And the maps. My god, the maps. All the maps used in the last 10 months are pretty much dead to me. I have seen all the games I want to see on them. I have played them enough. I want them gone, removed and done away with. I’ll play on Scrap Station before I play on Daybreak again.
So how do I keep myself pumped up for 2013? Well there are a number of ways, but twitter is a good start. Good things are happening there for SC2 and it keeps me pumped up for the future. These people keep me pumped up when TL brings me down with the same rehashed thread about design.
All of TL, from Tyler to Rich:
These guys post some good stuff and are pretty objective on the whole scene. Plus Rich is pretty funny. You can find their twitters on this site.
EGIdra and EGIncontrol: @EGiNcontrol and @idrajit
Love them or hate them, they are both amusing and pumped in their own way. Idra’s dry humor comes through really well on twitter. Incontrol loves bull dogs.
Sundance: @MLGSundance
The man posts some funny stuff and lets his ideas be known through twitter. He is clearly pumped up for 2013 and I am excited to find out why.
Dan Stemkoski: @Artosis
No further information needed. Pumped for Starcraft. Also, funny baby tweets.
SC2 Quote of the Day: @Sc2quotes
The best part of SC2 on twitter for 2012
DJWheat: @djWHEAT
Wheat is always good and you get to know what is up with other Esports.
JP McDaiel itmeJP
State of the Game, for no other reason than that
Dustin Brrowder: @DustinBrowder
Some of the discussions and tweets he puts out there are interesting. You can see when he ladders. Also Nanwia trolls him a lot, so that’s pretty great. Worth everymoment
So if all the doomsayers and BW dogmatists have are getting you down, or you just miss people who were just excited for the next event or match up, twitter is the place to go.
Edit: Fixing some format stuff