So over the last six months or so I've been messing around with some of the old, famous games that I've never played, specifically the first Deus Ex and the second Thief. The problem is that I find that I cannot play either for very long without getting a MASSIVE headache. Deus Ex I can play for about two hours before it starts getting really bad but I can only play Thief 2 for about 20 minutes before it gets so bad that I have to go to sleep. Iv never had this problem before I don't remember having this problem when I played Half-Life 1 as a kid and I never get this kind of headache playing games with modern graphics, which is what I hear is the cause of most headaches in people.
My best guess for whats causing this is the headbob combined with the blocky graphics, does anybody else have this problem?
edit- Listen to this https://soundcloud.com/raisinhill/the-ridge
Could be an issue with the field of view, as I always get motion sickness if I play games with a FOV <90 for too long. I know that for games like Half life 2 you can adjust it in the console (maybe even in game nowadays) but you'll have to check online on a game by game basis to see if/how this is possible.
Thanks, il search around for a fix for Thief 2 and see if I find any improvement
Sounds like a FOV problem like Erik said. I've heard of that giving people headaches before.
Headbob and/or FOV, pretty sure. Absolute worst case what helped for my gf in games where it wasn't adjustable easily was changing the distance to the monitor.
IIRC Deus Ex has a console you can type things into to make the bobbing stop.
I really hate headbob, I always turn it off if it's present.
Low FOV also often makes people feel sick. I really doubt the blockiness is responsible.
headbob in modern games doesnt bother me at all though, its really odd.
I get motion sick while playing those games too. It's really bad in fallout 3, a bit less in deus ex. Sucks so hard
Don't know about that, but I've the same problems. I can't play Dark Force (the first one) more than 10 minutes, Half-Life became hard too, and they aren't the only ones.
I thought you were talking about the clunky controls in old fps when I read the title. A few days ago I popped GoldenEye in my N64 for the first time in forever and I was like WTF are these controls. I only played for a few minutes before the extremely bad controls made me rage quit.
Have friends who get this with Minecraft, dont play minecraft
They havent found anything that helps yet
Listened to the sound cloud (or really, listening right now) really mellow stuff. I could totally chill to this.
Yeah, the music was awesome