I read pretty much everything in the other thread and i came to the conclusion that I'm gonna do the Stronglift 5x5!
But i gotta say, holy shit I'm scared to injure myself doing squats after i read 50 pages of what could go wrong. I'll start with the minimum weights so i can train my form even if i could probably start higher. And the succes rate is better because it takes longer for me to reach a "dead end" and hopefully keep me motivated. And there is an App which is nice
Will go to the store and look at barbells today since going to the gym is not really an option for me a few reasons (freakishly expensive, far away, ...) If everything works fine I'm gonna build me some sort of power rack in the garage
Any aditional advice? Everything is appreciated
If you're doing StrongLifts you start with the bar so plenty of time to practice. Get a video of yourself when you have some weight on the bar and post it here for some critique. Train thinking about how your body is moving and try to be aware of position, it takes time and practice
Zurich15306 Posts
Plenty of people (myself included) on this forum alone have self-taught themselves barbell exercises for basic strength training.
There is almost endless material on strength training here, on /r/fitness, youtube, etc, and yeah, like mordek says you can always ask for help when you are stuck. Main advice I would give now is be patient and consistent. The increases/gains you make will level off soon enough, but as long as you keep at it with consistency (don't skip workouts) you will continue getting better.
On April 05 2016 23:01 mordek wrote:If you're doing StrongLifts you start with the bar so plenty of time to practice. Get a video of yourself when you have some weight on the bar and post it here for some critique. Train thinking about how your body is moving and try to be aware of position, it takes time and practice
Strong Lifts pwns hard. its a great program. i highly recommend it to any healthy person.
On April 05 2016 22:03 Harris1st wrote:I read pretty much everything in the other thread and i came to the conclusion that I'm gonna do the Stronglift 5x5! But i gotta say, holy shit I'm scared to injure myself doing squats after i read 50 pages of what could go wrong. I'll start with the minimum weights so i can train my form even if i could probably start higher. And the succes rate is better because it takes longer for me to reach a "dead end" and hopefully keep me motivated. And there is an App which is nice Will go to the store and look at barbells today since going to the gym is not really an option for me a few reasons (freakishly expensive, far away, ...) If everything works fine I'm gonna build me some sort of power rack in the garage Any aditional advice? Everything is appreciated
Lol don't be that scared, it's much harder to hurt yourself than you think. That being said, start light (as stronglifts recommends!) and practice good form while slowly adding weight.
United States24504 Posts
I hurt myself whenever I use barbells. I do other stuff instead so it's not a big deal.
I was wondering is there a sport school or a fitness classes? My daughter was doing gymnastics for 3 months now, started feeling sick so we had to cut. But she had so much energy she got very upset, especially about her gymnastics classes. You can try make your baby do something less energetic. Like we found this group for kids to explore their creative side. And they have gym there as wee, just for fun. No clothes restriction and they allow you to mod edit: no links which is so cool and fefreshing thing to do. But she want to go back to training again because she was kicked out of the team for lack of practicing.
On April 09 2016 19:10 fanbrits wrote: I was wondering is there a sport school or a fitness classes? My daughter was doing gymnastics for 3 months now, started feeling sick so we had to cut. But she had so much energy she got very upset, especially about her gymnastics classes. You can try make your baby do something less energetic. Like we found this group for kids to explore their creative side. And they have gym there as wee, just for fun. No clothes restriction and they allow you to mod edit: no links which is so cool and fefreshing thing to do. But she want to go back to training again because she was kicked out of the team for lack of practicing.
If this is not spam, let her go back to gymnastics. Let her do a real sport, plus it's such a ridiculous advantage as a kid she can do whathever she wants later and be competent.
I haven't progressed in my OHP weight for like 6 months. I'm weak so I can only OHP 65lb consistently, anything after 70lb I fail 5x5 constantly.
I think that my form is pretty bad so I'm working on that (my core is weak so my back arches too much), but do you guys have any tips?
On April 17 2016 04:40 Blisse wrote: I haven't progressed in my OHP weight for like 6 months. I'm weak so I can only OHP 65lb consistently, anything after 70lb I fail 5x5 constantly.
I think that my form is pretty bad so I'm working on that (my core is weak so my back arches too much), but do you guys have any tips? Eat more and post a form check video. I'm assuming you're an adult male?
And in terms of the form, work on mobility. It seems like you're lacking quite a bit of shoulder mobility if you're arching a lot, and if your core is weak then just do some stuff to strengthen your abs, such as planks or ab wheel rollouts.
Contract your glutes really hard and brace core like its a squat or deadlift.
Zurich15306 Posts
I haven't progressed in my OHP in like 4 years. OHP is just a bitch.
On April 17 2016 18:07 zatic wrote: I haven't progressed in my OHP in like 4 years. OHP is just a bitch. Zatic, what's your OHP at? My OHP is the only one of the main four lifts that is actually semi-respectable for my bodyweight, and I have found that doing a lot of lateral raises and dips have helped it so much. I actually find that dips have better carryover to my overhead press than my bench press, since there's a huge potential to have your front delts dominate the movement.
Also, what is your OHP to bench ratio? It's not uncommon for people to have their OHP at about 60%, so if you're close to that number or surpass it, there's a good chance that you just need to become a stronger presser (bench and OHP) in general.
Zurich15306 Posts
My OHP has been hovering for years around 60-65kg (3x5) @ 73kg BW. I haven't benched in almost 2 years but back then my bench was 97.5kg 3x5.
My dips are pretty good though when I actually do them, like +45kg for 3x5.
Really these days all I do is a back heavy leg day and a leg heavy back day ...
On April 17 2016 18:07 zatic wrote: I haven't progressed in my OHP in like 4 years. OHP is just a bitch.
Probably means you have instability somewhere in the lift chain. If you're standing it could be in your back but most likely it's in your shoulder stabilizers. My OHP has always been the hardest to advance at as well and I think a lot of it comes from having royally fucked shoulders from playing sports like baseball and other injuries. Also, they are super complex joints with tons of tiny stabilization tendons.
Try working on handstand pushups for a bit (obviously starting against a wall) as well as stuff like internal/external rotation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-MZOdHH3Nc)
Speaking of the lift chain, I think the biggest thing I realized is that my OHP used to pretty much only activate my arms and shoulders and once I started trying to create a base to push from similar to bench press in the rest of my body the lift immediately went up. My OHP still sucks though. I think the shoulders grow slowly simply because of complexity and general lack of big musculature.
Beefing up the rear deltoids and upper back muscles was my go-to remedy for clients who had trouble progressing with overhead shoulder work.
On May 06 2016 02:37 farvacola wrote: Beefing up the rear deltoids and upper back muscles was my go-to remedy for clients who had trouble progressing with overhead shoulder work. Hey man, are you a fitness instructor? I have a question about my deltoids...
I was a personal trainer for almost two and a half years; what's your question? Keep in mind that I am not a medical professional and cannot give medical advice
How do i make my deltoids big? thx