On August 25 2007 12:29 Mora wrote:aren't you being a little bit harsh?
is losing a little sleep really the end of the fucking world? Allowing some kids to have an enjoyable night without your interference would be some nice consideration. Or is it a prerequisite that the only time you're considerate to others is when they are considerate to you first?
When i think of man up, i think of somoene who can be better than those around him. Not someone so petty that they're never willing to give an inch unless they think it will be returned.
I am not much of a partier myself, i have the occaisonal one probably 2-4 times a year? For the most part i tell my guests to keep quiet as much as they can, as i do think it important to respect my neighbours. But some of my neighbours have more parties than me, and definately aren't so concerned with the noise level. When they wake me up, i smile to myself, hope they're having a good time, and try to get back to sleep.
Honestly, it's not the end of the world if i get 4 hours of sleep instead of 8. It's just sleep.
edit - I'm not saying that you should let people walk all over you and disrupt your life. But if it's not a consistant occurence, how can someone be so uptight to begrudge others a night of unrestrained fun for a few fucking hours of sleep?
Those nights, at least for me, are few and far between. My one neighbour did mention to me one time (the next day) that we were sure loud. His name is Lionel and he's about 65-70 years old, and has lived in his apartment (which is next to mine) for over 30 years. I apologized profusely as i had had no idea that we were being that loud, to which he responded, "No! Don't apologize sunny boy. It was just that those girls were screaming all night long. I sure hope you had a great time".
To be the recipient of this man's patience, tolerance, and encouragement was truly an awesome experience. It made me proud to know that in my past i have always been much the same as him - that a little from me (a few hours sleep) can mean alot for someone else (a whole night of unconstricted fucking awesome badassness.)
While I agree he was being a bit harsh, I agree with the general premise that partiers should be the ones trying to be considerate, not the other way around. Again, it's a matter of who is imposing upon who. If your fun is bothering other people, then you should expect that they'll do something to stop your fun. I don't understand where people are coming from when they try to make it seem like the right to party is somehow of greater importance to the right to peace and quiet. If we're supposed to allow kids to be kids, then we should also allow adults to be adults. They generally do stupid shit and behave immaturely, adults generally behave more responsibly and will make efforts to curb the stupidity that kids do if it becomes a problem.
There are occasions where neighbors are too sensitive, but there are many where the partiers are being insensitive. Since this all started with Testie's story, most people are referring to his particular circumstances, i.e. not a one-night incident, immature and rude partiers, refusing the bring the party inside, a genuine need by the neighbors for sleep because of work. In a situation like this, it seems clear to me that the partiers are just disregarding and disrespecting their neighbors by ignoring the fact that their party is disturbing others who live nearby.
As to the whole "it's just sleep" argument, that's just bullshit. Just because sleep may be unimportant to you, doesn't mean it's unimportant to others. I know of many people who work long, hard hours and really value and need a good night's sleep. I've had to work late into the evening quite often recently, and I can assure you that getting even a few hours of additional sleep is very important to me in those situations. Just because a neighbor happens to be okay with your depriving them of sleep (particularly an old guy who likely doesn't have a busy work schedule), it doesn't mean that every other neighbor should as well.
You can argue respective opinions on how much you believe a person should value hours of sleep all you want, but at the end of the day it's how important the peace and quiet is to the people you're depriving of sleep that matters. You don't walk around in someone's house with your shoes on if they don't, you don't smoke in someone's house if they don't, you don't bash a religion if that household practices it devoutly, etc. The person imposing does not set the standard, it's the person who is being imposed upon. You have no right to tell people what they should and shouldn't tolerate as long as they're not being ridiculous (i.e. complaining about a party in the middle of the day or afternoon).
We're talking about people's homes, not some store or park, and people should be able to be comfortable and happy in their home without having their neighbors disturbing them with obnoxious behavior. If anyone sits back and bothers to consider other people's perspectives, I just don't see how they could possibly argue that Testie should not have done something (not necessarily what he did, i.e. shouting at them) to stop those partiers next door.
P.S. This "man up" bullshit is making me tired. Partiers can "man up" when the cops come a-callin'. If that's one of your better arguments, you need to "smart up".
On August 25 2007 12:35 pokeyAA wrote: Some people cant function worth shit with 4 hours of sleep, myself included.
Man up.
edit - i was too harsh. took out the uncalled for 'you fucking faggot' remark.
You must have an easy life, I for one need a lot of sleep and or I'm a total mess the next day. If I don't get my 8 hours of sleep I can't even stay awake at school the next day. Manning up has nothing to do with it. Some people just function well with a small amount of sleep and some don't. If you're gonna party just go out to a club or something.
buhahaha, what the fuck is that? i just sleep. when i'm tired i sleep regardless of the noise around me. i'm not taking sides but to me it seems that those fuckers that try to stop the noise are just lamers with to much self esteem > , they act like they earned it so they must enjoy it. you work for yourself not for me . it wont kill you to plug your ears once in a while. also: a decent party people person will apologise for the noise but the bitcher will always remain self righteous.
On August 26 2007 06:54 xM(Z wrote: buhahaha, what the fuck is that? i just sleep. when i'm tired i sleep regardless of the noise around me. i'm not taking sides but to me it seems that those fuckers that try to stop the noise are just lamers with to much self esteem , they act like they earned it so they must enjoy it. you work for yourself not for me . it wont kill you to plug your ears once in a while. also: a decent party people person will apologise for the noise but the bitcher will always remain self righteous.
You're an idiot.
1. How is that not taking sides? "Fuckers"? "Lamers"? Yeah, that's real neutral language. The only description I see in your post referencing party people is "decent". You're obviously not taking sides on this one.
2. If you are able to own your own house, then, yes, you've earned, and deserve, the right to be able to sleep without being woken up in the middle of the night.
3. "you work for yourself not for me" What does this even mean? A person who works hard is indeed doing so for themselves, and, no, it's not for you. How is this even remotely relevant to this discussion? A person not making money for your benefit doesn't deserve your respect and consideration? They're not asking for you to do something for them, they're asking you to not do something to them (invade the enjoyment of their home).
4. It won't kill people to plug their ears, it also wouldn't kill partiers to have fun in a way that doesn't bother their neighbors.
5. "a decent party people person will apologise for the noise but the bitcher will always remain self righteous" True. However, (1) "decent party people" wouldn't bother their neighbors in the first place, and (2) people who complain when others wake them up in the middle of the night and call the cops to make them stop when they don't do so after being asked aren't bitching, they're doing what it takes to get what they're entitled to. That's quite an assumption there that partiers are decent while the people they're bothering are "bitchers". Yeah, you're really not taking sides on this one.
These arguments in favor of partiers being entitled to waking their neighbors in the middle of the night and condemning people who are just trying to get some sleep when they're supposed to be able to just keep getting better and better.
ok, so i deserved that but still: we live in a society it supposed to be quid pro quo. you earned your house i earned mine. if i decide to throw a party you should at least meet me half ways (restriction on certain hours, one time you plug your ears other time i keep it quiet..and so on). you are entitled to your silence as i am entitled to my noise. i admit that sometimes i wrong you by making noise but why can't you admit the same for when you tell me to "HEY!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP"?. (how testie so eloquently put it).
On August 26 2007 08:08 xM(Z wrote: you are entitled to your silence as i am entitled to my noise.
What the fuck? My silence doesn't affect you whatsoever, and doesn't prevent you from doing anything. Your noise on the other hand DOES affect me, preventing me from doing anything that requires a reasonably low level of noise (sleep?).
You are NOT entitled to your noise, whereas I am by LAW entitled to my silence.
i admit that sometimes i wrong you by making noise but why can't you admit the same for when you tell me to "HEY!!! SHUT THE FUCK UP"?. (how testie so eloquently put it).
So you admit that you're "sometimes" (what?) wrong by making a lot of noise at ungodly hours, but for me to point this out and tell you to shut the fuck up is equally bad? You - and too many others in this thread - have some seriously fucked up logic.
What the fuck? My silence doesn't affect you whatsoever, and doesn't prevent you from doing anything.
it does actually. i can't make my noise. i plead the fifth. i must have the liberty to make noise.
This is stupid. MY silence does not prevent YOU from making noise. YOUR noise does prevent ME from having silence. I don't know what the hell you think you're arguing, but I suspect even you know that you don't actually have a case.
On August 26 2007 09:04 xM(Z wrote: he imposes silence
Stupidest thing I've ever heard, he isn't imposing silence. He is imposing a decent volume. I hate fuckers who have retarded ass parties in the middle of the night and blast their fucking subwoofers nonstop. You don't mind it for the first five minutes but after a while you want to jab a fork in someone's eye. I don't understand the point of excessively loud music, anyway, once every while, fine. If you're going to do it regularly sound proof your house or get fucking headphones.
if i don't have a case, you don't have a case: your silence does not prevent me from making noise. my noise does not prevent you from being silent. your argument fails because "my silence" does not equal "me having silence". i have no problem with the first but the second obligates me to act in a certain way when i'm around you.
p.s. people just chill, i'm not your scapegoat. i don't care what you do with your hippies, i'm just telling you that you are half wrong.
On August 26 2007 09:25 xM(Z wrote: if i don't have a case, you don't have a case: your silence does not prevent me from making noise. my noise does not prevent you from being silent. your argument fails because "my silence" does not equal "me having silence". i have no problem with the first but the second obligates me to act in a certain way when i'm around you.
p.s. people just chill, i'm not your scapegoat. i don't care what you do with your hippies, i'm just telling you that you are half wrong.
Silence can be broken, noise can only be stopped. The point is you can still party and keep it at a decent noise level. He's not saying don't say a peep or I'll cut out your tongue. They should be considerate and quiet enough so people can sleep at 4am while still having their fun.
i know and i agree with your opinion in this case but the things got generalised so i replied in a similar manner. i was not referring to the case in question but to a more general ideea.
On August 26 2007 09:25 xM(Z wrote: i have no problem with the first but the second obligates me to act in a certain way when i'm around you.
Jesus Christ, really? Sorta like not smoking at a gas station, not drinking in the mall and not getting naked in public? These "lame fuckers" trying to tell you what you can and can't do AGAIN?!
p.s. people just chill, i'm not your scapegoat. i don't care what you do with your hippies, i'm just telling you that you are half wrong.
Oh fuck off. We don't care how clever you think you are.
I only skimmed the post, but since Testie kept claiming he had to work the following day, I assume this inciddent occurred on a sunday-thursday (as I otherwise consider whatever party going on to be on the "accepted" list of any 20-30yrold...
The kind of revenge that you seem to have in mind is typical "danish" indirect complaint and in my opinion just wrong. I envy people that are capable of stating it directly if they have an issue. All indirect behaviour will leave you with a feeling of dissatisfaction and doubt of whether your true intention shined through. Kind of like hacking in a game you're good at in order to show people its a waste of time (I hope you can relate).
If you honestly want to get even with them file some kind of complaint on the event that took place that evening. Thats what the local police is there for. Sure they can deny everything, but it will still make a much more obvious point as you've had a relatively long problemfree relationship with your neighboors.