As for my dreams, I get weird ones all the time but I figured I would share these two with you since they are Starcraft related and happened one day after the other.
1) 2 days ago I dreamt I was going into an interview with IBM and when I got to the interviewer's office it was fricking Boxer!?! As with most dreams feature foreign speaking characters/people, he spoke English. It was very weird. It even said Slayer's_Boxer on his desk.
2) Just last night I dreamt that I was scaling a wall in order to climb down 5 floors in a mall. So I'm climbing down this huge 5 story tall wall and there is a burger on a little platform sticking out of the wall. For some reason I know I need to get it for someone. Sure enough I get to the bottom and the burger is for Tasteless.
Weird dreams... Very weird. Boxer and Tastless, get out of my head!