So, what am I going to cover? Honestly I’m not 100% sure. I’ll probably talk a bit about my SC2 experiences of the week, and touch on whatever else notable has happened, such as tournaments (I do speedrun now and then, so maybe a quick blurb if I get a new personal best, etc.). As time goes on, if this is a thing that lasts, I imagine I will come up with something more standard. I may also just stop. I’ve started a couple of blog series in the past and they’ve just kind of stopped abruptly if I’m not really feeling it, so don’t take this as a promise for a long lasting series or anything.
Where am I starting? Well, my level of play in SC2 went down the drain after not playing for over a month, unsurprisingly. I’ve been working on getting back to a reasonable level, and I’m almost back to my normal level. It’s been a pretty frustrating process, and I’m still very frustrated at mistakes that I’m making far more than I should be. I’ll probably be including my winrates in each matchup in each writeup and talk a little bit about my thoughts. I am also dedicating at least one day a week to Speedrunning. I currently speedrun Pokemon Colosseum and the WoL campaign.
I’m planning on releasing weekly posts starting the day before I go off to HSC (not sure yet which day I’m going). If you have any suggestions on things I could include, feel free to include them in comments! I figure if anybody has any questions I’m happy to address those as well. Anyways, I stream *almost* daily (The Euro 2016 is kind of throwing me off at the moment). I’d post my streaming schedule, but frankly I’m not really on it at the moment.
Best places to keep up with me are on Twitter and my stream.