On August 20 2013 04:05 GARO wrote: It's sad when most people from EU are willing to play with 200 ping on NA because of gameforge
It's not that bad. I mean the ping ofc, not failforge. Also if you have a decent ISP whish is not using cheapest uplinks possible, it's lower than 200. I have like 140-170 most of the time, and my friend from UK had about 120 when he still played.
Only thing where I can feel like I'm having such handicap is 3v3 and duels and tbh, I'm not interested in either of those. And since I played on the EU servers last year where I had 35ms, I can actually compare it. So yeah, overall it's fine, pve and BGs are perfect with that ping and pvp have it's own problems such as desync (even with 35ms on eu servers it was a problem).
I feel that you might be a little handicapped in PvE as well, depending on your class. Warriors and Zerkers feel very ping-dependent.
Yeah, maybe a lil bit. But it doesn't feels bad at all. After all some other people handicap themselfs too, like playing with default hotkey setup, which is far from the optimal one (7 to = is too far from wasd, so are F7 to F12, chain skill on the same key as jump also sucks a lot).
Anyway, the most "ping proof" classes are slayer and sorc I think. Slayer is just easy in general, so as long as you can avoid hits and use 4-5 skills, you'll be fine. From what I heard AUS gamers like it the best and they have like 250-350ms, sometimes even more. High ping sorc is like 0.5-1 skill less in every rotation, so I usually skip 1 flame barrage for that. Zerk is not hard in my opinion too. They need good positioning, but overcharge time allows that most of the time.
Pve is just easy in general, most of the wipes coming from some stupid mistakes. Also people who are playing KR version said, that the most of the new instances are balanced about abyss/agnitor/relic (new low tier set from revamped solo mode BT) sets. They are also designed to be beaten without a tank. So I'd assume that having aphrodite or even regent/mayhem set will make those instances a faceroll.
How does ping affect sorc the least when sorcs uses by far the most quantity of skills per time? Theres a noticeable difference when you miss 1-2 skills every BoC cd when you go from 40ms to 140 ms.
Sorcs are easy to play in general, that's why. You only have to move to be behind the boss on max range (unlike archers that have to be close to reach max damage output) during dps phases. As I said I skip 1 flame barrage in full rotation. Yes, that's 1 skill less than could be, but since it's a pve game with rng elements, it's doesn't really matter. I mean dps already relies on rng crits and skills resets (magma bomb in sorc's case).
And as an "old" gamers who played so many games on so many servers, from Asia to NA. I'd say, low ping only matters in highly competitive fps games, such as Q3 and CS. Even in some casual'ish fps games such as BF3 or CoD it doesnt matter that much already, same goes for SC2. I've played both EU and NA version since WoL release and I can't tell the difference between those, neither it affects my gameplay/ladder place. Asian servers are the worst for me obviously and I can feel the ping (usually 250-325, depends on the country), but even that didn't stop me from farming all end game content in multiple mmos.
TL;DR Ping is overrated, as long as it stays below 250ms and you're not playing to competitive games on very high level, it's fine.
No I am pretty sure it's not like that. The test you mentioned is very flawed, because it involves reacting to an area changing colour completely. It's not that your brain cannot react to it, it's that your EYES can't do so quickly enough.
Sorcs do require good ping, because you need to enter a bunch of combos very quickly. I don't play sorc either, but just by looking at this: http://teratoday.com/tera-guide/tera-class-guide/tera-sorcerer-guide-mocha mocha specifically mentioned ping as a factor. The problem is that Tera does not act on your commands as a queue; it merely reacts to the first command entered and as far as I know there is no input buffering.
On August 20 2013 04:05 GARO wrote: It's sad when most people from EU are willing to play with 200 ping on NA because of gameforge
It's not that bad. I mean the ping ofc, not failforge. Also if you have a decent ISP whish is not using cheapest uplinks possible, it's lower than 200. I have like 140-170 most of the time, and my friend from UK had about 120 when he still played.
Only thing where I can feel like I'm having such handicap is 3v3 and duels and tbh, I'm not interested in either of those. And since I played on the EU servers last year where I had 35ms, I can actually compare it. So yeah, overall it's fine, pve and BGs are perfect with that ping and pvp have it's own problems such as desync (even with 35ms on eu servers it was a problem).
I feel that you might be a little handicapped in PvE as well, depending on your class. Warriors and Zerkers feel very ping-dependent.
Yeah, maybe a lil bit. But it doesn't feels bad at all. After all some other people handicap themselfs too, like playing with default hotkey setup, which is far from the optimal one (7 to = is too far from wasd, so are F7 to F12, chain skill on the same key as jump also sucks a lot).
Anyway, the most "ping proof" classes are slayer and sorc I think. Slayer is just easy in general, so as long as you can avoid hits and use 4-5 skills, you'll be fine. From what I heard AUS gamers like it the best and they have like 250-350ms, sometimes even more. High ping sorc is like 0.5-1 skill less in every rotation, so I usually skip 1 flame barrage for that. Zerk is not hard in my opinion too. They need good positioning, but overcharge time allows that most of the time.
Pve is just easy in general, most of the wipes coming from some stupid mistakes. Also people who are playing KR version said, that the most of the new instances are balanced about abyss/agnitor/relic (new low tier set from revamped solo mode BT) sets. They are also designed to be beaten without a tank. So I'd assume that having aphrodite or even regent/mayhem set will make those instances a faceroll.
How does ping affect sorc the least when sorcs uses by far the most quantity of skills per time? Theres a noticeable difference when you miss 1-2 skills every BoC cd when you go from 40ms to 140 ms.
Sorcs are easy to play in general, that's why. You only have to move to be behind the boss on max range (unlike archers that have to be close to reach max damage output) during dps phases. As I said I skip 1 flame barrage in full rotation. Yes, that's 1 skill less than could be, but since it's a pve game with rng elements, it's doesn't really matter. I mean dps already relies on rng crits and skills resets (magma bomb in sorc's case).
And as an "old" gamers who played so many games on so many servers, from Asia to NA. I'd say, low ping only matters in highly competitive fps games, such as Q3 and CS. Even in some casual'ish fps games such as BF3 or CoD it doesnt matter that much already, same goes for SC2. I've played both EU and NA version since WoL release and I can't tell the difference between those, neither it affects my gameplay/ladder place. Asian servers are the worst for me obviously and I can feel the ping (usually 250-325, depends on the country), but even that didn't stop me from farming all end game content in multiple mmos.
TL;DR Ping is overrated, as long as it stays below 250ms and you're not playing to competitive games on very high level, it's fine.
Sorry, but you are pretty much wrong. Ping in this case has pretty much nothing to do with reaction times at all. You are inputing alot of button presses with a set rotation, explain to me what reaction time has to do with this? You arent reacting to any stimulus at all, simply pressing the button until the spell goes off. The issue with ping is that tera doesnt queue your actions so any increase in ping times basically adds extra delays after every spell you cast. You can see very clear evidence if this if you hold down your auto attack spell under boc; there are videos of this comparing sorcs with low and high ping. Youll see that sorcs with high ping look like they are hardly casting spells at all, while the sorc with low ping looks like a machine gun. The reason slayers arent affected as much has nothing to do with a classes "skill", its solely because slayers dont cast nearly as many skills as sorcs do. You were talking about ping in terms of pve playability. Your opinion of the skill required to play a class has nothing to do with this at all.
Also, I highly doubt you are only missing only 1 fb cast in your sorcs rotation if you are getting 250-325 ms. The rotation i used when i played several months ago was :
ltc - oc - boc - fb - hs - vp - ap - fb - mb - in - pb - fb - infusion - fb - mb - ltc - oc - fb in 15 seconds with 12.5% nostrum With 1 -2 spells moved around depending on pain blast's cd. 1 spell might have been misplaced since its been half a year since i played, so apologies in advance if 1 spell is listed incorrectly.
Simply going from 40- 140 ms means theres probably going to be 1-2 spells missed alone much less 250-325ms which means youll probably wont be able to ltc dependably and probably wont be able to ltc under boc at all.
The more spells/skills you have to use, the more ping will affect your ability to play the class. The more timing dependent your skills usage is, the more ping will affect your ability to play the class. You even gave an example of archers having to say closer in range. Sorcs stay at 12-13 m, while archers stay at 10m. wtf does this have anything to do with ping at all?
So, just got to level 60 and started doing some rep dailies. I'm starting off with the Jax's rep because that chestpiece is very strong imo. I ended up picking up some random necklaces on the broker, as well as grabbing Conspirator's Axe, Fist of Fury & Deathstained Greaves. I spent maybe ~2k for all this gear. I actually thought what the hell and ended up getting Conspirator's Axe up to +9. (Probably not the best idea since it's only t13 but /shrug, why not)
Item level is up to 148 or so now, so I assume now it just comes down to keep rep farming, do dungeons and just keep getting better and better gear.
I'm wondering more about PvP gear though. I have a good chunk of Bellinium credits so I'm wondering if I should buy the full Fraywind set? Or people are talking about a Conjuct set, but I have no clue what that is. Is there a good site to learn all this stuff? I can't find much at all online or if I do it's basically months, if not years old.
Lastly, is getting lots of PvP gear even worth it? Seems really weird since you can do all these equalized battlegrounds. I suppose if I did more 3v3 PvP gear would be amazing but I'm a Berserker...with ~150ping...so most likely that's not going to happen. lol
/shrug, everything I bought was only like 100-200gold each, and they were all instant upgrades so I thought, w/e. Especially since doing these dailies that take like 15 minutes I end up getting like 1k gold or so. Finally did some Vault stuff, got a very nice ring. Already replaced one of the ones I bought. Did my first nexus as well, so slowly getting that rep & tokens. Mmmm!
On August 20 2013 04:05 GARO wrote: It's sad when most people from EU are willing to play with 200 ping on NA because of gameforge
It's not that bad. I mean the ping ofc, not failforge. Also if you have a decent ISP whish is not using cheapest uplinks possible, it's lower than 200. I have like 140-170 most of the time, and my friend from UK had about 120 when he still played.
Only thing where I can feel like I'm having such handicap is 3v3 and duels and tbh, I'm not interested in either of those. And since I played on the EU servers last year where I had 35ms, I can actually compare it. So yeah, overall it's fine, pve and BGs are perfect with that ping and pvp have it's own problems such as desync (even with 35ms on eu servers it was a problem).
I feel that you might be a little handicapped in PvE as well, depending on your class. Warriors and Zerkers feel very ping-dependent.
Yeah, maybe a lil bit. But it doesn't feels bad at all. After all some other people handicap themselfs too, like playing with default hotkey setup, which is far from the optimal one (7 to = is too far from wasd, so are F7 to F12, chain skill on the same key as jump also sucks a lot).
Anyway, the most "ping proof" classes are slayer and sorc I think. Slayer is just easy in general, so as long as you can avoid hits and use 4-5 skills, you'll be fine. From what I heard AUS gamers like it the best and they have like 250-350ms, sometimes even more. High ping sorc is like 0.5-1 skill less in every rotation, so I usually skip 1 flame barrage for that. Zerk is not hard in my opinion too. They need good positioning, but overcharge time allows that most of the time.
Pve is just easy in general, most of the wipes coming from some stupid mistakes. Also people who are playing KR version said, that the most of the new instances are balanced about abyss/agnitor/relic (new low tier set from revamped solo mode BT) sets. They are also designed to be beaten without a tank. So I'd assume that having aphrodite or even regent/mayhem set will make those instances a faceroll.
How does ping affect sorc the least when sorcs uses by far the most quantity of skills per time? Theres a noticeable difference when you miss 1-2 skills every BoC cd when you go from 40ms to 140 ms.
Sorcs are easy to play in general, that's why. You only have to move to be behind the boss on max range (unlike archers that have to be close to reach max damage output) during dps phases. As I said I skip 1 flame barrage in full rotation. Yes, that's 1 skill less than could be, but since it's a pve game with rng elements, it's doesn't really matter. I mean dps already relies on rng crits and skills resets (magma bomb in sorc's case).
And as an "old" gamers who played so many games on so many servers, from Asia to NA. I'd say, low ping only matters in highly competitive fps games, such as Q3 and CS. Even in some casual'ish fps games such as BF3 or CoD it doesnt matter that much already, same goes for SC2. I've played both EU and NA version since WoL release and I can't tell the difference between those, neither it affects my gameplay/ladder place. Asian servers are the worst for me obviously and I can feel the ping (usually 250-325, depends on the country), but even that didn't stop me from farming all end game content in multiple mmos.
TL;DR Ping is overrated, as long as it stays below 250ms and you're not playing to competitive games on very high level, it's fine.
Sorry, but you are pretty much wrong. Ping in this case has pretty much nothing to do with reaction times at all. You are inputing alot of button presses with a set rotation, explain to me what reaction time has to do with this? You arent reacting to any stimulus at all, simply pressing the button until the spell goes off. The issue with ping is that tera doesnt queue your actions so any increase in ping times basically adds extra delays after every spell you cast. You can see very clear evidence if this if you hold down your auto attack spell under boc; there are videos of this comparing sorcs with low and high ping. Youll see that sorcs with high ping look like they are hardly casting spells at all, while the sorc with low ping looks like a machine gun. The reason slayers arent affected as much has nothing to do with a classes "skill", its solely because slayers dont cast nearly as many skills as sorcs do. You were talking about ping in terms of pve playability. Your opinion of the skill required to play a class has nothing to do with this at all.
Also, I highly doubt you are only missing only 1 fb cast in your sorcs rotation if you are getting 250-325 ms. The rotation i used when i played several months ago was :
ltc - oc - boc - fb - hs - vp - ap - fb - mb - in - pb - fb - infusion - fb - mb - ltc - oc - fb in 15 seconds with 12.5% nostrum With 1 -2 spells moved around depending on pain blast's cd. 1 spell might have been misplaced since its been half a year since i played, so apologies in advance if 1 spell is listed incorrectly.
Simply going from 40- 140 ms means theres probably going to be 1-2 spells missed alone much less 250-325ms which means youll probably wont be able to ltc dependably and probably wont be able to ltc under boc at all.
The more spells/skills you have to use, the more ping will affect your ability to play the class. The more timing dependent your skills usage is, the more ping will affect your ability to play the class. You even gave an example of archers having to say closer in range. Sorcs stay at 12-13 m, while archers stay at 10m. wtf does this have anything to do with ping at all?
edit: typo
140-170ms here, so don't really know how it's playing Tera with 250+. But I did some instances with lancer who's living in AUS and playing with almost 300ms ping. He did his job just fine. Although when I tried OB of B&S (~300ms) it wasn't so nice indeed, but still playable. Also as I mentioned, I did played on the EU servers last year. So I DO know how it plays with 35ms and how it plays with ~155ms. All pve and most of pvp stuff is fine, don't see big difference at all. Obviously I won't say it's 100% the same, but as I said already.. How many Tera players playing with 100% optimization in everything? Skill/latency/hardware/input devices wise. It's not a big deal really if someone won't fit another skill to the combo for whatever reason it is, high latency or just low fps (thanks to "amazing" Tera's optimization, esp for AMD machines).
And I mentioned archers just because they always have to move in and out of 10m range, while sorcs may stay at ~15m all the time if tank is good enough. So in my opinion, sorcs are just easier to play in general. Maybe the most easy of all Tera's classes. And since it's so easy, there's a bigger room for a small handicap like high ping. Although, in such casual game it doesn't really matters, as long as your ping won't screw your rotation/chained skills it's fine.
On August 24 2013 05:29 SidianTheBard wrote: /shrug, everything I bought was only like 100-200gold each, and they were all instant upgrades so I thought, w/e. Especially since doing these dailies that take like 15 minutes I end up getting like 1k gold or so. Finally did some Vault stuff, got a very nice ring. Already replaced one of the ones I bought. Did my first nexus as well, so slowly getting that rep & tokens. Mmmm!
You want abyss/dismay gear. They are pretty cheap so it shouldnt be a huge problem. Abysd weapon at +12 is more than enough to run everything.
I think you are trying to argue a different point than I am. I am saying that ping affects sorcs a lot more than you think since they have more spells they have to cast, which means each cast is impacted by the ping, while other classes have less spells to cast which means the total delays caused by increased ping is less. I am not talking about skill at all.
If i have to cast 20 spells in 10 seconds with 100 ms more latency then i can lose 2 (20 * .1)seconds of dps time in that time span.
If i have to cast 5 spells in 10 seconds with 100 ms more latency then i can lose .5 (5 * .1)seconds of dps time in that time span.
Again, this has nothing to do with skill of any class at all. I am saying ping affects sorcs quite a bit since it adds delays on every spell cast they make, and sorcs make more spell casts than any other class. Ping affects the ability of the classes to dodge and iframe attacks equally so thats a nonfactor.
this is going to sound very noob....but how do you talk in raid? it's usually /raid but nope...i know global, area, trade, whispers, pretty much everything but for the life of me I can't figure out raid lol.
On August 25 2013 11:23 SidianTheBard wrote: this is going to sound very noob....but how do you talk in raid? it's usually /raid but nope...i know global, area, trade, whispers, pretty much everything but for the life of me I can't figure out raid lol.
I took your advice and picked up a voidcutter for my weapon. Have it only at +7 right now because the gold sink is a pain in the ass. Been doing Vault constantly, have all the best neckalces & rings from that. Doing Nexus as much as I can. Although, it seems whenever I go to do a nexus and select the "join a public raid" or whatever option, it puts me in a group with only like 2 or 3 other people. It's happened 3 times now, which means I can't actually do the nexus raid instance afterwards.
It's bad though, because I log on, do my 10 dailies, do vault, do nexus...annnd...I'm already leveling up an alt lol. Decided to go for a priest, already got him up to 18. Forgot how fast those early levels go.
I took your advice and picked up a voidcutter for my weapon. Have it only at +7 right now because the gold sink is a pain in the ass. Been doing Vault constantly, have all the best neckalces & rings from that. Doing Nexus as much as I can. Although, it seems whenever I go to do a nexus and select the "join a public raid" or whatever option, it puts me in a group with only like 2 or 3 other people. It's happened 3 times now, which means I can't actually do the nexus raid instance afterwards.
It's bad though, because I log on, do my 10 dailies, do vault, do nexus...annnd...I'm already leveling up an alt lol. Decided to go for a priest, already got him up to 18. Forgot how fast those early levels go.
I am not sure which server you are playing on, but you can press Y to see the LFG postings. On Tempest Reach you can tell nexus is starting soon just by looking at the LFG board because there are probably more than 20 groups out there recruiting people.
Voidcutter is definitely the place to start. Try to either buy Abyss boots or get the Dismay version from KN10.
Ahh gotcha. It's pretty sad how much of a noob I still am even though I'm max level. Too much solo play. Although, I did pretty much every 5man instance story quest, but /shrug. I'm actually on TR as well.
On August 25 2013 17:09 SidianTheBard wrote: Ahh gotcha. It's pretty sad how much of a noob I still am even though I'm max level. Too much solo play. Although, I did pretty much every 5man instance story quest, but /shrug. I'm actually on TR as well.
It does seem that Abyss prices are shooting up like crazy. I swear two weeks ago they were the same as fodder. I guess you can probably do some KN10's.
On August 25 2013 17:09 SidianTheBard wrote: Ahh gotcha. It's pretty sad how much of a noob I still am even though I'm max level. Too much solo play. Although, I did pretty much every 5man instance story quest, but /shrug. I'm actually on TR as well.
It does seem that Abyss prices are shooting up like crazy. I swear two weeks ago they were the same as fodder. I guess you can probably do some KN10's.
People farm less now. Alliance patch, FF14 etc Not the best time to gear up atm for sure. So maybe it's worth to hold for a bit, like level an alt or something, or just do some dailies/nexus to farm some gold. When we get the next patch abyss will be like fodder (acnm will drop those), and regents will cost like an abyss now. Maybe not right away after the patch, but very soon. Also it will be possible to solo farm adonis set with 500+ base stats over VM. Apparently it's not that great compard to other new sets, but it will be a nice start.
On August 25 2013 17:09 SidianTheBard wrote: Ahh gotcha. It's pretty sad how much of a noob I still am even though I'm max level. Too much solo play. Although, I did pretty much every 5man instance story quest, but /shrug. I'm actually on TR as well.
It does seem that Abyss prices are shooting up like crazy. I swear two weeks ago they were the same as fodder. I guess you can probably do some KN10's.
People farm less now. Alliance patch, FF14 etc Not the best time to gear up atm for sure. So maybe it's worth to hold for a bit, like level an alt or something, or just do some dailies/nexus to farm some gold. When we get the next patch abyss will be like fodder (acnm will drop those), and regents will cost like an abyss now. Maybe not right away after the patch, but very soon. Also it will be possible to solo farm adonis set with 500+ base stats over VM. Apparently it's not that great compard to other new sets, but it will be a nice start.
But that probably wont be happening for a month and the adonia set is bop... so you actually do need some gear to run it. Also +12 abyss glove can be reused for the MF contents since it is just glove.
Actually, after looking at the numbers a bit, the adonis set is most likely WORSE than regent and maybe abyss as well, because the enchant line changes. You can only get about half the attack speed compared to current weapons and the +9 power is gone. Also adonis only has 3 6 9 enchantment lines.
There will be 2 versions of new adonis/aphrodite sets I believe. One is bop and one is boe. Boe droprate is much lower than bop though. But adonis set can be solo farmed. I think someone said even with kanstria rep.
And yeah, it has less lines, but that what it makes it perfect starting set. It has much higher base stats than current VM, and 4.5% more damage bonus on a DPS/tank weapons (so it makes for lacking boss/back damage with just this one bonus). It has less lines to roll, means cheaper to get proper stats (it also can't roll pvp stats I believe, just like mayhem) and it's easy to MW. Someone did a math, it's roughly 11-12% weaker than VM because it's lacking enchantment lines, but high base makes up for it.
I think it'll be pretty much the same as Dreamkeeper>agnitor/abyss for a DPS (when both are +12). DK is a little better (thx to enrage phases) if believe to all those maths from the net, even though it has lower base stats. But since agnitor/abyss is so easy to get, no one were bothering with crafting DK for ages. Not to mention possible instant "lol t13" kicks from the most of the parties. Tera NA is all about ilvl, sadly.
P.S. Also were checking stuff about new sets. Upgrading adonis to aphrodite require some mats that are used to make pve version of VMv2. And those are not so easy to get. Just been wondering what's the optimal upgrade route will be (without current VM). Guess I'll have to wait 'till patch will be released to see the actual difference between VM2 and aphrodite.
So yeah, beside healer weapons I see very little point in getting adonis. Aphrophite is definitively better than regent/abyss, but to my understanding you do need to run MFHM yourself for some of the materials, so you do need some items in preparation of it.
Still, it's a perfect set for new players and even alts. No need anyone to carry your low geared alt in KNXX and no need to spend thousands to MW regents.
Seen that upgrading adonis to aphrodite gives a MW +10 piece of equip. So it might be worth it after all if you don't need a pve VMv2, although it will depend on how expensive/rare mats are for upgrade and at what rate aphrodite set drops in MFHM and MCHM.