Happened while ago.
After playing lot of WC3 games and finaly huge amounts of SC VODs watched, I decided to get my copy.
I was excited at start, but quickly disappointed too...
I logged in B.net and started to look where to start playing, but where is Automatic matchmaking? Are you kidding. Have to make custom games, okay I can maybe life with it. So I decided to little bit get used to system by playing vs computer.
So game starts and I rally normaly nexus (protoss man) to minerals. After few sec I see then not coming back, wait they didnt even start mining. Whats the point having rally point if its not even working properly. But one thing I am happy that building pylon and shift clicking back to mineral starts mining (weird that straight from nexus dont work) correctly.
After while playing I notice mouse controlling is so hard because almost half what you do the game doesnt register that. I see lot of units not even start moving unless I do it like 5 times (maybe I click too fast?) or do long pauses per action (I did check later on with WC3 and mouse register every move I make).
Anyways building few building and I notice you cant hotkey multiple buildings, what the heck. Anyways later on I tried multiple storms by using templars. Only guy casted even if other guys had enough energy to cast storms too.
All this weird system ruined my nice expectations of game. After that testing I have only played few games with some friends. But still I hope SC2 fixes those little annoying missing features so game can be more enjoyable. I still like to watch SC games though sc2.org. I wonder how many Koreans do start playing SC after seeing on TV or do they just quit after weird play system and just watch games on TV?
Hong Kong20321 Posts
stop complaining and train up
Get a new mouse, play for a few weeks and get used to noob-friendly user interface. Never go back to warcrap.
Your entire blog can be summed up in about 2 sentences.
I bought a game, but I didnt wanna learn how to play, I just wanted it to be like other games i've played before. After realising that its not another generic RTS game i've given up and decided that it sucks.
Don't complain about something you dont know anything about. It just makes you look stupid.
Hong Kong20321 Posts
"I wonder how many Koreans do start playing SC after seeing on TV or do they just quit after weird play system and just watch games on TV?"
Seriously. Try harder. WC3 interface is too simple and noob friendly. SC interface on the other hand, is more primitive but it's also harder to use, and believe it or not that makes StarCraft A MUCH MORE COMPETITIVE GAME THAN WARCRAFT WILL EVER BE, because ITS HARD.
Train up. You seemed like a whiner, no offense meant - in the most sincere manner, consider that you need more patience with a game that's far more complex and deeper than you can probably imagine at this point. If you struggle hard enough, in one year or so you'll become decent and then you'll feel like you're on drugs high when you speed across the screen at 250 apm micro-ing the shit of every single fucking unit you got. And you won't have 20 units, like in Warcraft. You'll have 200 units, waiting to die, and 15 Gateways eagerly awaiting your command to spawn more troops. Time will slow down for you.You'll have 5 expo's to manage while you're doing this. Hards as fuck? Of course.You got out of the noob crapness of WC3 multiplayer, welcome to the real world. The world of men. Of fucking legends. Of the MANTOSS and LIM YO fucking HWAN.
If you give up so easily, imo you will REMAIN noob for as long as you live
I mean what is rate of new players appearing to SC scene.
Other way to say it, How many guys who watch Starcraft games on OGN or MBC play starcraft active (% of viewers)? Maybe I am optimist and I would say 5-10% daily basis?
I know there is new and fresh players appearing to proscene time to time, but how long will they continue playing?
I know few guys who watched these games and decided to try SC. Later on they stopped playing but still watch games. I still think majority of Korean TV viewers are like these kind of persons.
Oh and Fen (and others), if you are going to play SC2 in future. I hope you guys dont start compare SC1 to SC2 like how easy it is now... Because they are going to make it generioc RTS game like everything else nowdays.
Remember guys that SC was released 1998 (or so) when multiple building choosing wasnt really "invented" or other features. First you guys want to have SC2, now that its coming you would only like to have it 3D with same control system. Or you compare almost everything "how pros would do it", which seems weird because majority of players are going to be average players and not progamers. How many active users in this forums are playing SC for living? not many.
Just my opinions.
39489 Posts
I picked up sc and bw pretty much as soon as it came out. I never played more than 5 games online, it was single player and it for me. I was pretty much a console game player back then. When war3 came out, my brother discovered "pro" replays and we started to copy those. This was when I was in HS, so I guess 2002-2003 or so.
In the fall of 2004, I started to play war3 seriously, and watched over 1000replays for sure, devouring everything that came out on replays.net and wcreplays. I played war3 in this manner and followed the scene religiously until the winter of 2005 (18 months or so later) when I began playing sc against my korean friend after seeing OGN finals vods (encoded by mr0919), as well as the first(?)Blizzcon where Yellow won over reach.
I got absolutely trashed by my friend repeatedly, getting 1 win out of 20 games if I'm lucky against his Terran (he was zerg). But the non-linear game flow and flexibility that bw offered me was mesmerizing, and I was beginning to get hooked. Coupled with the fortunate coincidence of finding this very site (TL) and playing sc voraciously with the guys who played travian together, in 4 months I became virtually unbeatable to my once-superior friend (we both sucked though, fyi).
As one that converted from war3 back to sc, I can tell you that this game is infinitely more complex and mind-boggling, demanding the utmost out of your hand-eye and decision making.
Simply put, it is a never-ending challenge for those who pursue it.
your opinions are short, shrivelled and always to the left.
starcraft is about the game then its about the money. those who go for the money will fail because they don't know the game and those who know the game won't get the money because no one will give them money for fun. starcraft is about the passion. 10yr old kids to 40yr old mommas tasted the addiction. there is no cure. rehabilitaion does not work. you can't quit life, and postpone it means a shallow existence aimlessly searching for something to fill the void. chicks will wrinkle, thoughts will be forgotten but the itch which is starcraft will always be present. the late repenters will end up in hell for sure.
sc is an old game. people, companies who invest or want to invest in an e-sport will always go for the new games. its just good business. how many people would play wc3 if "the money" would be absent?. not many
On August 12 2007 19:18 alffla wrote: wtf
stop complaining and train up
I gotta agree with this although I do remember when I started sc:bw (never having played any other RTS before to compare it's difficulty to.) I found it counter-intuative that peons didn't automatically mine when you rallied them to minerals, but I've gotten over it after a few thousand games.
Ohhhhhh.... Now I remember why I thought that. I started out on n64 where the peons would mine automatically out of the cc/nexus/hatch, and scouts were even more cost effective at 300 minerals!
On August 12 2007 19:18 alffla wrote: wtf
stop complaining and train up
Ordinarily I'd offer the op advice and suggestions, but in these circumstances I could not agree with this post more
On August 12 2007 20:02 ohje wrote: I mean what is rate of new players appearing to SC scene.
Other way to say it, How many guys who watch Starcraft games on OGN or MBC play starcraft active (% of viewers)? Maybe I am optimist and I would say 5-10% daily basis?
I know there is new and fresh players appearing to proscene time to time, but how long will they continue playing?
I know few guys who watched these games and decided to try SC. Later on they stopped playing but still watch games. I still think majority of Korean TV viewers are like these kind of persons.
Oh and Fen (and others), if you are going to play SC2 in future. I hope you guys dont start compare SC1 to SC2 like how easy it is now... Because they are going to make it generioc RTS game like everything else nowdays.
Remember guys that SC was released 1998 (or so) when multiple building choosing wasnt really "invented" or other features. First you guys want to have SC2, now that its coming you would only like to have it 3D with same control system. Or you compare almost everything "how pros would do it", which seems weird because majority of players are going to be average players and not progamers. How many active users in this forums are playing SC for living? not many.
Just my opinions.
What do you mean? The only people who watch SC but don't play are: a) fangirls/fanboys who are in love with progamers (lol..-_-), b) noobs who can't play well, and say that watching is more fun, c) noobs who come from WC3 and say it's a difficult game...
The problem is that I started out with WC3 as well (well, SC before, but only seriously with WC3): but it was fucking boring to me. I remember as a noob asking these people on wcreplays: what the hell is with this game...why can't we actually have some action? All we have to do is creep for like 5 minutes and then in the middle of the game have one big fight with a little army? Everybody told me that this is WC3. My best Korean friend said: play Starcraft man, it's the best. I tried to resist, because when I played SC it felt weird. It felt strange. But the thing was, it was neither of these. It was because SC was hard. But I didn't give up. Even though I'm far from even averege (I've been playing since May 2007). But you train and get better.
The thing is, this isn't nostalgia. It's caring about the game in the sense of the skill level. WC3 is a very noob-friendly game. I'd like you to play WC3 pro, take a break for a year, and then come back. You could probably be just as good as when you left a week after training hard. In SC this isn't true. Strategy is constantly evolving, new players come and ideas come around.
We don't want the same control system in SC2, we want a control system which is still challenging to use and just as fun as it was in SC1. Being able to do what you can in WC3 is not fun. There is no macro in WC3, and for that matter, the definition of micro is pitiful in that game: the units go so slowly it's not even funny.
So realize that SC is a great game, it simply requires a steep learning curve. Don't expect to own it up in a game that is 9 years old, and has millions of players who almost treat the game like a religion.
WC3 sucks. It's only good for DotA.
On August 13 2007 03:48 teh leet newb wrote: WC3 sucks. It's only good for DotA.
No, WC3 just sucks in general.
On August 12 2007 19:18 alffla wrote: wtf
stop complaining and train up
pussy. you start with wc3, and expect the very same features (auto matchmaking, rally to resources, etc) on a game four years older than that? you should be bitchslapped for your massive ignorance.
On August 13 2007 03:48 teh leet newb wrote: WC3 sucks. It's only good for DotA.
DotA sucks even more.
United States24513 Posts
It seems to me like the things you focused on when first testing out starcraft are the kinds of things that matter a lot more in warcraft than starcraft. Starcraft is all about physically doing everything at the same time, so don't feel cheated when there aren't shortcuts and help features. If you don't want to play it, nobody will force you, but don't come to a starcraft community and explain how it's no good. It's an un-winnable argument.
If this is a troll, man, you own. Respect. Best troll I've seen in a while.
If this isn't...ohwell, you're a big damn retard. roflmao