So let's start with how i got into this game. When i was i guess nine I found a copy of the Nintendo 64 version of starcraft and picked it up. After playing, and subsequently losing the game I eventually fell into playing the real deal game. I was around eleven at the time and after cheating my way through the campaign I took a liking to trying to win that DBZ UMS level. I only did that once though.
So on and off playing some Fastest with my brother over the years I got what i thought was pretty good at the game. After all I could beat all of my friends at the game.
So fast forward to Fall of this year. This being my last year of high school I found myself in Calc Physics with a few other nerdy people and my friend Tim. So Tim starts telling me about how he had gotten back into Starcraft with this other kid at school and how he only had like 110 APM because he hadn't played the game in a couple years
This is where I go "hold up, WTF is APM?"
And so begins my introduction into eSports and Progaming and, of course SlayerS_"Boxer."
Imagine me, a kid that pretty much pwns anyone in the neighborhood finding out that some guy in South Korea smashed on everyone at Starcraft for like six years and now has to stop playing because he's koining the airforce? Well I pretty much think I'm the shit at video games so i set off on this four month starcraft binge and subsequently stumbling onto this website (you're all pretty 'effing awsome by the way) after training agasint the comp so that I can get my APM up to somthing respectable, and of course to try and imitate those builds that Chill flagged as important in the Strats page i set off to go head to head on ICCUP. Six losses later i shut down my computer.
Since then i've played a few games against my friends on B.Net. Mostly I watch the proleague VODs on youtube. I try to keep my skills up and what not, but I simply do not have the courage to play on ICCUP. Every time I go on there my hands shake and I just get destroyed. I doesn't even feel like I can ever get any better at this, not even good enough to be D-.
I guess I'm writing this to remind those people who yell at people every time the request an idea to fast track their skills with a training map or by spamming to get their APM up. You probably have always been active in this community. However a lot of us found out about three things at the same time: Starcraft 2, TeamLiquid and Proleague. We are quite literally years behind most people on this forum. And being new at this game, in the sense that I'm talking about, is quite possibly the most frustrating thing in the whole universe. And remember, there are so many people out there that play this game that have no idea that it exists on the level that is played on ICCUP or theory craft in these forums. But they still love this game. I beseech all of you to welcome them with open arms. Because unless you play CS, there is no other game out there with such potential as Starcraft.
Tomorrow I graduate from High School. Saturday I will be going to a LAN party hosted by an old family friend of mine. I will be participating in a 2v2 random partner bracket. Most likely none of these people know about proleague or that you have to push against Toss or play MnM against Zerg. And I will clean up. And, god willing, this will give me the self esteem boost to start playing the ladder again.
So unless I get banned for being a complete tool right now, I will keep you all updated on my impending rise to power. <laugh> Read up because this is going to be the best underdog starcraft story you've heard in awhile. and who knows, maybe you'll be hearing about me on the Starcraft 2 ladder. I sincerely hope that i can do this. And remember what I said about us noobs. This game is fucking hard.