Another fun eSports sketch inspired by ToD and his choke-out victory over Stephano. I quite enjoyed watching the match, but was quite frustrated at the commentary. ToD was slowly choking out the Zerg giant Stephano, while not using a unit that was commonly used in the matchup. ToD’s decision to not use the standard meta-game strat along with his sheer fighter's will to overpower his opponent made for one of the most entertaining matches I’ve seen yet.
I understand that commentator’s are committed to be honest about how they feel the game is going. It must also be tough as a commentator to be witnessing an approach to a matchup that they are unfamiliar with. I would only hope they would lend more respect and credibility to a pro player that is clearly beating a world champion. Perhaps assuming that the player is making a strategic choice rather than a strategic mistake would be a better perspective to commentate from in the future.
As a positive example, I believe Artosis has always been honest and respectful when he is seeing a player conducting a strategy he is unfamiliar with. Artosis will usually comment that he has no idea what the plan is, but that he is just as interested as the audience as to how it pans out. Usually commentating that if it turns out to be successful he’ll be adding the build to his personal playbook.
GL HF much <3