On August 16 2013 07:07 Godwrath wrote: As a High Elf player who actually doesn't enjoy painting... having to paint 100 models is dauntless.
Dauntless or daunting?
Went to Hobby Lobby yesterday to get some of the supplies you mentioned (needed a new hobby knife anyway), there were like 4 rows of paintbrushes :\ Also, none of them said Dry Brush on them (or mentioned Drybrushing) so I just held off on buying anything until I'm more more sure as to what to get. They've all got different shapes and bristle types and some of them have like foot long handles... shit's confusing.
Do you have any recommendations of where to start? It seems like a stupid question, but I'm kind of a stupid dude
Edit: also, they brush prices were only like $1-2 less than what's advertised on GW's website, maybe I should just get those there to make sure I'm getting the right thing?
No. Just go to regular art store and get your brushes there for a fraction of the price (I'm getting brushes that are better than GW ones for 1/4th of their price).
A brush for drybrushing is something like that:
It needs to be flat and relatively stiff.
If you're still clueless, just get the Army Painter starter brush set for $8-9, they're even labeled so you won't get confused:
On August 16 2013 08:57 Manit0u wrote:Show nested quote +On August 16 2013 07:07 Godwrath wrote: As a High Elf player who actually doesn't enjoy painting... having to paint 100 models is dauntless. Dauntless or daunting? daunting daunting ,ahahaha.
After having finally read the changes in the 8th edition I had to just stare blankly as the hopes and dreams of having a viable Wood Elves army were stomped and shattered before my eyes.
Idk, at this point I'm kind of considering making a snow themed Empire army but using some heads and bits from Space Wolves to make them look more badass. Nothing will compare to the autumn WE I wanted to make though T_T. Spending that much money for something not competitively viable when Dwarves were buffed pretty hard just isn't logical.
On August 27 2013 03:33 Badfatpanda wrote: After having finally read the changes in the 8th edition I had to just stare blankly as the hopes and dreams of having a viable Wood Elves army were stomped and shattered before my eyes.
Idk, at this point I'm kind of considering making a snow themed Empire army but using some heads and bits from Space Wolves to make them look more badass. Nothing will compare to the autumn WE I wanted to make though T_T. Spending that much money for something not competitively viable when Dwarves were buffed pretty hard just isn't logical.
Who ever told you they aren't viable? Sure, they're considered to be bottom 3 all races considered but people still have success with them (there are people whose tournament record with WE is like 14 wins and 1 loss), you just have to work hard since it's almost always an uphill battle for you. What's great about WE is that there's no other army that will teach you all the rules in detail as much. You have to be expert on all the movement and its quirks especially (so you can anticipate moonwalking and side-shifting during deployment etc.).
They have several ways to build their army and make it hell for any opponent. EG deathstar is pretty damn strong, sethayla puts tears into enemy eyes if executed correctly (MSU avoidance lists are a real pain in the ass, especially that no one except WE can do it in this big-infantry-block-and-monstrous-oriented edition and no one really uses any contingency for it), they have some of the hardest-hitting and toughest MI/MC in the game etc.
Have faith.
Just wanted to post some progress.
Built & Painted: 20 Warriors, 1 Overlord, 5 Deathmarks
Built: Ghost Ark, Annihilation/Command Barge, Triarch Stalker, 5 Scarabs, 5 Tesla Immortals, 5 Gauss Immortals, Cryptek, 3 Destroyers (Normal)
To Build: 2 Heavy Destroyers, 1 Destroyer Lord, Nemesor Zandrekh, C'Tan Shard
Might buy: Doom/Night Scythe, another Heavy Destroyer, 10 Warriors, another Barge, Lychguard
+ Show Spoiler [Close up paints] +
My paint job was just to be simple for the first ones, until I get comfortable. Nothing fancy yet.
USA29055 Posts
nice army man
Hope to post pics of my army soon!
And I open up my Shard and the Finecast doesn't line up at all -.-
I guess I'm going to GW the next few days lol.
On September 20 2013 11:52 iNcontroL wrote:nice army man Hope to post pics of my army soon! Oh cool, didn't see your post. Thanks for the kind words, I'm still learning!
What army do you play?
USA29055 Posts
tyranids obv BUGSSSSSSSSS
On September 20 2013 16:51 iNcontroL wrote:tyranids obv BUGSSSSSSSSS idk man the new tau stuff looks pretty cool
On September 20 2013 16:51 iNcontroL wrote:tyranids obv BUGSSSSSSSSS Haha nice. They were my second choice, might still collect them if the new codex is solid. Apparently it got pushed back to January though =/
Is there an easy way to get Necron Scarab bases other than Warrior boxes? I have the 5 that came with the Battleforce and am planning to get another Warrior box (total of 8), but I was considering getting some Spyders and feel like I might need some more. $16 + shipping for 3 bases from Forgeworld seems like a bad solution though...
Hate to triple post, but no one else is posting here >.>
Tyranids have had some leaks lately, it looks like there could very well be a December release for them. New MCs, new Warrior kits, and of course the codex. Only leaked image so far is this of Hive Guards with a new weapon:
Well, it's been awhile since this got bumped, but I'm just curious about what other folks think of this/if there's even still anyone around who plays WHFB that might be interested by this:
They're apparently going to be bringing back Nagash at the end of this month! Pretty crazy stuff. Everyone's favorite necromancer hasn't been playable for a long time.
I wonder what his rules will be
Oh fuck yea, maybe I can play a proper undead race again instead of that horrible Vampire counts abomination. Skeletons, zombies and ghosts, oh my!
Edit: Actually it just seems like he's gonna be a named for Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings. Meh.
I'm not sure how it'll pan out. I suspect GW will begin to change the format of WFB a bit, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if they released Nagash as a "supplement" book drawn from aspects of both races (a la 40K).
GW can tend to fuck easy stuff up like this, though.
But it at least gives me hope....
I haven't done anything with Warhammer in over 6 years, but I finally opened my boxes of stuff, and I forgot how much crap I had.
I've got so much crap that's simply not even opened. From blisters to entire boxes of stuff. A list from off the top of my head:
Bretonian general on a Griffin Bretonian Lady on a Horse Green Knight Pegasus Knights 2 boxes of Dragon Princes Imrik on Dragon Wood Elf Dragon + Lord Archaon Dark Elf Black Guard x2 Dark Elf Witch Elves x2 High Elf Swordsmasters x5 High Elf Rangers x3 The Red Terror Ravener x2 Lictor x2 Several special models from Gamesday's that I've attended, and more I'm sure I've forgotten
As for opened but unassembled, I've got Silver Helms, Malekitjh, Morathi, a High Elf Chariot (back in the day you didn't get Chariots with a nice 50x100mm base though ), plus more.....
And a shitload of stuff I assembled and actually survived, for the most part.
The story is that my Brother moved a bunch of my stuff that I had boxed up, but accidentally dropped it down a flight of stairs. The vast majority of my assembled and painted models were in the case that was dropped, and almost none of it is salvageable , so I put everything on hold. I finally got back into it, and am currently building a WFB Chaos army, and decided to look through my old shit to see if I could find some stuff to steal for conversions, only to find two boxes full of this stuff.
I completely forgot I had a lot of that stuff. Big surprise today.
OK, let's liven-up this thread a bit.
Here's my WIP shaman for my newest Mordheim warband.
What do you guys think?