It´s was a lovely Sunday morning. I start-up starcraft to do some awesome hardcore laddering with terran. I´m on a good mood and will probably get promoted in a couple of games to diamond, killing my diamond opponents like flies! I start searching for a game and get a protoss called SHARAMBO. I feel confident because I have my 1rax fe into 5 rax mass marines push on lock. I scout him and see double gas. The first though that comes to my mind is a some kind of 3/4gate stargate all-in. I still feel confident because my build is really strong against it. I keep scouting and assumes he did a proxy building placement. I start to build some bunkers. Suddenly I see a moving glimmer moving past my bunkers. I facepalm so hard because I had forgotten that there was a unit called dt that protoss had in it´s arsenal, even after my 3000ish played games I forget that... I see the dt´s running into my main so I box all my scv´s to my expo. Why did he only attack one place at once??? Better to split them up, right? Well he runs after my scv´s and I scan and attack move with all my marines and scv´s. Well 5 dt´s kills alot of workers it seems so had I had like 5 workers left after that and I realize I´m like so dead and I just type gg and leave from the game. That game didn´t affect my mood, realized I did a stupid mistake and start looking forward for my next game. But then this SHARAMBO starts typing to me.(We didn´t type anything in game expect my gg at the end) Well after that I didn´t feel like playing anymore. I know I shouldn't be affected by this but well it´s not fun to ladder when you have opponents as that. Of to watch a movie or something like that instead. gg no re
BMing players can get on my nerves most of the time. Still I just play along and just "ROFLMAO" and just play as I go. Although it's players that like that make me want to end the match in my favor at any cost just to see them rage some more.
On January 07 2013 01:24 sweetbabyjesus wrote: Does anyone know how to block a persons messaging in game? Thought I heard it was possible somewhere but can't figure out how to do it.
maybe /ignore username? but idk about sc2 for that
This is why I'm not playing on ladder any more. I'm in a really challenging part of my life right now and just do not have the emotional shielding available to deal with that kind of bullshit.
The saddest part, I think, is that people seem to think it's okay to treat others poorly. And not just the people who are mean, but a lot of people you tell about it, too.
And... yeah, I know I sound really butthurt. All I can say is I've lived too many years working customer service, and with an abusive husband. I've been left with no faith that humanity can be pleasant to other people. We've started to treat the other humans in our lives like NPCs in an RPG... You know, do whatever you want to them: so long as you don't get caught it won't matter... after all, they aren't real, right? (For the record I enjoy playing RPGs)
On January 07 2013 01:24 sweetbabyjesus wrote: Does anyone know how to block a persons messaging in game? Thought I heard it was possible somewhere but can't figure out how to do it.
Anyways, you just gotta learn to love the tears just drink it all up and laugh at them Makes them more mad and you more happy. Win-Win.
Press F11 and then block communcations symbol next to the player's name
Haha, i admit i am affected too a little bit by these type of people,but often i AMAZED at what some people write,where do they come up with that stuff? I just play after trying not to think about what was said before.
Apparently this is some kind of anger release for him/her. You're unlucky you were the target. Did you provoke him before? The screenshots don't show the beginning of the conversation.
On January 07 2013 06:38 FlaShFTW wrote: i block comm with anyone who cheeses me
Hahaha, seems a bit excessive to me but percentage of players who bm and cheese seems higher in my experience. Don't forget to post the screen caps to the awesome and confusing BM thread.
Sad that is that 90% of hackers fit that profile, so let's reverse it even though it's a terrible and unfounded method and conclude him guilty! I'm sure you could lawyer a bunch of people into falling into that illogical trap!