On December 14 2012 15:42 Eppa! wrote: Ok the top issues with Sivir: 500 range -> the terrible thing about her, Vayne is 550; 50 range is huge in lane. 500 basically means your in range for all bruiser abilities in team fights. 2: She wants a pokey or zoning support so she can live through AA harass until she some mid game items. Leona is terrible at this, Blitz is decent, Zyra is decent. These are the champs that can be used so she can be threatening to the Vayne.
500 vs 650 range is a joke easy MU for Cait you don't use Q or W and its super easy: push, ward deep then zone. Leona, Ali and Taric are reallly weak vs cait as their range is so much shorter than her AA. Cait can easily start Dorans blade.
She is fine mid and lategame but unless they pick Ez or Graves before you blindpicking Sivir is suicide, Vayne is just so much better mid and lategame.
the 500 range thing is the only thing that keeps sivir from being so OP..
IMo she has 2 escapes, E and her ULT. she can gain back manna which makes it hard for any spell based support to harrass, Yes she has a shorter range and can be poked but the move speed and Q are always there to scare your opponent..
I main sivir and i don't really think she has a "weak" match up.. I also think she has one of the strongest late games just because of her ult and her ridic aspeed + escapes mean you cant pin her down.. and if your losing you cant really escape her..
Sivir + taric is on scary ass lane from level 2-3 onwards because one stun , one shield break and you may have a dead support/carry
She does however need some protection mid game from her team like all carrys
On topic the patch notes look good
So, Diana's q range is now longer than her ult, which will lead to the hilarious situation where hitting your q makes it impossible to ult to follow up because you had to stop a split second to cast and are no longer in range. Dysfunctional champ skill synergy goooo
Flat Armor Penetration reduced to 10 from 15 and is now UNIQUE What does that mean exactly?
You can now no longer stack black cleavers and have the base armor penetration stack as well, which is a big deal considering how it already shreds a percentage then takes off the flat pen thanks to the changes they made.
RIP league of cleavers. It was fun while it lasted.
Still a strong item. Not brokenly strong, but still good.
On December 14 2012 19:26 Lixo wrote: what riot REALLY needs to nerf is the dodging, it is getting ridiculous. I wanna play a game I spend half of the game duration in selection screen. Literally.
Yesterday I endured what must have been about 20 que dodges because some jerk on my side of the draft kept calling top and being really belligerent about it. Then someone on the other team would dodge when no one on our team dodged, so it took like 30 minutes to get a game started while the dodges ping ponged back and forth.
I thought the main instigator eventually dodged, but he ended up on the other team as Malzahar mid and went 0-5-4, while I killed him multiple times as support Sona. It almost made it worth it.
On December 14 2012 21:14 Cubu wrote:What does that mean exactly?
It means 2 BC's gives you 10 ArPen, not 20.
Edit: BC is still incredible value, and probably still broken on champs like Talon/Garen/Panth/etc.
On December 14 2012 16:05 Sufficiency wrote:Sivir's AA animation sucks? :S Show nested quote +On December 14 2012 15:42 Eppa! wrote: Ok the top issues with Sivir: 500 range -> the terrible thing about her, Vayne is 550; 50 range is huge in lane. 500 basically means your in range for all bruiser abilities in team fights. 2: She wants a pokey or zoning support so she can live through AA harass until she some mid game items. Leona is terrible at this, Blitz is decent, Zyra is decent. These are the champs that can be used so she can be threatening to the Vayne.
500 vs 650 range is a joke easy MU for Cait you don't use Q or W and its super easy: push, ward deep then zone. Leona, Ali and Taric are reallly weak vs cait as their range is so much shorter than her AA. Cait can easily start Dorans blade.
She is fine mid and lategame but unless they pick Ez or Graves before you blindpicking Sivir is suicide, Vayne is just so much better mid and lategame. Sivir *does* have 310 speed, a Q that does obnoxious amount of damage (if hits twice), an autoreset, a spellshield that refunds mana, and (imo) one of the most broken passives in the game.
I couldn't help but read your opinion of Sivir's passive and just think "herp derp Darius" His kit has everything :/ (*Except an escape)
After some consideration, i have concluded that i hate the new jungle. You either farm, and stay relevant midgame, or you gank all the time from level 3 on and become incredibly useless incredibly fast. If you don't gank, you lanes just fail and die, and then blame you. If you gank and are successful, they will probably still fail and blame you, but now you are also useless in any fight later on. You have to spend your first 1000g on items that do literally NOTHING except clear the jungle, making you unable to fight anyone 1v1. Which is in my opinion the worst part of all. I don't want items that do nothing. I want cool items, like i could buy before, and still be able to clear the jungle reasonably.
On December 14 2012 19:30 Zhiroo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2012 19:26 Bladeorade wrote: Oh my god they fucking butchered my favorite champ.
R.I.P. Mid diana
Jungle diana still viable but that 150 range nerf... Why That's good. She wasn't supposed to be a mid. But she can't do shit as a jungler.
Why did they nerf her SO HARD. Like, I understand nerfing her. But wtf, this is what they did to orianna (actually, was that nerf even as bad?) and it's just going to bait them into re-buffing her in 6 months and she'll be OP again.
When else have they nerfed a champions Q, W, E, and R in the same patch?
Well orianna is still super good. And zyra also got the stick quite hard.
On December 14 2012 22:05 Argoth. wrote: Well orianna is still super good. And zyra also got the stick quite hard.
Zyra is still perfectly fine.
On December 14 2012 11:38 PrinceXizor wrote: as long as it's comfortable up there for you guys i really don't give a shit what you guys are saying.
User was temp banned for this post. I hope this was a 90 day ban, which would make him p90x
On December 14 2012 22:05 Argoth. wrote: Well orianna is still super good. And zyra also got the stick quite hard. But she had to be rebuffed after the nerfs before anyone would play her. Fortunately rather than buff the things they nerfed, they made her kit work/combo properly.
Well Diana's nerf is not that bad, the ult range was just too big.
Are you kidding? Her ult and q dont work together now... They wrecked her with the ult nerf
750 range is still fkn huge, not sure what you're all complaining about. Just because Q is still a long range poke doesn't mean that you can't close in before trying to Q/ult.
On December 14 2012 22:32 Bladeorade wrote: Are you kidding? Her ult and q dont work together now... They wrecked her with the ult nerf Broke her for everyone that plays her...? Or fixed her for everyone else?
Broke her for everyone that plays her...?
higher mana cost and reduced dmg on Q alone would have been better than destroying the synergy between Q and Ult. Also her Q is very easy to dodge once you have played her and know how it's traveling.