. 40% attack speed is super nice. 4x gunslinger - My problem here is it spreads damage too much unfortunately. I've won on it, but it's pretty weak without a bunch of items on one strong hero (eg. lucian IE+RFC+Shojin). Gets run over by knights and nobles and assassin's. 4x ranger - Same problem as gunslinger. Slightly better because kindred ulti can boost survivability and has better synergies with tanky stuff that can protect the squishies. 6x Assassin's - Super strong, especially if you can build up a pyke. Can pivot into a lot of things later(eg. imperial), and has a good shot against almost anything with some good RNG to wipe out a few champs with the first auto or two.
Wildshapeshiters feel pretty free if you can get Shyv and Asol at a decent pace and it feels like almost nobody runs it for some odd reason, so the pieces are pretty easy to pick up.
My thoughts after spamming TFT over the weekend (as much as EUW servers allowed, yay Rito),
Glacial seem like it's by far the strongest comp in lategame. I've never lost or seen anyone lose with a 4Glacial/4ranger setup. The frozen mallet on rangers is bonkers for the perma freeze and allow for either full 6 glacial or Leona to get the guardian synergy - Kindred positioning is very important.
Wild/sorcerer(/shapeshiter/dragon) is a close runner up, but Nidalee is so contested it can be hard to pull off. It has a really smooth build up and there's just a stupid amount of synergy between all the units.
Draven+anything and Pyke+Shohin are OP and they dont really need any origin/class synergy to carry.
Graves with Hydra and turned into a blademaster for the double attack synergy on him is so much fun it should be illegal.
Morgana is probably sleeper OP and Aatrox if you can get him geared and max is an absolute monster that can 1vX.
For the Wild/Sorc/etc, I've found the 1drops to be pretty open basically all the time and not a problem at all to grab, especially if you're hyper rolling.
I think glacial+rangers(+leona preferably if against assassins, 6x glacial if just trying to punch through) will pretty much only compete with other super good stuff like built up noble gunslinger comp with an RFC IE rageblade lucian for DPS.
Just two comps that absolutely ruin almost everything else.
You can get some absolutely nuts attack speed on lucian super quickly when every auto adds 20%+ attack speed, and very quickly ruin the backline as well with the RFC. The lifesteal while a lot of people are alive is also just crazy.
EDIT: Probably the better option on lucian is swapping IE for disarm or silence. Screw locking down a single target like ranger, when you can replicate a glacial hit on the entire enemy team.
Gonna try out some other stuff when I get home.
I've started to think that 4Wild/Anything sensible is tier 1/S. Wild is just too flexible. lol
Today I've won with: 4 wild + 2 gunslinger + 3 yordle + 3 sorcerer 4 wild + 4 demon + 3 shapeshifter 4 wild + standard dragon/shapeshifter
I've started to just default to "2 2stars with at least 1 of them being wild = hyper roll".
Spatula used on FoN (unless super early) feels like a trap, getting certain synergies on champs you otherwise cant is so strong it's actually insane.