I'm MtlGuitarist, a 16 year old Terran player who used to spend all his time posting over on the battle.net forums and just would lurk on Teamliquid. My first post ever actually ended up in a warning, and it's pretty lol worthy. I used to spend time posting around in TL strategy occasionally and I'd check out builds there, but I was never the kind of player that would just spend time thinking about strategy. I had one or two builds per matchup, and that's all I would do.
A couple years went by and I got more and more into SC2. I joined Relentless Heroes early on in my SC2 career, but a lot of my friends ended up leaving it so I just slowly drifted away from it. I floated around on a couple of clans, but mostly I just hung out with my same group of friends. I got semi-competitive and was mid masters, but I play very greedy Terran and just die to all ins most of the time
Kind of a random story but I actually met a couple of people from Teamliquid/SC2 in real life, but none of them probably remember me. I live on Long Island, New York, the same place as Micronesia. There was a barcraft about 5 minutes from my house, and micro actually went to it. It was during WCS AM Season 1 last year, and I remember sitting outside watching the ro8 onward with a couple of guys a couple years older than I am. Considering I've known 3 people in real life that have ever played SC2 even slightly competitively, it was pretty cool to get to talk to a bunch of people in real life who enjoyed StarCraft enough to actually go to a bar and watch WCS.
Nowadays I spend most of my time on TL browsing only a couple of forums. I lurk in the guitar thread (I'm nowhere near good enough to contribute anything to it), general forum, and I post a bit over in the Health and Fitness threads. Occasionally a LR thread or balance discussion thread will be graced by my presence, but I don't really talk about balance on Teamliquid much, that's what the b.net forums are for.
So just want to say a quick thanks to a couple of people here who have been either really helpful, super nice or just cool to talk to.
Thanks to everyone in Teamliquid Health and Fitness (Mordek, phyre, Decafchicken, NeedsmoreCELLTECH, IgnE, Farva, GoTuNk who gave me that awesome book, autoexec, eshlow, BenKen for the awesome shoes, Arisen Najda, and Funkie, sorry if I forgot anyone).
I also really enjoy reading the posts in the guitar thread. Teoita, Wombat and a couple of other guys always have cool posts or stuff to share, so I definitely like checking that out. Chocolate also answered a bunch of my retarded questions and read some of my essays for nothing, which was super awesome. Shauni, NeuroticPsychosis and Epishade also deserve some major credit for consistently making the best blogs on Teamliquid (I guess a small shoutout to Puppykiller?).
Thanks everyone, hoping to have a long stay on Teamliquid even if I don't end up playing a lot of SC2.