[Dual 2R] KTF By.Flash Interview: "I want to fight against SaviOr because he was last season's winner."
-최연소 스타리거가 됐다.
▶아직 어리둥절하고 얼떨떨하다. 예전 최연소 스타리거였던 염보성 선수보다 더 높은 곳으로 올라가겠다.
-You are the youngest OSL participant ever.
▶I still can't believe I got into the OSL. I will go further in the tournament than Sea[Shield], who was the youngest OSL participant before me.
-'바이오닉 천재'로 명성이 자자했다.
▶부풀려진 것도 있는 것 같다. 스스로는 대단하다고 생각하지 않는다. 주위에서 많이들 띄워주시곤 하는데 감흥은 별로 없다.
-You have been dubbed 'Bionic Genius' <= the next nada?
▶I think my control has been exaggerated, because I don't think it's that great. People around me keep boosting me up but it feels like they're overdoing it.
-어려운 조에 속했는데.
▶올라가기 힘들겠다는 생각과 열심히 해야겠다는 생각을 했다. 어제는 아파서 연습을 많이 못 했지만 다른 시간에는 열심히 연습했다.
-You have fallen into a tough group.
▶I gave it some thought and decided it was going to be hard to get out of the groups and that I needed to work hard. I was sick yesterday so I couldn't practice but I practiced hard in other times.
-학업과 병행한다고 들었다.
▶오늘도 오전 수업 끝나고 왔다. 학교에 다니면서 게임을 하는게 힘들긴 하지만 이제 오래돼서 익숙하다. 평일에는 오후수업까지 다 하고 숙소로 돌아온다.
-I hear that you go to high school and do progaming at the same time(!)
▶I came here after my morning classes today. It is tough to go to school and be a progamer at the same time but I am used to it now since I've been doing this for a long time. On normal days I even get through my afternoon classes then go to the team's training room to practice.
-승자전에서 타이밍이 좋았다.
▶커세어를 많이 뽑길래 당황했다. 그래도 빈틈이 보이길래 캐리어가 막 나오는 타이밍을 노렸다. 멀티를 하나 부쉈기 때문에 미네랄이 부족할 것으로 판단하고 캐리어의 인터셉터만 노렸다.
-You showed a good sense of timing in the winner's match.
▶I was taken off-guard because my opponent produced a lot of corsairs. But I saw an opening and went for the timing when the carriers would JUST come out. I only went for the interceptors since I felt the opponent wouldn't have that many minerals after I took out one of his expos.
-스타리그에서 붙고 싶은 선수는.
▶현재까지 진출한 선수 중에서는 신희승 선수다. 닮았다는 얘기를 많이 들어서다(웃음). 마재윤 선수와도 붙고 싶다. 지난 시즌 우승자이기 때문에 꼭 붙어보고 싶다.
-Who do you want to meet in the OSL.
▶From the ones who have entered into the starleague, I want to play against Upmagic because people tell me I look like him (laugh) I want to fight against SaviOr too because he was last season's winner.
-스타리그 목표는.
▶일단 목표는 8강이다. 너무 높은 목표를 잡아봤자 이루지 못하면 허무하다. 그래서 현실적인 목표를 잡았다.
-What is your goal in the OSL.
▶First it's getting to the round of 8. I don't want to reach for a goal that's too far away because I don't want to be discouraged by not getting there. I chose this goal because this is the more realistic goal to reach for.